
Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

author:Uncle Meng's back garden

Yesterday, a friend asked me in the comments, how can I effectively remove the small gray butterfly? Now I will give a detailed introduction to the four succulent predators in the insect world and the methods of governance! Poor writing, pure vernacular, please forgive me! Okay, now let's start popularizing science.


It was the hot summer again, and the shell insects that annoyed many friends had erupted again, and the leaves and the hearts of the leaves were all white worms, which looked very disgusting.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

Afraid that friends have dense phobia, I chose a very normal, heavy taste of friends please find it yourself!

Many people don't know how the bugs come out? When the eggs hatch, in many cases, when they are bought back, the succulent soil will more or less carry the eggs of the insect shell, but it is too well hidden for you to find.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

Got a tick, one infected two, two passed on

The insects will generally attach to the back of the leaves or stems of succulents, and check them along the way when watering (the back of the leaves should also be seen), and it will be better to detect early and treat them early. And once the insects are outbreaks, they can quickly spread to other succulent plants.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

If you want to solve the problem of the insect, you need to understand it in all aspects: the insect, also known as the "shell worm". Harmful to leaves, branches and fruits. Mesophyllum is often male winged, able to fly, female and larvae once feathered, lifelong hermitage on the leaves or fruits, resulting in yellowing of leaves, branches wilting, tree decline, and easy to induce coal pollution.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

The method circulating on the Internet is nothing more than the use of medicines such as flower protectors, potassium permanganate, and carbendazim, which are actually useless. The flower protector is ineffective against adult insects, potassium permanganate is a disinfectant drug, and it cannot achieve the effect of killing insects. Carbendazim is a bactericidal drug, which also kills undead insects.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

Having said a lot now about my approach:

1. It is to take a toothpick or a hot red needle and stab it down to death. Pay attention to the action to tap, do not stab the succulent leaves, the consequences will be very serious. Of course, this is in the case of not raising many succulents, if you raise hundreds of thousands of pots of succulents, this method will make you tired and vomit blood, hahaha!

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

2. Beer, yes, it is to kill the insects with beer! Many friends think it is ridiculous, full of question mark faces? In fact, it is very simple, prepare a bottle of beer, mix with water in a 6-to-1 ratio, and then spray it on the entire plant in a watering can, spray everywhere as much as possible, and inevitably some missing bugs will run to other leaves without beer essence. The next day, you will find that the insect has turned reddish brown, and when you touch it, it means that it is dead.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

3. The small white medicine of the island country, can not admire the small white medicine developed by Japan, can only be said to be very useful but all belong to the systemic insecticide, take some mixed soil, you can manage about three months, basically there is no drug harm to succulents, overdose will not occur. Unfortunately, where it is easy to use, there are often so many side effects, all three have a disadvantage, toxicity, there may be harm to the human body, if you must use, it is recommended to wear gloves do not have direct skin contact.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

4. Mosquito coils, the use of mosquito coils to kill insect shell insects, personally tested, can not do 100% kill clean, but kill half, affect the activity of the remaining insect shells, control the insect pest is still OK. Mosquito coils are simple, low toxicity, and have almost no side effects on succulents, which is a good choice for those who are still novices.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

5. Greasy pesticides, general crop shops will have to sell, pesticides and water in a ratio of 1 to 10 mixed, very effective but the taste is large, toxic, not suitable for domestic environment use.

6 Three kinds of agents complement each other, one is indispensable, and when used together, it can kill the mesenchymal insects. The brand of medicine does not matter, only these three kinds of medicines are needed.

(1), killing phosphorus: broad-spectrum insecticide, acaricide, control of tick shell insects have special effects, no internal suction, safe and efficient, and treat whiteflies, aphids, and kill all beetles and green insects in seconds. Cons: The taste is a bit big

(2) Thiamethoxine: nicotine high efficiency and low toxicity insecticide, which has gastric toxicity and touch killing effect on mesenchymal insects, and has a special effect on adult mesozoans after combining with phosphorus killing.

(3), silicone high permeability agent: auxiliary killing of phosphorus and thiamethoxam so that the medicinal properties penetrate into the body of the shell insect, auxiliary two drugs penetrate the eggs, kill the eggs.

<h1>Little Black Fly</h1>

Friends who raise 12 volumes, for the little black fly is not unfamiliar, but the origin of the name little black fly can not be verified, but its image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no matter whether you know or do not know its name before, the first time you hear the word little black fly, your brain generally has only three reactions, 1. It turns out that it is called little black fly. 2. It's just little black fly, right? 3. What is Little Black Fly? (Don't worry, when you see it, it will automatically make up for it).

