
Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

author:There are thousands of animals

1. Palm vulture, a bird of prey that loves vegetarianism. Palm vulture is a species endemic to Africa, mainly distributed in sub-Saharan Africa, likes to stay in places with water sources, palm trees, its favorite food is palm fruit, but also eat the fruit of oil coconut, raffia.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

2. The lynx mother brings the child home, a little cute, a little funny. The lynx has a particularly wide footprint, traveling all over Eurasia, the Americas, and even Africa.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

3. Small lizards prey on grasshoppers. Snakes and monitor lizards are scary, but small lizards don't look scary and even a little cute.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

4. Turtles bite. Why does this turtle bite? I don't understand, it can't eat such a big person, and it makes no sense to bite like this.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

5. The bite of the goose is particularly painful, and its mouth is covered with jagged teeth. Don't mess with the goose, the goose's fighting power is too strong.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

6. Hornbills prey on bats. This hornbill is really beautiful, and the hornbill got its name hornbill because its mouth looks like a rhinoceros horn.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

7. Jaguars fight crocodiles. Jaguars have the highest bite force among cats. Strong bite force is its secret weapon to subdue crocodiles.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

8. The rabbit is coming. The rabbit is so cute. The main food of rabbits is rats, rabbits and so on.

9. Herons prey on small turtles. Poor little turtle, the back is directly chiseled by the heron. Fortunately, the pain of the baby turtle will soon be over.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

10. Lizards prey on birds. Lizards move slowly, but predation is fast, accurate, and ruthless. The lizard looks like an old man with great wisdom and foolishness.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

11. Giant fin whales. The fin whale is the second largest whale in the world, and it looks at humans the same way that humans look at a small rabbit.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

12. The tiger pounced on people and elephants. The follow-up is that the man did not die, but three fingers were missing. Tigers, too, are too ferocious.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

13. Durian smashes chicken to death. No one knows which will come first tomorrow or the unexpected. I heard that durian shell stewed chicken is particularly delicious, I don't know if it's true or not.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

14. The lioness steals ostrich eggs. In nature, injury means great danger. Therefore, what a lion can steal will never be robbed, and what can be robbed will never be fought!

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

15. Two-headed squid. I don't know the probability of catching a double-headed squid, is there a high probability of winning the lottery? In order to please an auspicious, this squid is put well? Or did you eat well?

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

16. Cookie tortoise, which is the result of the theory of evolution. In order to be able to move freely in the cracks of the stone, they evolved their bodies to become more and more flat.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

17. Snakes eat centipedes, this is to fight poison with poison, ruthless characters to deal with ruthless characters. Take them to make wine, it will be the best of the wine.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

18. The male hippopotamus kills the little hippopotamus angrily, nature is too cruel! The purpose of male hippos killing young hippos is to bring the lactation period of female hippos to an early end.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

19. Antelope horns with cobwebs. This moving spider web should be able to catch a lot of mosquitoes. Unfortunately, spiders are not on antelope horns.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

20. Transparent sea fish, the internal organs are clearly seen, this world is really strange, amazing.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

21. The pigeon that opens the screen. Opening the screen is not exclusive to the male peacock. In fact, it is a female peacock and some birds, which will also open the screen!

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

22. Strange face spiders cast their webs to prey on insects. Strange face spiders, also known as ghost-faced spiders, live in the rainforest, which is simply spider spirit.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

23. A butterfly breaks through its cocoon into a butterfly, which is metamorphosis. The metamorphosis of butterflies is obvious, while the metamorphosis of people is not conspicuous and does not show water.

24. Water snake fishing. The snake's mouth can open up to 130 degrees. As long as it can be stuffed into the mouth, the snake can swallow it into the stomach.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

25. A tree that wants to escape. The tree said, "The world is so big, I want to see it." "The magic of nature makes people feel ashamed of themselves.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

26. The water snake preyed on a large catfish in the water. In China, especially in the south, water snakes are very common.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

27. After the fire, a cobra skeleton was left behind. The cobra is dead, but it is still standing, still majestic, and intimidating to look at.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

28. Nature heals abandoned industry. Human beings cannot destroy nature, only the living environment of human beings. The power of nature is infinite, and man is not the opponent of nature.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

29. Mantis fishing. In the United States, the Chinese sword mantis is an invasive species. This scavenger is an invasive species in China.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

30. The Appaloosa horse, a horse that combines handsomeness, elegance, and nobility. Unfortunately, it belongs to the human world, not to free nature.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

31. Jumping spiders prey on flies. Jumping spider predation, pay attention to the three words "fast, accurate, ruthless", and praying mantis!

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

32. Komodo dragons want to devour Komodo dragons. Call them cold-blooded, they know how to procreate. Let's say they're not cold-blooded, they kill each other.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

33. A Mitchell's cockatoos, somewhat like Native American-Indian. Australia is a paradise for parrots as well as a paradise for insects.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

34. The hyena, faced with the threat of the lions, chose to dig out its anus and kill itself, which is a hyena that is not so nasty.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

35. The leopard preyed on a large warthog. The leopard is now thinking about how to carry the warthog up the tree. Otherwise, lions and hyenas will rob its pork to eat.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

36. The golden eagle preyed on a fish, and the golden eagle's posture is too handsome. The golden eagle stands at the top of the food chain, handsome and can fight! Golden eagles have the ability to kill wolves.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

37. When food is scarce, palm vultures will also prey on other small animals, such as crabs, locusts, frogs, giant snails, birds, etc.

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

38. The lynx can live up to 15 years, and the territory of a male lynx often covers the territory of several female lynxes. Therefore, lynx fall under "polygamy". Such a system, are you envious? Or envy?

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

39. The snake broke into the frog pool. Frogs unite and can kill snakes. I mean, snakes that eat too many frogs can be held to death!

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

40. The emotion of looking at this GIF is, anger - gnashing teeth - happy - comfortable. What is the significance of mosquitoes in this world?

Rare 36 photographs of trapped hyenas digging their anuses to kill themselves, tigers attacking elephants, and spiders casting webs to catch insects

(The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.) )

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