
This papaya is really going to waste [money] if you don't use it to boil a sugar water, you grow it yourself, pick it [like], it's really sweet to the heart [money] #今日美食日记打卡 #

author:Orange mother dragonfly

This papaya is really going to waste [money] if you don't use it to boil a sugar water.

Self-planting [Like]

Really sweet to the heart [money]

#今日美食日记打卡 #

This papaya is really going to waste [money] if you don't use it to boil a sugar water, you grow it yourself, pick it [like], it's really sweet to the heart [money] #今日美食日记打卡 #
This papaya is really going to waste [money] if you don't use it to boil a sugar water, you grow it yourself, pick it [like], it's really sweet to the heart [money] #今日美食日记打卡 #
This papaya is really going to waste [money] if you don't use it to boil a sugar water, you grow it yourself, pick it [like], it's really sweet to the heart [money] #今日美食日记打卡 #
This papaya is really going to waste [money] if you don't use it to boil a sugar water, you grow it yourself, pick it [like], it's really sweet to the heart [money] #今日美食日记打卡 #
This papaya is really going to waste [money] if you don't use it to boil a sugar water, you grow it yourself, pick it [like], it's really sweet to the heart [money] #今日美食日记打卡 #
This papaya is really going to waste [money] if you don't use it to boil a sugar water, you grow it yourself, pick it [like], it's really sweet to the heart [money] #今日美食日记打卡 #

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