
The speech of the parliament of black French parliamentarians was interrupted by racist remarks

author:Red Star News

On November 3, local time, at the meeting of the French National Assembly, a black parliamentarian's speech was interrupted by a white parliamentarian's racist remarks. The parliamentary session suddenly fell into chaos and had to be urgently suspended. However, the scene has been televised live, causing controversy in France. On the 4th, many Parisians took to the streets to protest the rise of racial discrimination in France.

On the 3rd, Carlos Bilongo, a black parliamentarian from the French left-wing party "Indomitable France", was speaking on the issue of refugees from Africa, but he was interrupted by a racist remark "Go back to Africa".

The speech of the parliament of black French parliamentarians was interrupted by racist remarks

Carlos Bilongo, left-wing MP: If Malta does not respond to the call for assistance coordination, refugees in need of assistance are in critical condition, and weather forecasts indicate that the weather will deteriorate, will we take action on the redistribution of refugees among European countries?

The speech of the parliament of black French parliamentarians was interrupted by racist remarks

Right-wing MP Gregoire de Furner: Go back to Africa.

Left-wing MP Carlos Bilongo: Don't do that.

The speech of the parliament of black French parliamentarians was interrupted by racist remarks

Jair Brown-Pive, President of the National Assembly: Which member said that?

The speech of the parliament of black French parliamentarians was interrupted by racist remarks

Other MPs: Get out, get out, get out.

Speaker of the National Assembly Jael Brown-Pive: The meeting will be suspended for five minutes.

However, a five-minute recess did not calm the situation, and the President of the National Assembly, Jael Brown-Pive, then had to announce the suspension of the day's session.

Parisians took to the streets to protest racial discrimination

The speech of the parliament of black French parliamentarians was interrupted by racist remarks

After the incident was made public live on television, it sparked controversy in France. On the 4th, the citizens of Paris took to the streets in response to the racist speech of the National Assembly to protest the rise of racism.

The speech of the parliament of black French parliamentarians was interrupted by racist remarks

Carlos Bilongo, left-wing MP: Millions of French people are being insulted by this extreme violence. Throughout the evening, I was getting all kinds of messages and emails from people. They said, "Mr. Billungo, you are fortunate to be a member of Congress, and this insult is heard every day by us ordinary people." ”

The speech of the parliament of black French parliamentarians was interrupted by racist remarks

Protester Pedro Felipe: As a black man, I have heard similar words before, and hearing such shocking statements in the National Assembly reminds me of an unpleasant past, so it is essential to participate in the protests.

The French National Assembly voted on the 4th to pass a preliminary ruling on De Furna's racist remarks, and in the next two months, de Furner's salary in the National Assembly will be halved, and he will not be able to attend any meeting of the National Assembly for 15 days. His far-right National Front party has denied accusations of racism, and party president Marine Le Pen has said it is an infringement of freedom of expression.


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