
The first crisis after the Queen's death came: several members of the Commonwealth demanded compensation and the abolition of the monarchy Many predicted that the death of Elizabeth II would mean the end of an era

author:First military intelligence

The first crisis after the Queen's death came: several members of the Commonwealth demanded compensation and the abolition of the monarchy

Many people predicted that the death of Erasab II would mean the end of an era and the beginning of the disintegration of Britain and the British Commonwealth, and reality proved that this statement was indeed true. #英女王伊丽莎白二世去世 died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 96 #

Less than a day after the Death of the Queen of England, politicians from Jamaica, St. Lucia and other countries in the Caribbean Commonwealth once again proposed to abolish the monarchy, no longer recognize the British Open as the head of state, and demand that the United Kingdom pay compensation for the former slavery.

These members of the Commonwealth had long planned this, and last year, after Barbados declared that it was not a Commonwealth kingdom, they responded quickly, including Jamaica, who announced its withdrawal from the Commonwealth in the presence of Prince William.

If the Queen of England was the last straw that would sustain the glory of the Commonwealth and the Empire, her death would only hasten the collapse of the Commonwealth, and countries like Australia may already be accelerating the process. This means that Britain, which is full of internal crises, also faces pressure from the outside world, and it is not known whether this is good news or bad news for the new British Prime Minister Truss, who once called for the abolition of the monarchy. (juju)

The first crisis after the Queen's death came: several members of the Commonwealth demanded compensation and the abolition of the monarchy Many predicted that the death of Elizabeth II would mean the end of an era
The first crisis after the Queen's death came: several members of the Commonwealth demanded compensation and the abolition of the monarchy Many predicted that the death of Elizabeth II would mean the end of an era
The first crisis after the Queen's death came: several members of the Commonwealth demanded compensation and the abolition of the monarchy Many predicted that the death of Elizabeth II would mean the end of an era

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