
Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

author:Pear L

Cole duck

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

The English name of the Cole duck is "Call duck", which is generally called "pet duck" in China, and is also translated as a small duck. Native to the Netherlands, the Kohl duck has snow-white feathers and a lifespan of 6 to 12 years, and is often kept as a pet because of its small size and cute appearance.

"Cole Duck Trivia"

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

Some time ago, there was a wave of duck smoking on the Internet. For a while, ducks became the bearers of the meme world. Later, a dynamic news of Wang Sicong on Instagram stirred up a thousand waves, he told everyone that he had to spend a lot of money to buy two ducks. What kind of duck fascinates the principal?

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

Cole duck is snow-white, cute and cute, and has an outstanding temperament, which is by no means comparable to ordinary ducks. When we read the literature of the nineteenth century, we may find evidence of the existence of the Cole duck. Some people believe that the Kohl duck was bred in the Netherlands. During this period, the Kohl duck was considered to be of great help to hunters in hunting, so it also gained the reputation of "Dutch duck hunting".

"The Life Habits of the Cole Duck"

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

(1) Love water, gregarious Cole duck likes to be in water. Seek food, play, courtship and mate, and are gregarious, suitable for grazing or captivity.

(2) Like to eat omnivorous. Cole duck's sense of smell, taste is not developed, and the taste of feed. The road is not very demanding. Whether it is fine, roughage or green feed, or insects, earthworms, fish and shrimp, etc. can be used as the feed of Kohl ducks. Material. You can make full use of rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. Then graze the land to raise cole ducks.

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

(3) Life is regular Cole ducks are responsive and easy to train and adjust. Grazing, foraging, splashing, resting, mating and egg laying throughout the day can form a certain time pattern. This law is formed once formed. It's not easy to change. When grazing, the morning is generally used for foraging. Food is the main thing, and noon is mainly water and rest; At noon, it is generally based on splashing and resting, foraging for food, and resting in the afternoon. Rest, occasionally playing and foraging. Mating activity is more early. Performed in the morning and at dusk when splashing in the water. Egg laying is concentrated in the second half of the night. Peak egg season 1. Usually in the spring, moulting begins in the summer and production is gradually discontinued.

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

(4) No body odor. The body odor on the Cole duck is not as heavy as that of ordinary ducks, and if it is properly cleaned, it will not have any taste. Therefore, the Cole duck does not have to bathe often, and the Cole duck does not shed hair, which is why people love it.

"Cole Duck Notes"

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

1. Temperature

Raising Cole ducks needs to pay attention to the change of weather temperature, once the temperature decreases, it is necessary to keep the Cole duck warm in time, otherwise once cold, it will seriously affect the health of the Cole duck.

2. Diet

Raising Cole ducks needs to maintain a light diet to avoid excessive oil and salt, otherwise it is easy to have symptoms such as hair loss and thinning. It is also necessary to ensure that the diet is nutritious during the feeding period to prevent malnutrition.

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

3. Hygiene

Disease prevention is also one of the precautions for raising kohl ducks, so it is necessary to clean cole ducks every day. Care should also be taken to care for the feathers of the Cole duck to avoid feathers.

Foods eaten by humans, processed foods, high sugar, high salt, additives, etc. should not be fed

4. Foods with high fruit acid

Citrus, lemon, pineapple

Cole Duck "Hermes of the duck world"

5. Irritating food

Green onion, ginger, garlic, leek, onion

6. Not easy to digest food

Chocolate, milk, preserves, avocados, cabbage, various kernel pits, mangoes, eggplants, kelp, etc

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