
Foreshadowings in "Dream Quest" (II)

author:A day in the world of Lao Lin

Without further ado, let's move on.

Marigold road

On the day of the Day of the Dead, every household in Mexico City paves a marigold path on their doorstep, and the souls of all the departed ancestors will walk the flower road back to their homeland.

At the beginning of the movie, Grandma smashes the boy Mig's guitar, and Mig leaves home in a negative mood, when the sunset is setting in the evening and the lights are first lit, only to see the boy Mig walking all the way out of the house on the road paved by the petals of the marigold. It also hints that the boy Mig is about to embark on a journey to the underworld. It also implies that the flower road can not only guide the undead back to the human world, but also bring the living to the underworld.

Why is the English name of the movie "Coco"

Grandma Coco's memory is already very vague, almost no one knows, just shouting "Daddy" and "Daddy", which also implies that the father of the underworld is because of Grandma Coco's memory and has not completely disappeared. At the same time, the father in the underworld wants to go back to see his favorite daughter Coco, and it can be said that the father is also the person who has gained the most dreams in the movie.

It also represents this sentence - even if the whole world has forgotten you, the daughter you loved the most, even if she is dying of old age, still remembers you, and she is the only one in the world who remembers you.

Foreshadowings in "Dream Quest" (II)

The grandmother who stood on the stage of the Singer King concert

My grandmother must have been able to sing, and even a professional opera singer, before giving birth to coco, lived a song and a song with my grandfather. However, the birth of her daughter Coco made the grandmother finally choose a stable life, and the husband's absence from home finally made the grandmother angrily choose to give up music, because she believed that music had taken her husband.

Then in the underworld, when he sees his child MiG only wanting to play music, he will definitely miss his husband and the years full of music. He even sang a song to Mig across the iron door, as if to tell Mig: You see, I sing too, I love to sing, and I sing very well, but some of this can only be a dream in my heart.

At the climax of the movie, the grandmother unexpectedly stood on the platform of the Singer King concert, facing hundreds of millions of viewers, standing in the spotlight, she opened her heart and sang loudly, telling her heartfelt words, which shocked all the family members. No one knew that the grandmother who hated music so much was actually a singer, and only her husband, standing in the darkness of the backstage, looked at her, smiling approvingly, emotionally, and bitterly.

My grandmother sacrificed so much for the family, she could have stood in the spotlight all her life, but she sacrificed her dreams for the family. But at this moment, the grandmother's dream of singing was also found, and at the same time, the grandmother's dream of caring for each member of the family was also realized.


MiG's musical dreams,

Grandfather's dream of returning to the human world to meet Coco,

Grandmother sings and the family dreams of being well,

Even the audience's dream of the god of song being punished,

All are realized at the end of the film.

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