
Note that the liver of wild turtles may have parasitic infections, so don't eat them

author:Medica Media

Turtle is a very delicious ingredient, has the effect of nourishing yin, can be eaten by soup and other ways, better for the body state to make adjustments, in order to effectively promote the improvement of physical fitness. However, for the ingredient of turtle, not everyone's physique can adapt, and it is also necessary to pay attention to some cases of allergic reactions. Therefore, in the process of eating turtles, it is necessary to understand the details of how to eat and eat the parts. So, can turtle liver be eaten?

Note that the liver of wild turtles may have parasitic infections, so don't eat them

The so-called turtle liver is the liver part of the nailfish. Usually, during the feeding period, most of the turtles are able to eat every part, including the turtle liver. However, the living environment of turtles is different, if it is self-reared, there will be no parasites or infections in the liver area, so you can eat turtle liver with confidence during eating. However, there are also some turtles that belong to the wild living environment, which is easy to cause parasites or infections in the liver of turtles, so from the perspective of physical health, it is naturally not edible. Therefore, while there are differences in the specific living environment of turtles, it is also necessary to analyze and treat the consumption of turtle liver in two aspects.

Note that the liver of wild turtles may have parasitic infections, so don't eat them

In general, turtles eat differently, although this can directly lead to differences in the physically affected conditions. If you want to effectively ensure that the body is not affected by the special influence of turtle liver, it is natural to further understand and determine the consumption situation according to the different textures of the individual body, so that there is no need to worry about reactions such as allergies or body rejection. Usually, although turtles have a great tonic effect, they are prone to seafood allergies, as well as people who are undergoing chemotherapy and taking hormone drugs for a long time, so they should not be over-consumed. After all, this ingredient is easy to have other effects while adjusting and improving the body, so it is necessary to learn to distinguish between individual situations before making relevant edible and arrangements.

Note that the liver of wild turtles may have parasitic infections, so don't eat them

From the above, it can be seen that although the turtle liver can be eaten, it must also pay attention to the environment in which the turtle lives. After all, the environment of captive-reared turtles is different from that of wild turtles, and wild turtles may have parasites or infections in the liver, so eating liver parts requires special care. Therefore, after eating turtle liver, it is necessary to effectively understand the living environment of turtles. According to the difference in personal constitution, further determination and adjustment of the consumption situation can avoid allergies, diarrhea or other adverse reactions on the body. Therefore, not every turtle liver can be safely eaten.

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