
Why avoid "Brokeback Mountain", whose life is not "love"

author:Peach Blossom Garden on life

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I wanted to bravely say this heartfelt word that wanted to stop talking. The ruthlessness of the years, the unintentionality of the flowing water, did not take away half a bit of attachment. Whenever friends speak incoherently, I know the bitterness in their hearts, life is not long or short, the heart is always higher than the sky, and the love is always longer than life.

The complexity of the world makes each of us not live easily, and in the face of reality, our equality is like a stranger, and no one can escape the laws of the game. Lev. Tolstoy "Happy families are all similar, but unhappy families have their own misfortunes", don't they? In our own circle of life, we entertain ourselves and work hard.

Why avoid "Brokeback Mountain", whose life is not "love"

Brokeback Mountain

Quiet night, a person slowly watched "Brokeback Mountain", there is no obvious emotional ups and downs, the film is somewhat unexpected, but in my expectation, very reluctant to end like that, but also believe in this reality. There will be no tragic and majestic vows of the earth and the earth, nor will there be the full happiness of holding hands to look at each other, a beautiful encounter in Brokeback Mountain, it is the two people's hidden and restrained love that is fermenting, but unfortunately, the world does not allow the most complete chapter.

The story is set in the United States in the 1960s, with memories of caring Omin and Texas, two young people meeting in Brokeback Mountain because of their sheep herding jobs, Jack, who laughs with a nice curve of the corners of his mouth, and the taciturn Ennis. The sky is clean and bright, reflecting the verdant meadows and majestic mountains. From not knowing each other to two little guesses, they are like two big boys who have escaped from the world, playing in their own world, without considering the jealous eyes of the outside world. I always think that this period is the most beautiful time in the whole film, even if it is two bedside joys in the tent, it is a faint and meticulous entanglement, showing the beautiful oriental mood.

After all, he still had to leave, Brokeback Mountain only represented a feeling, a kind of catharsis that could be escaped, in reality, they still had to have their own lives; so he married his girlfriend who worked diligently in the supermarket, he met a beautiful and hot horseback riding girl, and the two of them tried in the most cruel way to say goodbye to the joy of the past, escaping from Brokeback Mountain to Wyoming, to Texas, but also the same way.

Why avoid "Brokeback Mountain", whose life is not "love"

When it comes to escape, it has to be mentioned that Ennis; the tragic childhood cast a gray hue on his personality, and the tragedy he witnessed made his heart always hide from his love for himself and Jack, saying to Jack from the first passionate night in the mountains: "I am not gay." In several subsequent arguments with Jack, he rejected the offer to live together, so he was always in a state of extreme self-contradiction.

On the one hand, he wants to love, but he is always afraid of the rules of the world. Even if Jack didn't leave him forever because of the accident, their happy life together was nothing more than a luxury, lacking the courage to truly give for love, hurting not only Jack's hot love, but also the love of his wife and the two women he later met at the bar.

It is a sad encounter, because the shocking love is also like a beautiful ephemeral flower, the flower is brilliant, but it will wither because her beauty is too pure, leaving only a night of color, and the stories spread by the world, under the shining starry sky, there is no way back.

The most memorable thing is the look in their eyes, whether it is the childlike helpless and heartbreaking look when Ennis cries sadly, or the lonely look in Jack's eyes when he reflects the campfire burning at night, making people really feel an indescribable sadness that spreads through your heart socket... Ennis's white shirt draped over Jack's blue jacket represents a love that can't go back, a man who can't come back, Brokeback Mountain is still there, but maybe there won't be two young people like that again.

Why avoid "Brokeback Mountain", whose life is not "love"

If you think about it, he is just a more sad, more hysterical and childish persistent person; he is just a more mature and vicissitudes, but still cynical person, similar love, but a more broken ending, stirring up dust.

Like our lives, full of too much helplessness, obviously in love, but can only retain feelings, a look, a kind of ambiguity, no matter how to express, but can be instantly satisfied.

How many juvenile feelings, and how many middle-aged helplessness, what is the world, we are born bondage, constraint geometry? Life is not easy, lies in scruples, and if everything does not have to care, friends, can we still get along?

Remembering your care for me, how much can I turn back in life? Thinking of you is like an uncomfortable time, painful to the heart, for your own inability, for the intolerability of the world.

Why avoid "Brokeback Mountain", whose life is not "love"

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