
Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

author:Science Station

Recently, the National Park Service (NPS) issued a warning message calling on the public to exercise restraint and not lick the toad too much.

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

Warning details

When the webmaster first saw this news, he was shocked: Could it be that the American people love toads so much? Why do Americans have a toad pench?

With this doubt, the webmaster consulted the relevant information, this does not check and does not know, a check is really shocked, the toad turned out to be hung with "drugs" - addicts can get similar pleasure and hallucinations of drug use from licking toads.

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

It is precisely in this way that in the United States, where drug addiction is rampant, toad licking has developed into an industry, and some businesses or organizations will specifically catch toads for addicts to lick and lick in order to obtain benefits. However, because the addicts are acting too crazy, the toad population in the United States is facing collapse. In view of this, the National Park Service has to issue an initiative calling on the public to refrain from licking the toad too much.

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

Lick the toad

So why does licking a toad give pleasure to addicts? In this article, the webmaster will share with you this "interesting" and "helpless" scientific interesting fact.

Why does licking a toad give pleasure to addicts?

Let's first introduce the protagonist of the toad-licking incident - the Sonoran desert toad.

The Sonoran desert toad, also known as the Colorado River toad, lives in the southwestern United States or Mexico, and is one of the largest known toads in the Americas, living up to 20 years, which is equivalent to twice the age of ordinary toads. This toad's neighing is also different from that of ordinary toads, its call is short, faint and low, and it feels like a gentle toad from the sound alone.

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

But don't be fooled by his call, a toad that, though low-key, has a dark belly: in times of danger, the corners of its eyes and chin secrete a toxin large enough to poison a chicken. If a able-bodied adult is exposed to this toxin, it can be hallucinating or dizzy and hospitalized.

The toad secretes toxins contain hallucinogenic chemicals - toad tryptamine and 5-methoxydimethyltryptamine.

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

Toad tryptamine is actually very common, and it is found in the venom of many species of toads. This toxin is generally destroyed by enzymes in the mouth and digestive tract, and it is difficult to be absorbed into the blood, so the hallucinogenic effect of this toxin is not very strong.

However, 5-methoxydimethyltryptamine can be different, as a special skill of the Sonoran desert toad, this ingredient structure temperature is not easy to be destroyed, it is easy to make the eater feel excited and dependent. And the concentration of toads secreted at a time can reach as much as 15%, and if this dose is all absorbed, poisoning a chicken or puppy is not a problem.

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

Dogs lick toads

It is precisely because the toxins secreted by the Sonoran desert toad have a short-lived hallucinogenic effect, it is not difficult to understand that some addicts make this "licking" action to toads in broad daylight for short-term pleasure, excitement and audiovisual hallucinations.

Toads are not the only ones who bring pleasure to addicts

In fact, in addition to toads, addicts will also do some things that make us normal people unbelievable, such as - many addicts without money in Indonesia will go to the trash heap to pick up aunt towels and boil water.

In broad daylight, why do these people do such absurd things?

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

It turns out that this is because the production process of aunt towels needs to be bleached with chlorine water, and a large amount of chlorine remains on some poor quality aunt towels, and then after boiling water, a large amount of hypochlorous acid will be produced, and a large amount of hypochlorous acid will produce toxicity when drinking a large amount, which is symptomatic of nerve blurring and short-term excitement.

However, repeated consumption of hypochlorous acid may also bring about mucosal damage to the esophagus, stomach and other digestive systems, which will lead to mucosal decay and gastrointestinal bleeding in severe cases.

However, when addicts' drug addiction occurs, these harms are forgotten by them.

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse

Writing this, the webmaster suddenly understood why the ancients listed toads as one of the five poisons ...

Some netizens joked that don't let American addicts know that in addition to toads, there are scorpions, snakes, geckos and centipedes among the five poisons, otherwise they may be the next to suffer.

However, although the joke is a joke, the webmaster still has to solemnly remind everyone: please stay away from drugs and cherish life! Otherwise, you may be the next to do something ridiculous.

Why do Americans love to lick toads? The U.S. toad population is facing collapse
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