
Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

author:Childhood Xiaotong

In the latest two matches, one by Mark Allen, who just won the Northern Ireland championship, against Wilson, this matchup, before the game, I personally believe that Allen has lost his life investment, and he is thirsty for championship bonuses, which will surely motivate him to move forward.

Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

Allen and Brother Lu's duel, the result is unexpected, Allen has repeatedly started, one shot to win, small steel cannon said, not for nothing, in the middle of the brother in the total score of 3:5 behind, the ninth game on the hand to play a strange, unprecedented, shocking goal, the black ball from the bottom bag mouth after popping, back turned, sticker straight forward, like a divine help, straight into the pocket, this goal can score 10 best goals. However, Brother Lu was only happy for a short while, and the next red ball that was bound to score was accidentally lost, which can be described as magpie happy - breaking the egg.

In this game, Allen won 91:24, and finally advanced with a total score of 6:3, and Allen slammed 6-50 plus in the whole game, and comprehensively suppressed Brother Lu's 2-under 50 plus.

Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

As for the duel between Craigie and Ryan Day, in the round of 32, Craige knocked out China's Zhao Xintong 6:2, the strength is good, this matchup, whether it can advance, quite interesting, the two began to match, the first seven games, Craigie really had extraordinary skills, the attack was like a tide, 3 shots up to 100 1 50 plus, a total score of 4:3, firmly controlled the set.

In the eighth game, Kreggie's mid-long platform attack was fruitless, Ryan Day scored on this pole, calm, steady, a 112-point clean sheet to win, the total score was tied at 4, and Kreggie's previous efforts were feared to turn into smoke.

Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

In the ninth game, Craigie's middle and long platform took the lead, moving clouds and flowing water, without dragging mud and water, but after scoring 41 points, the white ball was not in good position, the bottom bag black ball barely shot, the result was fruitless, and Ryan Daijiu faced the red ball and was not very sure of the red ball, the heart was super large, a combination of red balls to play, but unfortunately there were not a few shots, the same bottom bag red ball dangled out, so that the accurate Craigie was delicate and accurate to get started, one shot to win, the score was 77:6, the total score was 5:4, and the first match point was in hand.

Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

In the tenth game, Lao Dai Changtai handed, no color ball connected, did a shot snooker, Craigie two shots to the leak, after the two turned into defense, Craigie a bottom bag attack, although the red ball popped out, but went straight to the near platform, really luck the balloon, but then he shot an inexplicable black ball vigorously, the white ball also rushed to the near stage, continued to attack the opportunity, and handed it over.

Later, the two you come and go, defense first, the anchor sighed that Craigie's young man is old-minded, defensive, dripping water, the result is as he said, he made a snooker in the near stage, the old Dai solved the ball leak, Craigie on this shot on the high speed, a kick to the end, a shot of 77 to win, the score is 110:9, the total score is 6:4, strong and sharp promotion, whether it is a dark horse, it remains to be tested.

Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

As for the two games in the first half of the night, Chinese fans were in despair, because one of the games, by Chinese teenager Zhou Yuelong against Rocket O'Sullivan, the other, by Belgian bullet Brecel, against the round of 32, eliminated Higgins 6:4 Mr. 147 Mr. Tom Forde, the result of this game, who had shot 5 strokes of 147 in his career, accurate online, continued the dark horse momentum all the way, upset, easily advanced 6:3, the result was basically not a personal god prediction.

Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

In the showdown between Zhou Yuelong and the rockets, the fans unanimously believed that Zhou would touch the stone with an egg and be eliminated was 100%. The prize money for the British Championship is as high as 250,000 pounds, the Rockets are determined to win, the heartbeat bonus, and if the Rockets win the championship, they will set an unprecedented feat of 40 ranking titles, 77 championships and 8th British Championship titles, so in this matchup, Zhou Yuelong will carry the gong pot to send copper.

Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

Zhou Yuelong and the rocket in this duel one-sided, the first four games, restless and straight to the retreat Zhou Yuelong, all kinds of middle and long platform did not enter and leak, and even played 3 air balls, and the rocket continued to pick up leaks, one shot to win, the result was 4:0, extremely happy, dreamy opening.

Round of 16: Allen broke out, Craigie, Mr. 147 advanced, and the Rockets played in the individual event

After the two came back from a break, the Rockets consciously released water, but after Yuelong shot a 63 in the fifth game, he made another senseless mistake, the Rockets got started, did not want to, won 82:63 with a five-game clean sheet. In the sixth game, the mentality has collapsed, and the leaping dragon is like a mountain, the near stage will score a red goal without scoring, the rocket once again hit a 103 clean sheet directly to kill the game, the total score is 6:0, Qi Yuxuanang, proudly advanced, next, if Director Ding defeats Clark on the evening of November 17, Ding Olympics will stage the 30th epic stage, whether Ding Junhui can seek a victory, it is bound to be watched and seen.

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