
"Ornamental PufferFish" Hairy Dog Head Breeding Guide Hairy Dog Head and Its Morphological Characteristics Hairy Dog Head Breeding Environment Hairy Dog Head Eating Hairy Dog Head Common Diseases of Hairy Dog Head

author:Motono Nature

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In the aquarium circle when it comes to watching pufferfish, there may be some friends who have no concept, but if it comes to chocolate dolls or crown dog heads, it will suddenly realize, and today's hairy dog head is also a kind of ornamental and pufferfish, but the hairy dog head in addition to being similar to most other puffer fish in terms of body shape, it can be said that it is a little weird, and this weirdness and difference has attracted many friends who like to hunt for curiosity and become their guests in the tank.

"Ornamental PufferFish" Hairy Dog Head Breeding Guide Hairy Dog Head and Its Morphological Characteristics Hairy Dog Head Breeding Environment Hairy Dog Head Eating Hairy Dog Head Common Diseases of Hairy Dog Head

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > hairy dog head and its morphological characteristics</h1>

The origin of the hairy dog's head and the native environment

Hairy dog heads are native to the Mekong River Basin and are found in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. It mainly lives in the mainstream of the Mekong River and in areas with fast flow rates of tributaries and mostly rocky riverbeds. The V-shaped dog head of the same genus looks similar to the hairy dog head, but lacks the characteristic spiny hair of the hairy dog head.

Morphological characteristics of the hairy dog's head

The hairy dog head can reach an adult length of up to 12 cm, the body color is earthy brown, and there are irregular earth brown stripes and orange spots on it, and the body is distributed with granulation spiny hairs, which mainly gather and grow in the snout and gills, like a circle of whiskers.

The role of spiny hairs on the head of the hairy dog is currently inconclusive, there are roughly two theories, one is mimetic camouflage, the hairy dog head in order to avoid predators, usually like to hide on the rocky sandy riverbed, the earth-brown body color with the flow of water fluttering spiny hair, and the rock with algae has a little similarity, can effectively deceive powerful predators. Another theory is that it is a competitive magic weapon for the right to mate, who has more spiny hairs, the greater the chance of competing for mating rights.

"Ornamental PufferFish" Hairy Dog Head Breeding Guide Hairy Dog Head and Its Morphological Characteristics Hairy Dog Head Breeding Environment Hairy Dog Head Eating Hairy Dog Head Common Diseases of Hairy Dog Head

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > breeding environment for hairy dog heads</h1>

The hairy dog head sold on the market is generally about 8 cm individuals, and considering that its growth rate is not slow, and the maximum size can reach 12 cm, it is recommended that the minimum size of the breeding tank start at 60 cm long, if it is polyculture, the length of the feeding tank needs to be appropriately increased.

Hairy dog head is not recommended to be raised in a bare tank, in the bottom of the tank need to arrange a certain thickness of bottom sand, to river sand and other large particles of bottom sand is appropriate, at the same time can be arranged some sunken clay pots and other landscaping, provided for the hairy dog head can be avoided place.

Keep the water temperature of the hairy dog's head at about 28 degrees, remember not to have a drastic temperature change in a short period of time, otherwise it is easy to cause the hairy dog's head to get white spot disease. At the same time, in order to maintain the stability of water quality, filtration is a must be used, in general, it is recommended to use a drip filter with a good filtration effect, and you can also use an external filter for 60 cylinders. In addition, if there is a condition, you can regularly oxygenate the water in the tank to increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, and the high dissolved oxygen amount helps to maintain the stability of the water quality.

In principle, the hairy dog head is not recommended to be polycultured, if you choose polyculture, you should pay attention to the body shape, the body size is close to be able to try polyculture, if the gap is too large, the final result is often one party reduced to the other party's mouth food.

"Ornamental PufferFish" Hairy Dog Head Breeding Guide Hairy Dog Head and Its Morphological Characteristics Hairy Dog Head Breeding Environment Hairy Dog Head Eating Hairy Dog Head Common Diseases of Hairy Dog Head

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the feeding habits of hairy dogs</h1>

Hairy dog heads are absolute carnivores and are basically only interested in live feed, so before raising hairy dog heads, think about whether you have the conditions to provide enough live feed.

In captivity, live feeds such as black shell shrimp, mosquito-eating fish, loach, goldfish and so on can be fed. At present, many hairy dog heads on the market are individuals collected in the wild, that is, wild individuals, there may be a certain problem of eating after buying back, if there is food refusal, you can try to use live red worms to lure, live red worms bright body color and strong fishy smell has a strong attraction to hairy dog heads.

"Ornamental PufferFish" Hairy Dog Head Breeding Guide Hairy Dog Head and Its Morphological Characteristics Hairy Dog Head Breeding Environment Hairy Dog Head Eating Hairy Dog Head Common Diseases of Hairy Dog Head

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > common disease of hairy dog heads</h1>

As long as the hairy dog head is raised, it is generally a strong body, adaptability and tolerance are very strong ornamental fish, the only one that is more likely to get is the white spot disease, that is, small melon worm disease, which is generally caused by water quality shocks such as rapid changes in water temperature in a short period of time.

If unfortunately, the hairy dog has a white spot disease, don't be too nervous, it is not a difficult disease to treat. You can raise the water temperature to 31 degrees, and change the water every day, generally three or four days the white spots will fade, if you have not yet healed, you can also try to use some special drugs to treat white spots, generally will be cured.

"Ornamental PufferFish" Hairy Dog Head Breeding Guide Hairy Dog Head and Its Morphological Characteristics Hairy Dog Head Breeding Environment Hairy Dog Head Eating Hairy Dog Head Common Diseases of Hairy Dog Head

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