
What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

author:Yan Wei's views win

When it comes to the national flag and the national emblem, this is a very serious thing. They are condensed, but they are the symbols of a country that is most proud. I don't know if you are careful, have you found that looking at the flags and emblems of all countries in the world, in addition to the symbolic patterns, there is also an animal: birds, and its appearance rate is also quite high!

The proud eagle of the North American sky: the bald eagle

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

This is the bald eagle, also known as the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, and one of the symbols of the United States. On the national emblem of the United States, there is a brave bald sea eagle, which holds an arrow representing the first 13 states of the United States with its left paw, symbolizing power, and its right paw grasping an olive branch, symbolizing peace. On the ribbon it holds in its mouth is the Latin motto "E Pluribus Unum."

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

So, what kind of existence is the bald eagle that has been crowned the national bird of the United States? First, they are huge, with wingspans of more than two meters, a strong body, strong claws and a hook-like beak, which makes the bald eagle dominate the food chain of the North American continent.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?
What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

In addition to its brave appearance, in some North American cultures, the bald eagle is a sacred bird, and its feathers, like the golden eagle, play an extremely important role in many of the religions and customs of native Americans. They believed that the bald eagle was a messenger of information between God and man. In response to this practice, the United States also has a sea eagle feather law, which stipulates that only a few licensed Native Americans can obtain the feathers of sea eagles or golden eagles, and can only be used for religious purposes.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

However, although the bald eagle looks extremely fierce, it is actually very fierce, but its voice sounds very gentle, as long as they open their mouths, they can transform from birds of prey into birds of prey. So, what you hear in the movie, the kind of strong sound it makes, is actually paired with the "voice actor" Redtail.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

Although the voice is gentle and walks like the old man of the village, the bald eagle still impressed the Americans who had just finished the British colonization with its brave spirit of facing any threat and going all out in the face of danger. However, some people wonder why there is only a side photo of the bald sea eagle on the us national emblem, in fact, the reason is well, you know!

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

The Flame of the Caribbean Coast: The American Red Ibis

In 1962, trinidad and tobago in the Caribbean joined forces to establish independent states. You heard it right, the name of this country is Trinidad and Tobago. When designing the national emblem, Trinidadian residents designated the beautiful American red ibis as a symbol of their hometown. This red-to-toe bird is the reddest bird in the world.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

They feed mainly on crustaceans and small aquatic animals, small fish and shellfish. The chicks are grey and white , and eat red crabs in swamps , with red feathers as they grow. Today, it is found in many zoos.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?
What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

On the coat of arms of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, opposite the American red ibis, stands the brown-rumped pheasant, which is a symbol of the island of Tobago with its simple appearance. The people of Trinidad and Tobago also painted two hummingbirds on their coats of arms, making their homeland the only country in the world with three species of national birds. Needless to say, they must be true love for birds!

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

Crowned family of the East African steppes: the grey-crowned crane

The grey-crowned crane has been considered a symbol of Uganda since the beginning of British colonial rule, a special tradition that continued until uganda's independence. In general, crane birds cannot roost or nest in trees, but the grey-crowned crane from the steppes of East Africa is a rare exception because it can fly freely.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?
What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

However, this strange skill is not the reason why the grey-crowned crane is famous. As their name suggests, each grey-crowned crane has countless slender feathers on top of its head. These golden crests stand upright, against the black forehead and white cheeks, as if they were wearing a sparkling crown for these big birds. Whether it is foraging on the shore of the water or striding high on the field, the ornate grey-crowned crane looks like a noble king.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

Today, uganda's flag and coat of arms still have a beautiful grey-crowned crane strolling around.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

Hermit in the Amazon rainforest: the musk pheasant

If the feathers on the top of the gray-crowned crane resemble crowns, then the national bird of Guyana, the pheasant, the feathers on the top of the head, can only be described as "killing Matt".

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

The musk pheasant not only has a peculiar feather shape, but also emits a very smelly smell on its body, although it is printed with the national emblem, but the locals still call it "stinky Anna", and only in Latin can the musk pheasant get a relatively fair title, called "pheasant combing shawl hair".

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?
What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

Although the smell of the body makes people shy away, if you ignore this, the musk pheasant can be called a "fashion bird": the feathers on its head, naturally hanging backwards, like a shawl long hair, and the crown of feathers on the top of the head is upright, looking cool.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

Slightly thin cheeks are sky blue, and the iris of the eyes is bright red, which is indeed a bit exaggerated;

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

The iron gray feathers on the back of their bodies and the earthy red feathers on their abdomen are like a jacket with contrast elements, and the whole shape is like a "rock youth".

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

Elegant dancer above the rainforest: New Guinea Bird of Paradise

Whenever the breeding season comes, male New Guinea birds of paradise with golden crowns and emerald green throats are draped in a delicate feather coat of crimson and gold.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

During the Great Discovery period, specimens of the New Guinea Bird of Paradise became the new favorite of European collectors. Due to the inconvenience of transportation on long distances, most of the specimens of birds of paradise that reached Europe were stripped of their feet, and the beautiful legends about them did not go away. Many Europeans at the time were convinced that these footless elves would never land on the ground, and that they would fly freely in the clouds and the sun for the rest of their lives.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

In 1971, papua New Guinea, which was about to become independent, began to solicit a flag proposal, and as a result, a 15-year-old girl's design won widespread sympathy among the countrymen. Since then, the flag of Papua New Guinea has flown a golden silhouette of a New Guinea bird of paradise. Like that romantic legend, this New Guinea bird of paradise, which symbolizes national independence and freedom, cannot see its feet.

What are the "birds" that have won the national flag and national emblem?

In fact, whether it is tall or small and fresh, whether it is to pay attention to feelings or look at looks, the national birds with different temperaments are still very likable! However, there are exceptions, such as the Australian national bird emu, which is printed with the national emblem, but like the kangaroo opposite it, it seems to be unpopular. Because they had been too well protected, multiplied too quickly, and had too many numbers, they attracted the Australian government and sent troops to a "emu war". As for China's national bird, the seat is temporarily vacant, so who thinks, who can be honored with this position?

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