
The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

author:Small courtyard for raising flowers

The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

In the summer, there are more and more flies and mosquitoes at home, and many flower friends are raising potted net red plant flycatchers at home, of course, the purpose is not to watch, nor to rely on it to eliminate all mosquitoes, but I think that plants prey on small insects are very interesting and fun.

The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

Flycatcher is an interesting plant that can prey on insects, its leaves are like two open shells, which secrete honey juice to attract small bugs, and there is a row of small spines on the edge of the leaves, when there are small insects intruding, it can sense it, clamp it at a very fast speed, and digest it into nutrient absorption. Let's take a look at how to raise flycatchers well!

The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

1. Breeding and cultivating soil

Flytrap grassland grows in a humid swampy area, when the family pot cultivation, to provide it with loose and breathable cultivation soil, although the general ordinary garden soil can also be fed, but the plant growth is not strong, it is not easy to grow more new leaves. Its plant shape is small, and when planting, you can choose a smaller pot, use some humus-rich and permeable culture soil, and can use some peat soil, perlite, fine coconut bran and other mixtures to cultivate flycatcher grass.

The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

Second, keep the potting soil moist

Flytraps like a warm and humid environment, it has high requirements for environmental humidity, in the daily maintenance, can not let the potting soil too dry, otherwise it will affect the growth of new leaves. Usually, the potting soil should be kept slightly moist, and the potting soil should be watered in time when it is slightly dry.

If the maintenance environment is relatively dry, it is not conducive to the growth of flycatchers, it is very fond of moist environment plants, family potted plants in the summer maintenance, to water frequently, when the weather is hot and dry, you can use the watering can to spray water around the potted plants, to provide it with a higher air humidity.

The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

Third, do not indiscriminately fertilize

There are many flower friends to raise flycatchers, are because of random fertilization, resulting in burns to the root system of the plant, this plant does not like thick fertilizer, if the flower fertilizer is directly applied to the pot soil, it is easy to burn the root system of the plant, causing the whole plant to rot water.

The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

In fact, raising flycatchers, as long as they provide loose and fertile cultivation soil, they do not need to be fertilized frequently in the later stage of maintenance. Even if the fertilizer is applied, it is necessary to grasp the amount of fertilizer and the concentration of fertilizer water to prevent the decomposition of fertilizer damage caused by excessive fertilization.

During the growth of the plant, it can be watered with a thin nutrient solution 1 to 2 times a month, which can make the plant grow vigorously and continue to grow new leaf clips.

The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

Fourth, the requirements for light

Flytraps this plant prefers sunlight, home pot maintenance, to put it in a bright place, often let it see the sun, maintain sufficient light, more conducive to plant growth.

During the high temperature in the summer, the light intensity is also large, to be properly shaded, if placed in the sun, it is easy to dehydrate and dry the plant, you can put the flycatcher pot in a place with weak scattered light, or let it receive light in the morning and evening, and then move to a cool and ventilated place at noon.

The family has 1 kind of net red small plant, which can catch flies and mosquitoes in summer, which is really interesting

The above is the maintenance method of flycatchers, if you raise flycatchers at home, in addition to doing a good job in terms of maintenance management, you should also pay attention to it, you can not feed it in the middle of the leaves too large pieces of meat or hard things that are difficult to digest, otherwise it will make the leaf clip rot. Instead, you can catch some small insects to give it, like flies, mosquitoes and the like, which can be consumed and absorbed.

Pay attention to the flower garden and exchange experience in flower raising. (Some of the pictures in the article are from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete)


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