
There is a longevity flower, called "Princess Anna", which has high appearance, long flowering period, shade tolerance, and can be raised indoors

author:Flower Sounds Gardening


Longevity flower is an excellent indoor potted green plant, and geranium, crab claw orchid and called "balcony three treasures", is also an important indoor flower viewing plant in autumn and winter, today to take you to know an excellent variety, it integrates high appearance, long flowering period, good feeding and other advantages, I hope you like it.

1. Meet "Princess Anna"

There is a longevity flower, called "Princess Anna", which has high appearance, long flowering period, shade tolerance, and can be raised indoors

Princess Anna

There are many varieties of longevity flowers, such as pink Paris, green Paris, golden fox, Lausanne goddess, etc., most of which are artificially bred horticultural varieties that are born for ornamentation. The one introduced today, named "Princess Anna", also called Alano, is also a classic excellent variety, which has a good reputation in the circle of longevity flower lovers, and is more suitable for novice flower lovers to "get started".

There is a longevity flower, called "Princess Anna", which has high appearance, long flowering period, shade tolerance, and can be raised indoors

The plant type is beautiful

Princess Anna is a perennial herb of sedum kogalan, the plant is low and compact, only 20-30 cm high, the main plant type, good branching, the branches are fleshy at the beginning, woody after maturity, belonging to succulents, very suitable for pot planting, small pots with a diameter of 10-15 cm can be planted, can be placed on small balconies/windowsills, desktops, coffee tables and other places for ornamental decoration.

There is a longevity flower, called "Princess Anna", which has high appearance, long flowering period, shade tolerance, and can be raised indoors

Super good looks

Princess Anna is a large flower-type longevity flower, its flower diameter can be the size of a dollar coin, the flower type is completely double-petaled, the number of petals is large, the buds are round and full, like a small peony flower, the flower color is complex, with pink as the base, there is a layer of white lace outside, the middle is rose, the flower color is bright, the appearance is high, and it has high ornamental value.

There is a longevity flower, called "Princess Anna", which has high appearance, long flowering period, shade tolerance, and can be raised indoors

Blossom powerful

In terms of flowering period, Princess Anna is not much different from other longevity flowers, the flowering period begins in autumn (usually in November and December), enters the peak flowering period after Christmas, and lasts until the end of spring of the following year (some areas can bloom until the beginning of summer), during this time will keep the flowers full of branches, there must be flowers, very spectacular, just the coldest and the most scarce season of flower-viewing plants, but also across major festivals such as New Year's Day and Spring Festival, plus the name means good, making it an indoor potted plant "fragrant", You can also put flowers in the hall for the year.

Second, the growth habits of Princess Anna

There is a longevity flower, called "Princess Anna", which has high appearance, long flowering period, shade tolerance, and can be raised indoors

Solid skin

Princess Anna likes a warm, sunny growing environment, both shade resistance, drought resistance and other advantages, basically no diseases and pests, tenacious vitality, is recognized by flower friends as a "lazy plant", maintenance costs are very low, very friendly to novice flower friends, as long as you understand its habits, it is not difficult to raise a "seller show" state.

Third, Princess Anna's planting advice

There is a longevity flower, called "Princess Anna", which has high appearance, long flowering period, shade tolerance, and can be raised indoors

Maintenance is not difficult

Flower pots: longevity flowers do not have strict requirements for flower pots, plastic pots, ceramic pots can be, considering that its branches will be lignified in the later stage, easy to get old piles, it is more recommended to cultivate simple and elegant ceramic pots, which can be cultivated into small bonsai trees;

Soil: to raise longevity flowers, choose loose, good air permeability and humus-rich soil, such as peat soil, saprophyll soil, you can also use garden soil + nutrient soil 1:1 mixed ratio;

Suitable environment: like semi-shade, astigmatism in the place, south balcony, north balcony can be, there is a terrace can be placed on the terrace, but long-term exposure to the sun, the leaves are easy to yellow, affecting the beauty;

Watering: Sedum plants are more drought-tolerant, the demand for water is not very strong, watering follows the principle of "see dry and see wet", the author from the family life flowers are basically watered once a week, spring, summer, autumn and winter four seasons unchanged;

There is a longevity flower, called "Princess Anna", which has high appearance, long flowering period, shade tolerance, and can be raised indoors

Indoor potted plant best

Fertilization: with nutrient soil as the substrate, it does not matter if you do not apply fertilizer in the first two years, and you can give an appropriate amount of thin fertilizer at the beginning of the third year, mainly in spring and autumn, thin fertilizer is applied frequently, and it will be more powerful to flowering during the flowering period;

Summer: Summer should be moved to a cool and ventilated place, as long as it is not exposed to the sun, it is easy to spend summer, and there is basically no problem of "difficult to spend summer";

Wintering: This flower is not very cold-resistant, the lowest can only withstand low temperatures such as 0 degrees, the temperature is below zero and needs to be protected against cold, the north must be moved back indoors, outdoor can not overwinter;

Reproduction: Mostly use cuttings, take branches that have not yet lignified, first water cuttings to take root, about half a month later can be transplanted into pots, through non-stop cuttings, a pot will become many pots.

A variety of longevity flowers with buds shipped ¥19 purchased

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