
"Spiritual Journey": Our unique life, why did we lose the spark?

author:Akika Dai Uncle

| Author: Uncle Akiba

Friend XiaoHonghong suddenly sent a message that she was watching a movie "Spiritual Journey", she said, you must go to see, while it is still on the screen.

Really good piece!

"Spiritual Journey": Our unique life, why did we lose the spark?

Joey Gouna, who dreams of becoming a jazz pianist, has an accident, his soul is detached from his body, and on the way to the other shore, he tries everything he can to escape, only because his wish has not yet been fulfilled.

On the way to the other shore, he met the soul of a 106-year-old woman, and to his surprise, the old lady was so happy that she could go to the other shore.

I immediately had a question in my head: What is the other shore? Why do they have a completely different attitude towards the other side?

In fact, the reason for escaping the road to the other shore is because we don't know what the other shore is? It's not that we're afraid of death, it's that we don't know what it is after death, and death is the biggest uncertainty that human beings face.

"Spiritual Journey": Our unique life, why did we lose the spark?

If we can't find the meaning of life, then living is also living on the way to the other shore.

What is the other shore? If the other shore is the collection of all sparks, the ultimate meaning of life, then what is my spark?

The film portrays a soul academy, where countless souls have to go through various trials every day to form their own unique character, but many of these souls will be crushed by mediocre life in reality and lost in the wilderness.

The life and death situation of "Spiritual Journey" implies that everyone's life does not have to chase the goal, blindly chasing the goal, but will make a person become a lost soul, into trouble, look alive, but the soul is already better than dead.

On the other hand, if a person finds the spark of his love and immerses himself in his own highlight moment, then his soul lives like heaven.

"Spiritual Journey": Our unique life, why did we lose the spark?

Joy Gouna had wanted to be a pianist all his life, not an ordinary music teacher. But her mother did not like her son's choice, because there was no guarantee of life as a performer, and there would be no pension when she was old.

Although Gao Na was devastated, he never gave up seeking opportunities to realize his dreams, and was repeatedly rejected, but he tried to find opportunities to perform again and again.

At the end of the film, Gao Na's mother accepts his dream and witnesses her son's sparkling talent, and everyone has a happy ending.

But the problem is that the vast majority of people can't find their dreams in this life, and even if they do, they don't dare, can't, and won't fight for their dreams.

Most people look back on their past and often exclaim like this:

I was so failed, I was worthless to live.

I don't feel like I deserve a good life.

I can't find meaning in life, I don't have a purpose.

This is my life, but not the life I want.

"Spiritual Journey": Our unique life, why did we lose the spark?

People like Gao Na are actually very happy!

I love it, I'm going to do it.

I couldn't just give up without accomplishing my goal.

When I do what I love, everything is good.

Gao Na did not give up his dream, and finally ended happily.

But in each of us, there is always a devil in our hearts. It is scaring you, stopping you, making you despise yourself, looking down on yourself, giving up on yourself, if you don't open your heart, let others help you, ignite your passion for life, you will choose to escape, no matter who knocks, you will refuse.

Determined to return to earth to live, Joey meets a precocious soul, Twenty-Two, who has never found his interest in human life. As Joey continues to try to show Twenty-Two the wonders of life, he also grasps some of the answers to life's ultimate questions.

Our life is a hard pursuit of dreams, or do we feel that everything is meaningless "twenty-two"?

Accidentally falling into the earth, entering the "twenty-two" of Gao Na's body, he discovered the joy of life. Eat slices of pizza when hungry, hear beautiful music while waiting on the subway, blow your body like you are flying in the street blowers, see yourself refreshed when you taste delicious candy in the barbershop, make people shine with tailoring and ironing suits, and sit quietly on the street to receive autumn leaves and fruits falling from the branches.

All these scenes that are accustomed to Gao Na's life ignite the passion of the "twenty-two" for life.

When you fall in love with life itself, that's the spark that activates life.

"Spiritual Journey": Our unique life, why did we lose the spark?

Of course, the reason why "Twenty-Two" is willing to live is to find that only need to cherish every moment of the moment to make his life meaningful.

As long as we can feel life, and not be driven by the various goals in life to live more and more mediocre, until we can't feel the good moments in life at all.

It's beautiful, but only if you don't let me see tomorrow's bill. Many people have to face real life after being comforted in the cinema.

Life is still difficult, and you have to convince yourself to find the spark you love? Or discover the meaning of your existence?

If you ask someone who has thought hard about life, you'll find that the answer is pessimistic.

Ji Xianlin said: "According to my personal observation, for the vast majority of people in the world, life has no meaning and no value. ”

Chen Danqing simply said, "If you look at Buddhism, look at Schopenhauer's World as Will and Appearance." Life is meaningless and has always been blind. Just two sentences: such a thick book. ”

At the 2021 B Station New Year's Eve Party, Wu tiao sang "Ah Zhen fell in love with Ah Qiang", one of the sentences "Although life does not have any meaning", it was changed to "Although there is no objection to life", which seems to be a prophecy: Is your life meaningless, or can your life not have objections?

What exactly shaped the real you? Can we disagree with our lives?

Post a paragraph that you see.

A brother who had just worked used the B station vocabulary to criticize "capital", and an elder who had been hungry and had opened a factory defended the private enterprise a few words.

The young man said: "Do you dare to post these words on Weibo?" ”

The old guy replied: "Do you dare to send these words to the company group?" ”

The group was quiet.

We are actually living in a net, and it is others who make the cocoon, but also ourselves.

Envious of mavericks, they have a lot of courage, like Cardi B would say.

I will always be myself until I die.

If you don't like it, you can die before me. ——— Cardi B

I also hope that you will say: May there be some moments in your life that make you feel that you have lived up to this life.

But some sharp-eyed friends have found that although life is not a competition, the meaning of living lies in living itself. But the "twenty-two" seems to be India, or China...

What if "twenty-two" falls into the hands of parents in Haidian District?

I don't think the answer will be: I support you to always be yourself until you get this set right.

Jiaxuan's father, the beauty education teacher of my personal brand IP camp, said: This film is not suitable for children, suitable for a small number of adults who are obsessed with chasing their dreams or have been persistent, tell them to try their best, the result is not important. Enjoy the process.

He also said: Many people live without goals, let alone attachment. People who don't have a fire don't need to go to gunpowder. The theme of the film is cold and nihilistic - life is a lump of desire, if it cannot be realized, it will be painful, and if it is realized, it will be empty (Zhou Guoping).

Adults who live too clearly and too soberly should not let themselves suffer?

I seem to understand why Xiaohonghong wants me to watch this film.

Don't be too attached, you can let go.

Don't feel like you don't deserve it, you can let go.

So, I should reflect on why our unique life has lost its spark in the busy work every day?

I am @Akiba Uncle, founder of Akiba Business School and Akiba PPT. Welcome to follow me.

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