
What kind of insects are the bugs that grow on Pu'er tea?

author:Eat a bowl of tea

Presumably, friends who often drink old tea often see small bugs on the tea leaves, and they can't help but mutter, how do these little bugs come from? Can such a tea still be drunk?

It is estimated that many friends are half-aware of these bugs, in order to let everyone understand them more intuitively, the author gives you popular science, popular science.

To be precise, there are two kinds of tea worms: one is the white worm we often see, which is called a paper worm because of its love of eating cotton paper; the other is a gray-black worm, which is called a tea worm because of its love of tea.

What kind of insects are the bugs that grow on Pu'er tea?

Paper worm: a small white worm, the tea market everyone calls it a paper worm. Friends who often drink tea are not difficult to find that some pu'er tea cotton paper appears a variety of small holes, these small holes in the circle of people call it worm eyes, these worm eyes are this kind of paper worm dry. However, this kind of paper worms are more keen to eat cotton paper, so there is no excessive impact on the quality of Pu'er tea. If you see that your treasured tea has this paper worm, it is recommended to clean it with a brush first, and then put it in a ventilated and dry place to store.

Tea worms: The real tea-eating bugs are gray-black, short life cycle, most of their lives are dead in the tea leaves, and over time they are called a part of the tea leaves. According to some old tea people, tea worms are beneficial to the body and it, and they will only appear in the finished products of good quality Pu'er tea, and the soup color, taste, and bubble resistance brewed with this tea are more beautiful and delicious than the old pu of a world.

What kind of insects are the bugs that grow on Pu'er tea?

What are the characteristics of insect feces tea?

This tea worm is the use of Yunnan large-leaf seed Qingmao tea made of aged Pu'er raw tea as nourishment, and through the appropriate temperature, trial reading and specific natural environment to grow out of the larvae, and these bugs eat Pu'er tea, the excluded insect feces and Pu'er tea mixed into one, it forms the well-known worm tea.

You can not underestimate the worm tea, it is said that this tea not only has the aged aroma of aged Pu'er tea, but also has a unique fragrance and mellowness, so that your sense of taste suddenly stretches, the throat slowly tastes a faint sweetness; more importantly, his use of value, for heat and detoxification, gastrointestinal pain and discomfort, indigestion and other gastrointestinal symptoms are very effective.

Due to the high quality of Pu'er tea base, the age is long, and the "worm feces" produced are purely natural, which is a priceless treasure that cannot be copied and valuable in the market.

What kind of insects are the bugs that grow on Pu'er tea?

What are the nutritional values of worm feces tea?

According to records, insect tea has the effect of clearing heat, dispelling heat, detoxification, stomach, digestion, etc., and has a good effect on diarrhea, epistaxis, gum bleeding and hemorrhoid bleeding, and is an important refreshing drink in tropical and subtropical regions. Experts learned through analysis that insect tea contains 20 kinds of amino acids, and a certain amount of crude protein, crude fat, sugar, tannins, vitamins and other nutrients, so the nutritional value is higher than ordinary tea.

According to scientific analysis, in addition to the tannins and various vitamins contained in the general tea, it also contains insect hormones and hemostatic substances, which are often used to treat diarrhea, epistaxis, bleeding gums and hemorrhoids and blood in the stool, and long-term use has a certain effect on preventing hypertension and heart disease. Regular drinking of insect tea can quench thirst and refresh, reduce blood pressure and diuresis, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, help digestion, smooth the phlegm, detoxify and reduce swelling, etc.

But at the end of the day, it's always insect excrement, and some people will develop an uncomfortable psychology about it, but if you've tasted its fragrance and understood its health benefits, you might like it.

Eat bowl tea (WeChat public number: chiwancha) to provide you with convenient tea knowledge, so that you drink tea without worry!

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