
Originally wanted Angelina Jolie to play the vulture's daughter in "Spider-Man 4"

author:Marvel movies

Sean O'Connor's new book featuring Spider-Man covers a lot of behind-the-scenes stories about Spider-Man.

Among them, it is mentioned that Sony once wanted Angelina Jolie to play the daughter of the vulture in "Spider-Man 4" starring Tobey Maguire.

Originally wanted Angelina Jolie to play the vulture's daughter in "Spider-Man 4"

The villain of Toby's version of "Spider-Man 1" is the Green Goblin, the villain of "Spider-Man 2" is Doctor Octopus, and the villains of "Spider-Man 3" include Venom and Sandman.

At that time, he did consider continuing to shoot "Spider-Man 4", but the plan was terminated.

According to the content of the book, the producers of "Spider-Man 4" plan to make Adrian Toomes' (that is, Vulture's) daughter,

Take over her dad's mantle and become the fearsome female vulture, an original character not found in the comics.

Originally wanted Angelina Jolie to play the vulture's daughter in "Spider-Man 4"

As for the development of the sequel, which was canceled in 2009, Sony thought of Angelina Jolie,

Because it is said that during the development of Spider-Man 4, her name was associated with this key character.

Julie's character doesn't just wear a supervillain's uniform.

In one of the film's proposed storylines, she is also an executive at an accomplished venture capital firm that is preparing to buy The Daily Clarion.

Originally wanted Angelina Jolie to play the vulture's daughter in "Spider-Man 4"

As for the vulture, director Sam Raimi wanted the character to be more modern than the one in the comics.

Some of this is reflected in the vulture's uniform, such as how his wings are designed to roll out like a razor.

Sam Raimi also wanted to design a scene for the vultures that would take the form of a library battle where a mob was sent to clean up the vultures, but the outcome was predictable.

Originally wanted Angelina Jolie to play the vulture's daughter in "Spider-Man 4"

Storyboard artist Jeffrey Henderson also talks about the qualities of this version of the vulture:

"He's basically a guy who does a lot of mean things for ZF and does a lot of the dirty work as a private contractor...

I think a smart thing to do is that part of the reason they call him vulture is that when he does these things, nothing but bones are left. ”

Who will play the vulture in Spider-Man 4? The studio's target candidate seems to be John Malkovich.

Originally wanted Angelina Jolie to play the vulture's daughter in "Spider-Man 4"

An important scene of the vulture in the film will take place on the roof of the Citibank Center on Lexington Avenue in Midtown Manhattan.

Henderson revealed that Vulture and Spider-Man had a desperate fight and almost killed Spider-Man.

But during the fight, the vulture's wings were broken, and he ended up falling from the roof of the building... He's dead.

Originally wanted Angelina Jolie to play the vulture's daughter in "Spider-Man 4"

If John Malkovich played the vulture, it would feel very good.

In Sony's and Marvel's co-produced "Spider-Man: Homecoming", the vulture played by Michael Keaton is also super oppressive.

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