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

The actual scientific name of the little black fly is the sharp-eyed mushroom mosquito, an adult insect, the body wings are gray-black, the body length is about 3.8mm, in essence, it is a small, black and flying mosquito! The most commonly harmful things are fungi (the cultivation environment of fungi is very suitable for their reproduction, suitable for living and eating), so the aliases are: eye fungus mosquito, mushroom fly, mushroom maggot, mushroom mosquito, mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mosquito and so on. Larvae, maggot-like, small head, black, body white translucent or milky white, 12 segments, larvae body length up to 4.7 to 5.8 mm.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

Little black fly is actually no harm to succulents, it is particularly annoying to see. But the larvae of the little black fly are more harmful to succulents, he will nibble on the roots of succulents (wounds can cause infection, and then rot), nibble on the young leaves of carnivorous plants, and worst of all, some of the sown seedlings are its favorite objects of large meals, and once eaten, it is often eaten. Therefore, if you see your little black fly raging one day, after a while your 12 has an accident again, it will be "credit" for it.

How much can the little black fly flood?

It takes only 23 days to develop from an egg into an adult, with an average of 20.7 days, of which the egg stage is 5-6 days, the larval stage is 9-13 days, and the pupal stage is 4-6 days. After being able to fly, the little black fly begins to mate, the male dies 1-3 days after mating, the female lays eggs 24 hours after mating, a female can lay an average of 60-70 eggs, the female dies within 2-4 days after laying eggs, and the peak period is in the rainy season of March-April and October-November of each year.

Why are there small black flying floods?

The main reason is that your current planting environment is suitable for the growth and reproduction of small black fly, what kind of environment is suitable for small black fly breeding, wet, as long as long-term humidity is enough, if it is darker, the soil has more humus that little black fly really likes it. The secondary reason is that the soil you bring back contains small black fly or small black fly worm eggs, and sometimes it is not the fault of the soil brought back, who makes the little black fly fly fly, maybe it flies from your surrounding environment.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

How to cure succulents with small black flying?

The most effective way to treat small black fly is actually very simple, that is, to maintain the dryness and ventilation of the planting environment, the larvae will die in two or three days in a slightly dry environment (some 12-roll sheds appear small black fly larvae, it is said that as long as three or four days to stop watering, the larvae will die warp), some particles of soil paving, feel that small black fly no, less, in fact, in disguise to make the surface of their own planting environment become dry, is not conducive to the growth of small black fly. This succulent is actually very advantageous, because dry ventilation is originally preferred by succulents.

If you can't guarantee that your planting environment is dry in a short period of time, you can consider the following means:

Physical control: Small black fly has phototropism, can use black light lamps, or ordinary incandescent lamps to lure, and place pots containing insecticide liquid under the lamp (imidacloprid, leguo, permethrin, etc.), booby traps; can also be placed in the fungal mosquito activity place and the window in and out of the place of vixoclosin, the sticky insect is killed.

Chemical control: the control of small black fly, you can choose to use organophosphorus and pyrethroid pesticides for control, there are many types of agents, such as enemy insects, octyl thion, leguo, permethrin, etc., properly administered, generally have good results, the application method usually has a mixture method, watering method, spray method. The mixing method is to mix the pesticide into the planting soil in proportion to inhibit the growth of small black fly (furantine, small green medicine can root the small black fly); the watering method, the main method is to dilute the pesticide in a certain proportion with water, pouring planting soil; spraying method, that is, after diluting the pesticide with water, spraying with a sprayer in the place where the small black fly is infested. PS: Pesticides are all poisons, please be cautious in medication.

Some soil methods of insecticide: what orange peel, garlic insect repellent, wind oil essence, beer, spray with mosquito repellent (it is said that there are sprays that hurt plants), washing powder diluted and sprayed (washing powder contains a lot of inorganic salt, a large number of use will lead to soil salinization), with mosquito ashes sprinkled in the pot is said to have a good effect.

In short, the best way to deal with small black fly is to give succulents a non-humid environment, if small black fly is really flooded, may wish to try a good environment + physical control + chemical control three means.

