
Species Encyclopedia: Monk's Hat Jellyfish

author:The zoo is full of animals

The monk-hat jellyfish is a floating coelacanth belonging to the hydra. The top is a monk's cap-shaped floating capsule, white and transparent, with a slight bluish-purple at the front and rear. The anterior end of the floating capsule is slightly pointed, the posterior end is blunt and rounded, asymmetrical; its apex is dorsal peak-shaped. Camp pelagic life, often blown by the wind to the sea or with the currents of the sea, feeding on tiny organisms and organic matter. It is found mainly in the tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean and sometimes in the Mediterranean Sea.

Species Encyclopedia: Monk's Hat Jellyfish
Species Encyclopedia: Monk's Hat Jellyfish

Although they resemble jellyfish, they are actually a community containing both the body of the hydra and the jellyfish. Each individual is highly specialized, interconnected, and cannot survive independently. The hydra has many long tentacles, up to 20 meters long, and is densely packed with up to 750,000 poisonous thyrocysts. When the tentacles touch prey, immediately shorten the coiled prey and fire poisonous spines to attack. Due to the large surface area of the tentacles and the large number of spiny filaments, it can cause serious poisoning damage to the prey.

Species Encyclopedia: Monk's Hat Jellyfish
Species Encyclopedia: Monk's Hat Jellyfish

The toxin of the monk's cap jellyfish belongs to the category of neurotoxins. Although the toxins secreted by a single spiny sac are insignificant, when the toxins secreted by thousands of stingers accumulate, they are no less toxic than cobras. After being stung by them, you will feel severe pain, erythema will appear on the skin, and toxins will penetrate into the lymph nodes, causing allergic reactions, causing fever, breathing difficulties, shock and other phenomena, and even interfering with cardiopulmonary function, which can be fatal in severe cases.

Species Encyclopedia: Monk's Hat Jellyfish
Species Encyclopedia: Monk's Hat Jellyfish

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