
In 1897, "Monster Hunter" Harrison, in search of excitement, sneaked into the Amazon rainforest alone, intending to catch a monster to prove himself. As a result, the monster was not found, but unexpectedly

author:Smoke is cold

In 1897, "Monster Hunter" Harrison, in search of excitement, sneaked into the Amazon rainforest alone, intending to catch a monster to prove himself.

As a result, the monster was not found, but it accidentally woke up a 6-meter-long giant forest worm.

Located in the Amazon basin of South America, the Amazon rainforest is home to the world's richest biome due to its hot and humid climate, and many of the world's rarest species live here.

The Amazon rainforest, known for its biodiversity, has also become the first choice for adventurers from all over the world who are keen on jungle adventures.

This may be one of the few pure lands on Earth today, the hot and humid climate conditions are not suitable for human survival, the jungle vegetation is dense, all kinds of animals and plants are flocked, and few people enter.

Imagine that there are many people who challenge climbing the Himalayas, but no one has ever made it through the Amazon rainforest.

It's a mysterious and curious area because it's less affected and disrupted by human actions.

The Amazon rainforest is arguably the most pristine place in the world, so it's also known as the "Off-Limits Zone".

The "human exclusion zone" is full of horror, in which biodiversity is not only expressed in the existence of a variety of rare animals and plants, but also in many very aggressive animals and plants that humans have never seen before.

Carnivores such as piranhas, forest worms, marching ants, etc., ordinary humans are powerless.

Even those who have been specially trained for this do not dare to challenge easily, in the face of these terrifying creatures, it is difficult for humans to survive, so until now, there are few traces of human involvement here.

In the late 90s of the 19th century, Harrison, known as the "monster hunter", was "tired" of challenging and dueling "monsters" in an environment full of human tracks.

In order to seek thrills and further prove his abilities, Harrison decided to do something that no one else had ever tried.

He decides to dive into the rainforest alone, trying to cross the entire rainforest on his own, adding weight to his name as "Monster Hunter".

Before heading to the Amazon rainforest, Harrison knew all too well how dangerous the region was.

He anticipated the tigers, lions, jaguars and other murderous animals that he might encounter that might pose a threat to his life, and prepared for this in terms of physical strength, skills and self-defense equipment, looking forward to encountering a real monster and being able to fully demonstrate his abilities.

But Harrison did not expect that even if he was fully prepared, he actually encountered a forest worm that could directly devour jaguars.

Known as the "rainforest overlord", it belongs to the category of snakes, and it is also the most ferocious species in the snake family, more fierce than the python.

It is said that the body of the forest worm is almost several times that of the python, the longest can reach about 10 meters, and the weight is almost 2-3 times that of adult males, and a single human cannot compete with it.

In addition to weight and body size crushing, the natural advantage of Mori oysters is that they do not have a jaw at all.

This means that the mouth of the worm can be expanded up to 180 degrees, and even has two rows of freely moving teeth in the upper jaw.

In this way, the forest worm can directly swallow larger animals, or even an entire human being, which is undoubtedly a fatal threat to humans.

But before that, almost no one had ever seen the real appearance of the forest worm.

In human cognition, the existence of a giant python is enough shock.

The forest worm Harrison accidentally encountered, although only six meters long, as the overlord of the rainforest, it is almost effortless to deal with humans.

Harrison was alert, but he just took it for a giant python.

60 million years ago, there was a creature called the Titan Python in the genus Serpent in the forest, which was extremely ferocious and huge.

But in the forest, it can be sheltered arbitrarily, and it is also very flexible, and any creature is only a small existence in front of it.

With great effort, he fought him with the self-defense weapon he carried with him, and he barely regained his life, and he hurriedly fled the Amazon rainforest.

After that, Harrison publicly stated that he encountered a monster in the Amazon, which was huge and almost died, and Harrison learned of the existence of this kind of worm afterwards.

Because the last time a similar Titan Python appeared was 60 million years ago, Harrison never imagined that such powerful creatures still exist on Earth.

Experts said that the reason why the Titan Python evolved such a huge body to dominate was because of the high oxygen content on Earth at that time.

Nowadays, as human beings travel all over the region and consume a lot of oxygen, their body shape is difficult to maintain, and they gradually begin to be at the lower end of the food chain in nature, and it is only a matter of time before they die.

Although the forest worm now reproduces the "glory" of the giant python to some extent, the survival of the forest worm is inseparable from the environment of the tropical rainforest, and even more inseparable from the abundant creatures in the rainforest as their essential food for survival. #头条创作挑战赛 #

In 1897, "Monster Hunter" Harrison, in search of excitement, sneaked into the Amazon rainforest alone, intending to catch a monster to prove himself. As a result, the monster was not found, but unexpectedly
In 1897, "Monster Hunter" Harrison, in search of excitement, sneaked into the Amazon rainforest alone, intending to catch a monster to prove himself. As a result, the monster was not found, but unexpectedly
In 1897, "Monster Hunter" Harrison, in search of excitement, sneaked into the Amazon rainforest alone, intending to catch a monster to prove himself. As a result, the monster was not found, but unexpectedly

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