<h1>Root mealybug</h1>

In potted flowers such as hibiscus, cactus, punu, jasmine, bamboo sunflower and other plants, the roots of plants such as wax wool and white wax powder are often harmed. This is a live root bug, which can cause potted flowers to grow weakly, wilt and yellow in color, and even the entire plant to die.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

The root mealybug has no shell, the body is milky white, the body length is only 0.9 to 2.2 mm, and it is oblong-oval. Because of its small size, it is easy to be overlooked. The root mealybug lives in the pot soil all its life, occurring more than 3 generations a year. It can occur all year round in greenhouses. It is often covered with white cotton around the roots of plant whiskers.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

Prevention and control measures:

1. Eliminate insect sources

In the purchase, introduction, transportation, gifts and other exchanges, it is necessary to carry out careful inspection to prevent the introduction of insect sources to prevent its spread.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

2. Soil disinfection

Choose the most suitable potted medium and carry out scientific disinfection. For example, the cultivation soil and other organic matter should be fully fermented and disinfected by high temperature or agent to kill the eggs or the reproductive mother.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

3. Pharmaceutical prevention and control

During the nymph incubation period, 40% rapid culling emulsion 1000 to 1500 times liquid, or 25% Akas emulsion 700 to 800 times liquid spray or root irrigation.

<h1>Small grey butterflies</h1>

If you look at the succulents and find that the succulents are chewed into a mess, and you vaguely pull a few bubbles of (small black grains) to you, no doubt, it is a kind of insect such as a vegetable green worm, their mother is usually a variety of butterflies and some moths, but in the spring blossom days, you are in love with your succulents, and then you have buried hidden dangers.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

This kind of bug, extremely destructive, absolute foodie, may be able to chew off half of your succulent in one night. The advantage is that the target is also very large, careful search will soon find the culprit, Ling Chi after execution, often there is no trouble. If you are worried, you can spray some pesticides such as pyrethroids and avermectin pesticides. Spraying is usually not necessary unless it is a long-term frequent hazard type, such as the grey butterfly.

The grey butterfly is a kind of insect that is particularly harmful to succulents after the shell worm, especially during the summer outbreak period, which will receive a lot of "grey butterfly attack" content every day, but most flower lovers do not understand its dietary rules and crime methods.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

In the past, when raising succulents, it was because it was on the balcony or terrace with mosquito nets, so it was not too obvious. It wasn't until a large number of succulents were moved to the back garden that I found out that this guy was simply terrible! Are there no such bugs in the native land of the god Mamato succulents?

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

The butterfly is characterized by its penchant for group crimes, and once one of them discovers this succulent cafeteria, it will come in droves to sweep it in a few days. And the reproductive ability is super strong, every night will lay countless eggs, even after the eggs in the same place are removed (usually using a toothpick to pick the thorn method), the next day will appear new, making people feel painful. (Eggs cannot be killed by drugs, and can only be removed by hand until they have a nervous breakdown)

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

Notice the green feces in the picture, left behind by the larvae of the butterfly, which will burrow into the leaf after hatching and enjoy a large meal until the leaf is eaten, and then move to the next meal. So spraying is not very good, especially hiding in the blade! Spray a ghost!

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

Finally revealed its true face, but the butterfly (cub) did not want to talk to me, and pulled a lump.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

Once you open it, you will find that there are a lot of hidden goods, and the chickens should like it. So the back garden is big, and you have to raise two chickens? The butterfly loves the Sedum genus the most, so it is usually necessary to focus on this species. The apricot and the 12 volumes were very happy, and they didn't even glance at it.

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

If you catch one, you can directly die!!!

Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly
Detailed introduction of succulent predators - silkworm root mealybug small black fly small gray butterfly shell insect small black flying root mealybug small gray butterfly

When the butterfly grows large enough, it will form a cocoon, and if it is not found and cleaned up in time, it will soon form a group of gray butterfly fighters and start a new round of incubation operations. At this time, I can only take the fly to shoot and chase after us every day, until I have a mental breakdown X, the back garden friends say that they have gone crazy, and ten thousand grass mud horses have stepped over our bodies...

In summary, the best way to prevent the grey butterfly is to make an insect-proof net for the meat and meat, and by the way, it is also shaded. Use a slightly larger white gap. If the wayward dew is left to its natural growth, nibble on it ~ Nature is like this! Want to cry without tears~

Well, the uncle sat in front of the computer and wrote a night, hoping to help everyone beware of these pests and protect their own succulents.

What questions can be raised in the comments, tomorrow's article wants to see what content can also tell the uncle,

Thank you all for watching! Ask for forwarding and ask for attention! Thank you

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