
"Headmaster's mother" Zhang Guimei: If I can change their lives, my life will be worth it

author:Biography of Fanghua

She only spends three dollars a day, and more than 20 kinds of diseases are entangled, making 2,000 girls change their lives!

She is a special "mom" and she is also a "miracle principal".

For the sake of this "home", in order to be a good "mother", she gave everything she had.

Her story is worth telling to all.

"Headmaster's mother" Zhang Guimei: If I can change their lives, my life will be worth it

Zhang Guimei was born in 1957 in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province.

At the age of 17, she and her sister went to Yunnan Zhibian.

In 1990, she and her husband came to work at Xizhou No.1 Middle School. Mr. Principal, She became Teacher, husband and wife Qinser and Ming.

However, the good times are not long, and the happy days are always too short. She died of cancer in 1996, and she was devastated.

Zhang Guimei, who was extremely sad, applied to be transferred to Huaping to say goodbye to the past.

For the first time in a remote mountain village, she saw real poverty.

Students also wear plastic sandals in winter, often starving and freezing, and their clothes are not wrapped. What is even more absurd is that the female students who were still in the classroom the day before disappeared the next day.

There are many girls in the mountains who are powerless to fight poverty.

In 2001, the Huaping County "Children's Home" Welfare Institute was established, and the capital designated Zhang Guimei as the president.

The experience of abandoned babies in the welfare home and girls in the mountains made her decide to run a free high school for the girls in Huaping so that the girls in the mountains could have books to read.

"No matter how difficult it is for me, it is right to run a female high school, and it is all right to take my life." She has always believed that an educated woman can change three generations.

"Headmaster's mother" Zhang Guimei: If I can change their lives, my life will be worth it

In order to run a school, she suffered all kinds of grievances, "begging" everywhere like a beggar, going to the street to ask for money: "I want to run a girls' high school, can you support me for five yuan and ten yuan?" Two pieces will do. ”

She was verbally abused, spat on, and bitten by a dog. "There are hands and feet that don't work, wear glasses and come out to cheat money."

In five years, she collected ten thousand dollars.

In 2008, with the help of all parties, the Huaping Girls' High School that she longed for finally rose in the mountains, which is also the only free girls' high school in the mainland.

"Headmaster's mother" Zhang Guimei: If I can change their lives, my life will be worth it

The students recruited by the school came from poor backgrounds and had a poor cultural foundation.

You can only use the most stupid way to take the most tiring road. Go to each high school to buy exam papers and start the sea of questions tactics.

Teachers teach hard, students read hard. Memorize the textbook well and brush the questions to form muscle memory.

In the eyes of the children, she is both a loving mother and a strict principal.

She asked students to have short hair in all ears and not to wear skirts and high heels; The girls had to get up at 5:30 and go to bed at 12:00; Stuck watch to eat, in addition to eating, can not rest all day. But she was more cruel to herself, and she was the first to get up every day and the last to fall asleep.

"Headmaster's mother" Zhang Guimei: If I can change their lives, my life will be worth it

When she got up at 5 a.m., she held on to the parapet of the stairs, turned on every electric light, and drove away the wild cat and dog cobra from the mountains.

At half past five, she would turn on the little horn on time and shout at the student dormitory: "Girls, get up!" ”

365 days a year, no matter the cold and heat, day and night, she watched them read, run, and grow every day.

A plain dress, a waddle all the way. For more than a decade, she has walked 120,000 kilometers of home visit roads, and on the rugged mountain road, she has had fevers, broken ribs, and been unconscious, using her life to "rob people" with the mountains.

"Headmaster's mother" Zhang Guimei: If I can change their lives, my life will be worth it

Since the establishment of the school, Huaping Girls' High School has had a comprehensive online rate of 100% for more than ten consecutive years, ranking first in the city, creating one "miracle" after another of "low in, high out".

This year, 65-year-old Zhang Guimei suffered from more than 20 diseases such as tumors, pulmonary fibrosis, cerebellar atrophy, etc., and every step she took was painful.

These hands, which could not be stretched out at will, were just the epitome of her illness.

A few years ago, she was also issued a critical illness notice, and the first sentence of rescue and awakening was to advance her funeral expenses and spend them on the children. Every penny she spends is used to light up the girls' dreams.

I'm not sure how much time I have left, I can only race against time.

She wanted to see more girls fly out of the mountains and said to the girls, "Run forward, don't look back." ”

"Headmaster's mother" Zhang Guimei: If I can change their lives, my life will be worth it

Like the resolute and powerful school motto of Huaping Girls' High School: "I was born a mountain, not a stream, and I want to look down on the mediocre ravines at the top of the peaks." I was born a man and not a weed, and I stand on the shoulders of great men and despise lowly cowards! ”

The girls are like "red plum blossoms, blossoms shine", they become doctors, engineers, border guards, people's teachers... Seeing the girls in the mountains become talented, she cried into tears.

She didn't seem to have anything, but she had everything.

To this day, she remains alone, childless, and her only residence is a bunk in the student dormitory. The girls' children are all about her.

She said, I am so afraid of sleeping at night, the next day people will be gone, so what should the children do?

"Headmaster's mother" Zhang Guimei: If I can change their lives, my life will be worth it

The times are impetuous and people's hearts are changeable.

Every time we see Principal Zhang, we are moved to tears. More children in poor areas should be paid attention to.

In the future, it should not be another Zhang Guimei, who once again supports a school alone, with thousands of children.

This responsibility belongs to the whole society.

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