
Edward Scissorhands: If I protect you, then I can't hug you

author:I am shrimp paste

Hello, I'm a shrimp.

Edward Scissorhands: If I protect you, then I can't hug you

"If I don't have a knife, I can't protect you." If I had a knife, I couldn't hug you. ”

- 1990 American film Edward Scissorhands

The film can be said to be a poignant fairy tale romance, telling the story of Edward, a scissorsman who lives alone in the castle, and is taken home by a woman who sells cosmetics, Peg, who mistakenly breaks into the castle and is brought home, falls in love with Peg's daughter but cannot be together.

Edward's unrequited love has made countless girls envious, and who doesn't love such an "ideal boyfriend"?

Unfortunately, fairy tales are fairy tales after all, and returning to reality is still chai rice oil and salt and quarrels and suspicions.

I think that if you happen to watch this movie at this moment, there should be such a picture: incomparably disgusted with the partner around you, looking at his increasingly sloppy appearance and fortune-making figure, sighing helplessly, passionately and accusatively telling him about Edward's loyal dedication and noble love, and then feeling the difference between ideal and reality.

Edward Scissorhands: If I protect you, then I can't hug you

In fact, it is difficult to meet "Edward" in love, but "Edward" is everywhere.

There is no perfect person in the world, and love is not trying to find a perfect partner, but whether both parties can perfectly adapt to each other, which is the basis for the establishment of a relationship. As Mindcatcher says, "Intimacy is all about it, you can learn about everything in the world, but the only way to get back to the roots is to try it for yourself." ”

After deciding to live together, those sweet flirts and romantic forms are nothing more than fresheners in love, and what really makes each other hold hands should be those who are deeply caring, accompanied and trusted.

This is what you have to admit, two people whose bodies and minds intersect, just the wind and snow are unable to support the ideal future, pragmatism is the basis for everyone to pursue the ideal, and it is also the basis for common progress in love.

Edward Scissorhands: If I protect you, then I can't hug you

So many senseless quarrels are because two people or one of them puts the self in the perspective of the teacher, trying to make the partner transform according to the ideal cultivation strategy, but what effect do you think this unilateral adaptation can play?

"Both and also " not suitable for love, the essence of love is life, if the partnership can not be integrated into life, it is like playing the family, "family role" changes at any time, and finally play out of the taste, confidence is lost.

Not long ago, watching "Love Defense War", there was such a couple on stage to ask for reconciliation: the woman is a senior student, there is no social pressure, and the natural hope is to be praised as a little princess, the man is a start-up, the early career is not smooth, the economy is more difficult, and some machismo. As soon as the man came on the scene, he accused his girlfriend of not understanding himself enough, some money worship in life, knowing that he was short of money, he still asked to buy gifts, eat high-end restaurants, and did not pay attention to hygiene in life, laziness and not virtuousness; while the girl accused the man of growing temper, impatient and uncaring for himself.

Edward Scissorhands: If I protect you, then I can't hug you

Two young people whose minds are not mature enough helplessly complain about various things that are contrary to their ideal love. The tutor sitting under the stage gave a pertinent comment: "The boy imposes the unhappiness and embarrassment of his entrepreneurial failure on the girl, magnifies the shortcomings of the girl and the small problems in life, and aggravates the dissatisfaction and complaints of the girl, which is actually a manifestation of cowardice, and the root of the problem is to face up to his failure and actively make changes." And girls, because of the immature mentality, show too many natural behaviors in love, and do not correctly realize that love is equally paid by two people, and it is definitely not one person who enjoys its fruits. True love is not just staring at each other, but looking in the same direction together, learning to appreciate an imperfect person with perfect eyes. ”

No "ideal type" is a variation of the run-in process that is born for you, in order to elicit a gorgeous fusion of music. The tolerance of some small problems in life just proves that he is your lover, and only by working together to support, even if you falter on the way, it is possible to go further.

Edward Scissorhands: If I protect you, then I can't hug you

As Teacher Tu Lei said: "A person's true happiness is not to get more, but to think less." When you look at "Edward" around you, you may find more cute things.

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