
‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬

author:Ultraman 123123456

‪安兹乌尔恭,作为overlord的核心男主领袖,总是以骨头的形象展示人物,因此据统计,许多粉丝和观众对骨头之王的人类形象非常好奇。 This time, with the help of doujin manga, the image should look like this. If the King of Bones has a human appearance, then Yarbed is the happiest. ‬

‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬
‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬

‪首先,安兹乌尔恭的真实面部和外貌,即伪人类的形状,在官方小说插图或漫画中都没有出现,因此没有正式的形状和参考。 Although there was indeed a play where the helmet was taken off to show the fake face of its rubber head, unfortunately, we only saw the back of the head, and the real face is still unknown, so this time it is the human face, which was also made by doujin artists based on the general appearance of the bone king. ‬

‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬
‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬

‪然而,这张脸真的是伪装编造的,这并不意味着铃木悟实际上也是这样。 This looks like a fierce uncle in his 40s, while Suzuki is just a social animal in his early 30s. However, considering the environment and conditions of the world at that time, the occurrence of aging is not surprising. ‬

‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬
‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬


‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬
‪ ‪overlord:‬如果骨头之王长得像人,雅儿贝德是最幸福的‬
