
Dominate it

author:Ming Kanazawa

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Dominate it

It's almost 11.11

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Dominate it

Dominant personalities believe that the world is full of sinisterness, injustice, and violence, and that in order to survive, one must be stronger than everyone else.

They have seen since childhood that it is the strong who are respected, and what the strong need, the weak will pay tribute. The strong will not suffer, and the weak will be despised and ravaged at any time.


One prisoner serving a sentence for wounding said: "When I was a child, one of my neighbors was killed by thieves. He came back from work and blocked the thief in the house, if he was brave and subdued the thief would be fine, but he was too kind, too scholarly and angry, instead of exerting force, he verbally ordered the thief to follow him to the police station to surrender, and as a result, he was stabbed by the thief - knife and lost his life. If it were me, I would never have been stabbed that way, I would have stabbed him first. ”

When this person became an adult, he was really known for fighting and fighting, and those who were mighty and bully in the building were beaten. As a result, while avenging a friend, he beat him to a disability and was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Most of them are blatant rebels, and some of them are secretly instigating or fooling others to oppose things that they are dissatisfied with, although they have not openly come forward to confront them. There are not many people who do not come out in public.

In order to remain awe-inspiring and powerful, they deny their inner needs, deceive themselves into not acknowledging their vulnerabilities, and think that they are not strong enough to present their needs to others.

They oppose from the bottom of their hearts the domination of others over them and against all unjust behavior

Evil as an enemy.

Dominant people use self as an indicator, have difficulty listening to the opinions of others, and often think that their opinions are correct.

If they insist on making a mistake, they will adopt an attitude of denial instead of admitting it, fearing that their strength will be weakened by admitting their mistakes.

Their denial is also called "self-forgetting."

If they really feel like they're doing something wrong, they'll force themselves to forget about it. The approach is usually to pursue happiness or help a friend. At this time, what they help their friends do is not necessarily the goal they are pursuing, or even has nothing to do with it.

At this time, they help friends to put many of their own things (including very important things) aside.

Dominate it


Transmission of love Uprising action

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Dominate it


Transmission of love Uprising action

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