
The long-flowering and easy-to-raise dry lotus only takes 5 simple steps from sowing to popping

author:Blue Demon Garden

The leaves of the dry lotus are round like small lotus leaves, the flowering is very beautiful, the flower color is also very rich, and in the environment with the right temperature, it can bloom all year round, because the branches are vine-like, it can be potted ornamental, it can also be hanging, and it is one of the common spring flowers.

Conservation methods and precautions of dry lotus

The long-flowering and easy-to-raise dry lotus only takes 5 simple steps from sowing to popping

Arid lotus prefers a warm climate environment, is not tolerant of severe cold or heat, and usually has growth stagnation or wilting when the summer temperature exceeds 35 degrees. The suitable growth temperature of the dry lotus is 18-24 degrees, and it is usually propagated by sowing and cuttings.

Sowing can be carried out in the spring or in the autumn, and if the summer is hot in the spring, the flowering period will be greatly shortened, and it is recommended to focus on autumn sowing, and the flowering period can last from winter to summer. If you want the dry golden lotus flower to have a long period and bloom more, when managing, it is recommended to do the following points.

1. Suitable seedling time

The long-flowering and easy-to-raise dry lotus only takes 5 simple steps from sowing to popping

Because the dry lotus is not tolerant of heat, in most areas, the best time to sow is in the autumn in September, this time sowing, germination is fast, seedling growth rate is also fast, flowering is relatively early.

If it is a northern region, you can also sow in early spring or winter, after all, there is heating, you can sow at any time, and the summer is not very hot, the dry lotus is completely safe in summer, so the requirements for sowing time are not high.

Dry lotus sowing method

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In order to speed up the germination rate of seeds, you can soak the seeds with warm water before sowing, soak the seeds for 2 hours to absorb enough water before planting.

Sowing can be sown with universal vegetative soil or peat soil, the thickness of the seed cover is about 2cm, after planting, it should be watered, placed in a bright astigmatism place, keep the potting soil moist and wait for germination.

2. Seedling management

The long-flowering and easy-to-raise dry lotus only takes 5 simple steps from sowing to popping

When it is found that the seeds of the dry golden lotus germinate and break the soil, they should see the light in time, give soft light, and avoid the growth of the dry golden lotus seeds, the neck of the seedling itself is relatively long, if the light is not increased in time, it will often grow in vain, resulting in the growth of the dry golden lotus becoming weaker and easier to lodging.

Dry lotus seedling stage, just keep the soil moist and sufficient light, and so on after the growth of true leaves, you can apply thin fertilizer water, water-soluble fertilizer can be diluted 2500 times watering, and when the dry lotus grows 4-6 true leaves, you can transplant false planting, first planted in small pots of 10cm caliber, and then gradually change large pots.

The long-flowering and easy-to-raise dry lotus only takes 5 simple steps from sowing to popping

When the dry lotus grows 8-10 true leaves, it can be toppled, usually retaining the bottom 4 bud points, so that the bottom bud points will grow branches after the top, and when the branches grow 3-5 cm long, they can be toppled again, promoting the growth of more branches, the more branches, the fuller the crown, the better the plant type, the more flowering.

If you are doing hanging culture, after the first topping, you can observe the branching state and then decide whether you need to base again.

3. Sufficient light

The long-flowering and easy-to-raise dry lotus only takes 5 simple steps from sowing to popping

During the entire growth period of the dry lotus, it should be kept in sufficient light, and insufficient light will cause the branches to become longer and the plant type to become loose and ethereal. The environment with sufficient light, coupled with the top to promote branching, the dry golden lotus can grow very robustly, and it is not easy to fall and blossom.

4. Fertilizer and water management

In autumn and winter, the dry lotus is mainly based on nutrient branches, so at this stage, it should be mainly based on the growth of general fertilizer, which can be maintained once a week to apply compound water-soluble fertilizer or flower more than No. 1, or fermented soybean cake fertilizer water to promote the growth of branches and leaves.

Winter environment warm dry lotus will bloom early, generally in the stage of making dry lotus flowering, you can switch to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, until the entire flowering period, are mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. In the spring, the dry golden lotus is long on one side and blooms on the other, so the flowering period should continue to be fertilized, and the dry golden lotus can continue to burst.

5. Wintering and summer management

The long-flowering and easy-to-raise dry lotus only takes 5 simple steps from sowing to popping

The cold tolerance of the dry lotus is general, not resistant to frost, when the winter temperature is lower than 4 degrees, it is recommended to avoid frost maintenance, which can be placed under the corridor, and when the temperature is lower than 0 degrees, it should be entered into the room to overwinter, so as to avoid frost damage.

After the spring flowers, the dry golden lotus will bear seeds, and when the seeds bear more, the dry golden lotus often has a decline in vitality after entering the summer and is prone to wilting. If in the spring the dry golden lotus can be pruned in time to prune the residual flowers, or in a large number of seeds, can be pruned on the branches, so that the dry golden lotus can grow new branches, then the dry golden lotus in the summer can maintain a relatively good vitality, summer can give a relatively cool environment, shade maintenance, but also can spend the summer, safe summer dry golden lotus, in the autumn can bloom again.

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The long-flowering and easy-to-raise dry lotus only takes 5 simple steps from sowing to popping

This article is the original sharing of the Blue Demon Garden. In my public name: Blue Demon Garden (ilanyao), a collection of thousands of flower raising experience articles are collected to help you less flower pits!