
The future of domestic original bait? Water Silk Worm Perch Pressure Field Hard Gas Challenge Limit Lua

author:LureGee Extreme Lua

Regarding the creation of original bait, with the development of the Luya movement in China, a number of original enterprises and some pseudo-original enterprises have also appeared in China. The so-called pseudo-original. Basically, it is to take the original finished bait from abroad, change the appearance characteristics, and change the coating. Change the counterweight. Then it was produced and put on sale, which was called original. But how much of your real innovation is there? Relying on a bunch of English and principles that most people can't understand and creating new so-called special vocabulary to fool the majority of anglers? So good. The majority of anglers are not particularly concerned about this problem. Relatively speaking, everyone is more concerned about the price. But once you copy a cottage, by making the painting and packaging look good, you can't stop selling 40+, or even 100+ is a bit too much, right?

Some say original hardship. It's hard. To debug again and again. Try fishing. Change the mold. Re-commissioning, re-changing the mold. Expensive, time-consuming and laborious. But the hardships of originality are no longer on the bait. Here, too, we kindly remind the pseudo-original enterprises. Instead of racking your brains to study how to change other people's bait and become the so-called originality of your own, it is better to really dive down and look down at the bait fish in the water. Study the real food structure of native Lua fish species. Based on this creation, we create a Chinese original bait that is truly suitable for China. Some people say that the shape of Lua bait is difficult to break through. For a hundred years, the appearance has been roughly like that. That may be because no Chinese originals have really participated in this industry for a hundred years. And now, I believe it's changing. Personally, I think lua bait has a lot of room for development in terms of appearance, materials, technology, and center of gravity transfer. Just like the TPR applied to soft bait in recent years, TPE floating water material. Just a good start. And it is the use of floating water materials. Gave us more creative space. So we had the water worm.

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In China, earthworm fishing has a history of thousands of years. Earthworms are a very good bait. However, why it is good to use everyone knows but does not know why. Earthworms themselves do not live in water. But earthworm fishing is really useful because there is a creature called water earthworm in the aquatic environment.

Water earthworms belong to the oligocetes. It is a general term for tailed gill, trembling worm, and water worm. Body length varies from one centimeter to 15 centimeters. Insert into the mud at one end of the water. Stand upright in the water. Breathe by your own vibrations. At the same time, the abdominal bristles on the body are used to capture microorganisms in the water.

The future of domestic original bait? Water Silk Worm Perch Pressure Field Hard Gas Challenge Limit Lua
The future of domestic original bait? Water Silk Worm Perch Pressure Field Hard Gas Challenge Limit Lua

Most of the species of water worm are distributed worldwide. It is also an important part of freshwater benthic fauna. In general, water earthworms prefer to live in humus-rich, organically polluted waters. Some species, such as the family Frillidae, are prevalent in contaminated water bodies. According to statistics, there are more than 60,000 water earthworms per square meter of mud surface in the polluted river sediment. And 90% of China's rivers have varying degrees of pollution. It provides a very good habitat for water earthworms. Water earthworms play an important role in improving the water quality of the bottom environment. At the same time water earthworms are. Excellent natural food for shrimp, crabs and other economic aquatic animals. It is particularly important for the life of freshwater demersal fish. In fish larvae. Or when there is not enough food in winter. Almost all fish prey on water earthworms. So on this basis. We created soft baits like water worms.

The future of domestic original bait? Water Silk Worm Perch Pressure Field Hard Gas Challenge Limit Lua

LureGee Extreme Lua Original Floating Water Soft Bait

We're available in four- and five-inch sizes. That is, 10 cm and 12.7 cm two sizes. There are two pairs of beards left in the position of the head. The head is designed with multiple annular grooves. When it enters the water, it will carry a lot of air. When the bait shakes underwater, a large number of bubbles are generated. Thus attracting the attention of the fish. In the position of the tail of the water silk worm. Set the groove with the hook. Easy to use crank hooks such as fishing sets to better fish in heavy obstacle areas.

The softness of the floating material. Make the bait swim more naturally in the water. The conductivity of the action is better. Even if you don't make an action. The water worm itself also naturally oscillates with the current. Very attractive to fish. Precisely because. Water earthworms are themselves an important food for fish. In the production, we constantly adjust the softness of the material. It is to make the softness of the material reach the same posture as the water earthworm in nature.

The future of domestic original bait? Water Silk Worm Perch Pressure Field Hard Gas Challenge Limit Lua

Known from the water west oligochaetes, belonging to two orders, a total of four families, about 28 genera .70 species

We found that there is not only a common red color in terms of body color. There are also green, yellow-green, brownish yellow. Lilac, brown, translucent. and many other colors. The same kind of water earthworm will also vary according to the environment, the depth of water. The difference in temperature changes the color of the body. So in actual fishing, in different waters, at different depths. Different temperatures, different colors are also an important choice

In the first batch of water worms we chose six colors. The use of high-grade toner is repeatedly debugged. The resulting color is closer to nature. It is very helpful for actual fishing

The future of domestic original bait? Water Silk Worm Perch Pressure Field Hard Gas Challenge Limit Lua
The future of domestic original bait? Water Silk Worm Perch Pressure Field Hard Gas Challenge Limit Lua

There are many fish that can be used as fishing objects for water silk worms, and all kinds of middle and lower class fish will feed on water earthworms. The seven-star perch, catfish, and mandarin fish that we often catch in Lua are very good target fish

Another major target fish is the largemouth bass.

The largemouth bass is native to California, USA, and is a valuable carnivorous fish. Introduced in china in the early 1980s.

Scientific name: Micropterus salmoides are fish of the family Sunfish, The black perch. Generally, mature bodies are between 25 and 35 cm long, and the maximum can reach 50 + cm. It inhabits shallow lakes and ponds with warmer water temperatures, or slow-flowing streams. Males dig up nests and guard their eggs and juveniles. Intense domain behavior that attacks invading fish; ferocious nature. The diet is mainly carnivorous, the open bait of newly hatched fry is rotifers and arthropods, the juvenile fish are mainly branch-eating, and the juvenile fish are mainly copepods. Juveniles with a length of 3.5 cm begin to feed on small fish, and cannibalism is often seen in the absence of food. When the water temperature is above 25 °C, the feeding amount of juvenile fish can reach 50% of their own body weight, and the adult fish can reach 20%. When artificially reared, it can be fed chopped small miscellaneous fish as copper; after domestication, it can also be fed artificial compounding material.

Most of the largemouth bass in China are now the excellent perch No. 1 after optimal rearing. It can adapt to the more fertile water quality in the country and the artificial feed. But its nature is still there. Aquatic animals are also preyed upon in natural waters, and water earthworms are one of the important foods for largemouth bass.

The future of domestic original bait? Water Silk Worm Perch Pressure Field Hard Gas Challenge Limit Lua

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