
Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

author:Wei Feihong

Momoe Yamaguchi is a typical example of playing a wonderful life with a bad hand.

Momoe Yamaguchi was born into an extremely bad family. Her mother is a typical love brain, talking to people in love, actually do not know that the other party is married, others a few sweet words, just think it is true love, confused into love, but also cohabited, until pregnant, excitedly said to the boyfriend: "Let's get married, I am pregnant." The boyfriend's face was suddenly clouded with sorrow, and he said gloomily, "Beat the child, I can't marry you", she went to investigate the man's details and found that he was married.

Fortunately, her mother was kind and respectful of life, and in the face of such a cruel reality, she said to Yamaguchi's father, "I can't beat my child." Yamaguchi's father's nature was exposed, and he immediately became angry and forced her to have an abortion, because he could not divorce her. Her mother's most admirable virtues were also revealed, in any case, resolutely protecting her own fetus in her womb. Her father threatened her mother with a break in financial supply, and her mother would rather work to earn money than kill her own children.

Being able to endure what ordinary people can't tolerate, and insisting on doing a good thing, will surely have more rewards than ordinary people. Her mother almost saved her own child's life, and the child's future is also unambiguous, pulling her mother out of the abyss of life.

Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

After her mother gave birth to Momoe Yamaguchi, life became more and more difficult. Her father preferred sons to daughters, and it was not bad to expect to have a boy, and since her mother was so insistent on giving birth, she would no longer make it difficult for her mother. But when she saw that she was a daughter again, her father was very disappointed and very cold to Yamaguchi Momoe's mother and daughter.

For the mother is just. Her mother worked her way to earn money to raise her daughter.

No matter how strong Yamaguchi's mother is, the presence of their mother and daughter is a hurt and insult to another woman.

When he was 7 years old, Yamaguchi came home from school and saw her mother arguing with a strange woman. The two women quarreled with each other blushing and thick necks, while her father was beside him, sitting in a chair, watching the battle casually. There were two women who fought for him, and he was proud of it.

The quarrel was not relieved, and the strange woman directly pushed Yamaguchi's mother to the ground and rode up to fight. Yamaguchi saw that her mother had been beaten, and in a hurry, she picked up a pot of hot water next to her and poured it on the strange woman's head. The woman cried out in pain and jumped up from Yamaguchi's mother. Covering their burned faces, they rushed out of their house. Momoe Yamaguchi saved her mother.

Her mother held her daughter and cried bitterly. And her father went out to chase his wife.

The strange woman, her father's original match, came to the door and asked her mother to break off relations with her father.

7-year-old Momoe Yamaguchi did the first cruel thing in her life. Her mother saw hope.

Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

After this incident, her mother left her father's house with Momoe Yamaguchi and her sister, and the mother and daughter depended on each other. The mother was completely dead to her father this time, and changed her daughter's name to "Yamaguchi Hye", surnamed her mother's surname "Yamaguchi". Her mother's name was Masayuki Yamaguchi.

Despite their move, her father shamelessly went to her mother for money. Her mother didn't earn much, and she was almost always taken away by her father in a threatening manner.

The father took the money, and the mother looked at the pickle gang that could only be placed on the dinner table, and silently wept. Yamaguchi saw it in his eyes, hurt in his heart, and secretly resolved to earn money to support his family.

This is how psychological precocious puberty is forced out.

Momoe Yamaguchi was looking for every opportunity to make some money, and one day, she accidentally saw an advertisement for a singing contest with a prize money, and she was attracted by the amount of the prize money, which was a godsend, and if she could win the prize, the family would have a year's worth of food.

Like the little girl who sold matches in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, she was full of chicken, duck, goose and goose meals that she could buy after winning the award. She signed up with great excitement and boundless anticipation.

She was 13 years old.

Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

It's almost a life-saving effort, and if you do your best, you will be rewarded. With a song "Carousel", she won the second place in the entertainment program "The Birth of a Singer", and was held up by more than a dozen companies at the same time, and since then she has debuted as an idol singer.

Because he was too young and sang love songs with a beautiful voice, in the early days of his debut, Yamaguchi Suffered a lot of criticism. The first lyrics of "Green Fruit" she sang were "If it is your hope, I can endure anything..." Many people attacked Yamaguchi Momoe, "Does the child understand the meaning?" ”

"How to make underage girls sing such low-level fun songs!"

"Singing this kind of song is not famous."

Taking advantage of the criticism of public opinion, her father also came out to take advantage of the fire and robbery, he felt that his daughter did not dare to cause trouble again in the case of criticism, at this time came out to ask her for money, did not give it to threaten her, she was afraid that her reputation would deteriorate even more, her career would be completely ruined, and she would ask for everything to complete him.

Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

Indeed, Yamaguchi did not dare to refuse her father's blackmail and blackmail. Her father repeatedly borrowed money from Yamaguchi's company, and transferred Yamaguchi Toshie to other companies without authorization, stealing the transfer fee. In order to blackmail Yamaguchi Momoe, he held a press conference in the hospital room, denouncing Yamaguchi's various problems and saying that he wanted to fight for yamaguchi's custody.

In the face of such an irresponsible and brazen father, Yamaguchi Could only endure in silence. In her memory, everything about her father was bitter. She and her sister were supported entirely by her mother's handicraft work, and her father refused to pay maintenance and school fees. In search of a livelihood, her mother took her sisters and two of them to move repeatedly, and her life was hard. What made her even more unbearable was that when she was in middle school, one day when she came home from school, her father came to their house and saw the mature Yamaguchi Momoe, whose eyes were pale, not like looking at her daughter, but like looking at a woman who wanted to possess. That look made Yamaguchi Feel Fear in his heart.

She was determined to get rid of her father. After earning enough money, Yamaguchi Directly threw out a huge amount of money and said to her father: "This money is given to you, as if I repay you, from now on, we will cut you in two, my mother and I, and you no longer have anything to do with you, you don't come to us again." ”

Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

This was the second "cruel" thing she did, buying out the father-daughter relationship with her father for 5 million, and completely getting rid of her father's entanglement.

The third "fierce" thing she did was even more brutal, shocking the world of show business.

The 21-year-old Momoe Yamaguchi has become a world-class superstar and the most beautiful goddess in Southeast Asia with her excellent performances in film and television works such as "The Dancing Girl of Izu", "Flag of the Mist", "Ancient Capital", "Blood Coagulation", "Absolute Singing" and other film and television works, as well as her soulful and beautiful singing. At the age of 21, it is a period of excellent star style, and when everyone is looking forward to her more film and television works and performances, she announced that she has stopped filming.

Everyone can't understand why she died at such a good age and when the prospects were so brilliant, how could she be willing to give up such a huge fame and fortune?

Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

After the shadow, she married her crush Yuwa Miura, and was at ease to marry and teach her son at home, and never came back.

Her fans couldn't accept her leaving the film industry, and someone sneaked into her house just to see her face.

Momoe Yamaguchi once said: "The reason why I quit was because in my 21-year life, I met someone worth cherishing for the first time, that is, Tomowa Miura. ”

Some accused her of marrying as a housewife – "It's all because of you, and the status of women has regressed to a decade ago." ”

Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

She said: "I think that a woman's self-reliance is that she lives in the world and can deeply understand what is most precious, it can be work, it can be a family, it can be a couple, it can also be called spiritual independence, and I never think that social activities can be counted as self-reliance." ”

Yamaguchi's experience was too bumpy. The mother is abandoned from chaos to the end, a person who works as a woman to earn money to raise children, and is blackmailed by the father; Illegitimate daughters, in addition to their father's dislike, have suffered a lot of discrimination in society. After entering the show business circle, I thought that I could earn money and live a rich and dignified life, but when I entered it, I knew that the show business circle is Vanity Fair and a place of right and wrong. At the age of 14, shortly after her debut, she was called a "bad girl" for singing adult pop songs. The 16-year-old fought a lawsuit because of public opinion rumors about her and a male star. In order to ask her for money, her father constantly threw dirty water on her and blackmailed her bottomlessly. Criticism and right and wrong, never left her.

Yamaguchi Take poured a pot of hot water on the woman, and she used three "fierce" things to achieve career and happiness

She saw clearly that she did not leave the huge vanity fair of showbiz, these are right and wrong will not be broken, do not know which day the same thing will emerge, do not know which day there will be scandals. And, even though she broke off the father-daughter relationship, as long as she earned money, there was no guarantee that her rogue father would not come to her for money after spending all the money. Although she cherishes her love and marriage with Miura Yuwa in her heart, as long as she is in the show business circle, there are always landmines around her, and she does not know which day she will step on them, there will be explosive news, which she cannot control. Therefore, if she wants to have no problems in marriage, she must stay away from the right and wrong place of show business, and only by leaving the show business circle can she live a clean and steady life.

Momoe Yamaguchi resolutely left the show business circle. If you want to stay away from right and wrong, you must stay away from fame and fortune. Great fame and fortune inevitably bring right and wrong.

She could see too much.

For 40 years, her marriage has been very happy, and Miura Tomokazu has never had a scandal. They won the "Champion Couple" award for 15 consecutive years. In the list of ideal celebrity couples, Tomokazu Miura and Momoe Yamaguchi have ranked first for 9 consecutive years.

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