
The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

author:Found in Wuhan

Text: Discover Jun

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

Old Daxing Garden and Catfish Return

Wuhan, Hubei Province, because of its unique geographical location, has the reputation of a province of a thousand lakes. In today's wuhan with a population of tens of millions, at least millions of Wuhan citizens have grown up eating river fish, lake fish and other river fresh and river fresh. In Wuhan, one of the threesomes must be an expert in eating fish.

Catfish, which is a precious freshwater fish, is known as the three treasures of Yangtze River aquatic products along with knifefish and anchovies. Catfish, one of the three treasures of the Yangtze River, is undoubtedly the favorite of the people of Jiangcheng. Catfish, living in the deep water layer of the Yangtze River, its flesh is delicate and delicious, tender and not fishy, no intermuscular spines, and the taste of anchovies is fresh, which is an unparalleled fish of the general Yangtze River scaleless fish. No wonder the great poet Su Dongpo commented on it that "the pink stone head is still boneless, and the snow white pufferfish is not a medicine man".

With a long history of 150 years in Wuhan, "Lao Daxingyuan" is a well-known century-old restaurant, once known for its ability to cook catfish, which has given birth to several generations of "catfish king" famous chefs. But unfortunately, as early as the 90s, with the change of the market, the "Old Daxing Garden" gradually disappeared into people's memory. When mentioning catfish, it is impossible not to mention master Sun Changbi, the fourth generation of catfish kings in Jiangcheng. Sun Changbi was a teenager who worked as a chef, and in his early years, he inherited the third generation of "catfish king" Wang Xianshan and the famous cooking master Cao Qiyan, and deeply understood the traditional cooking essentials of catfish and the skills of E's cuisine. Inheriting the various culinary advantages of the master and integrating China's broad and profound culture and skills into one, innovation and change, it is unique in the design, creativity and production of catfish making, cold spelling and food carving, etc., and is self-contained. More than 30 kinds of catfish dishes have been developed to meet the nutritional and taste needs of modern people. His bold experiments and innovations have made it unique and become a very representative product of Ecai Fist. Such as: "four-color catfish cake", "three-flavor catfish", "pineapple catfish", "spoon catfish", "magnolia catfish belly", etc., are all familiar and evocative masterpieces. Sun Changbi used his efforts to perfectly prove to the world the strength of his four generations of catfish kings.

The secret realm of the square circle, the water is born, and the rivers are shallow and deep.

Jingchu catfish feast, old Daxing Garden to see.

Liu Cao Wang Sun, legend praises ancient and modern.

Peak history, near and far.

Spring and autumn rhyme, a thousand years of catfish.

The above text briefly summarizes the inheritance of catfish dishes by four masters such as Liu, Cao, Wang and Sun.

The surprise appeared on the occasion of the resignation of the old and the new in 2020, the "Old Daxing Garden" returned to people's sight, and the inheritance of the "Catfish King" was followed by someone, which was related to a newly opened "Catfish Return" restaurant.

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

The environment is elegant

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

There are stories in the decoration

Located on Qiaokou Hanxi Road, the "Catfish Gui" restaurant, together with The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hubei Catfish Technique and the inheritor of the fourth generation of Catfish King Sun Changbi, has realized the brand of "Old Daxing Garden" and the return of catfish cooking skills, the return of traditional food culture and feelings, so that Wuhan people finally have the opportunity to re-taste the long-lost catfish taste.

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

Catfish return

According to Master Gan, fresh and good ingredients are the key to cooking. Therefore, every ingredient of "Catfish Return" is carefully selected from Hubei and even all over the country and finally presented to diners with excellent quality. On the basis of inheriting the catfish dishes developed by the previous four generations of catfish kings, we continue to innovate and challenge the taste buds of jiangcheng residents. "Catfish Return" has a dish at home, and is jokingly called "Rolls Royce" in freshwater fish by diners, and she is the pen holder catfish belly. The reason why it is said by diners is because the catfish belly of the pen holder is extremely rare. It is taken from the catfish's belly maw, which looks very much like a stone-headed beacon mountain, a 5-pound catfish has only 1.5-2 two fish maws, while a 5-pound catfish takes at least 3 years to grow. Pen holder catfish belly is rich in high protein and high collagen, a variety of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements, which also determines its precious gold value. Although the catfish belly is delicious, it has a heavy fishy taste and is difficult for the average person to handle. Master Ganquan has his own experience in cooking catfish belly: "To properly achieve 'de-fishy and degreasing reduction', first wash, then pickle, then oil ... , it sounds complicated." However, when you eat a complete bite of the catfish maw, the fish maw is fat and fluffy, the taste is tender and smooth, and the wait in front of you is worth it.

Below, Xiaobian will recommend several signature dishes of his family with you foodies:

Multigrain braised pen holder fish maw

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

Beacon fish belly is a unique name for catfish belly, which is said to be a specialty of Shishou, and now it is called "golden belly" at a gram price. Boiled with mixed grains with fish belly, the taste is fresh and strong, and a bowl comes in winter to nourish the stomach and improve the qi.

Ancient braised catfish

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

The braised catfish is selected for about 4 kilograms, and the fish juice soup is pure and pure. The water used to cook fish is also made of chicken soup made by more than 3 kilograms of Huangxiao chicken, which is changed three times, refueled three times, and seasoned three times. The catfish is transparent and not old, bright and transparent, and the entrance is refreshing but not greasy.

Ecological catfish soup

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

Slow cooking, catfish meat tender Q bomb, fish belly soaked in the soup, white as snowflakes, tender as spring buds, sticky but not greasy, soft and sweet, melting in the mouth, easy to absorb, drink a bowl of health before meals and nourish the stomach.

Raw catfish

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

With dried shallots, garlic and ginger on the bottom, the catfish is mixed with oyster sauce and other spices on the fire, and the tender fish is cooked in the sand nest as quickly as possible on high heat. When the lid is opened, the smell of ginger and shallots and fish comes to the nose, and the taste is delicate and tender.

Steamed eel slices

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

Rice noodles and eel melt in the mouth, but each has its own flavor, the rice noodles are sweet and sour, and the eels are delicious, and they are played together in the mouth, and the flavor is multiplied.

The flesh of the farmhouse eel is softer and more delicate, and after pouring vinegar, it is directly drizzled with hot oil, and the vinegar penetrates into every fiber of the eel, removing the last trace of earthy fishiness and a hint of sourness.

Glass crispy garlic chicken

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

Freshly baked crispy chicken lustrous and seductive, full of caramelized sweetness, the surface of the glass crispy, as thin as paper, a light pressure to burst, while hot violent tearing, the juice can not stop gushing out, the crispy chicken protected by the crispy skin is smooth and tender, each bite is juicy and full of satisfaction.

Osmanthus braised pork

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City

The outer skin is crisp and rotten, wrapped in fat and lean pork belly, fat but not greasy, melting in the mouth. Coupled with the sweet taste of osmanthus flowers, it is addictive.

It is said that the "catfish return" will also launch a catfish feast in the future, and the saliva will stop for a while, looking forward to it!

The king and inheritors of catfish have "returned" catfish culture and skills to the citizens of Jiangcheng City


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