
An African country with three capitals: South Africa


#One country, one product approaching Africa #Mention the countries of Africa, most people first have two words in their minds: black, poor! These two words may be more applicable to some countries, but for others, not only do they not apply, but they completely subvert our imagination.

When it comes to Africa, there is one country that absolutely cannot be bypassed, and that is South Africa! South Africa's economy is among the best in Africa!

An African country with three capitals: South Africa

First, let's talk about the geographical location of South Africa. Open the map, you can see at a glance that South Africa is located in the southernmost part of Africa, which is surrounded by the sea on three sides, the north is land, due to the special geographical location, most parts of South Africa belong to the savannah climate. The southwest also has a Mediterranean climate.

An African country with three capitals: South Africa

Secondly, South Africa is rich in mineral resources! Diamond production is the highest in the world. Agriculture, services, manufacturing and mining form the four pillars of South Africa's economy!

Agriculture in South Africa is also relatively developed! Although most of the places here are dry and rainy, agriculture that uses groundwater for irrigation is also very distinctive!

An African country with three capitals: South Africa

South Africa's crops are mainly wheat, corn, sugar cane, peanuts, fruits and vegetables are also relatively rich! South Africa's agricultural products are not only self-sufficient, but also a considerable part of them are exported abroad. Among them, South Africa's sugar exports are among the highest in the world! Wines are renowned internationally! Many people think that when they mention wine, they think that it is a specialty of France and Italy, but in fact, it is not, south African red wine is absolutely good and cheap!

The three capitals of South Africa are Pretoria, Cape Town and Bloemfontein. They are the administrative capital, the legislative capital and the judicial capital.

An African country with three capitals: South Africa

Here, one of South African heroes has to be mentioned: Mandela! Mandela was revered by South Africans as a national hero! Because he not only led the South African people to eliminate the system of racial discrimination, but also became the first president of South Africa! Because of this, Mandela was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!

When traveling to South Africa, you must bring back several local specialties, here to introduce to you.

An African country with three capitals: South Africa

One is diamonds. Diamonds in South Africa are very famous, but if you have limited economy, you can look at more and feast your eyes;

Second, red wine, red wine and diamonds, can be described as much cheaper, and is also a good gift for friends;

The third is chocolate. Chocolate in South Africa is very famous! A trip to South Africa, without a little chocolate is not counted as having been to South Africa;

An African country with three capitals: South Africa

The fourth is the ostrich egg. The largest egg in the world is an ostrich egg! Because the ostrich is the largest bird in the world, the ostrich eggs here are not only beautiful, but also the main thing is that it is rich in nutrients, without any pollution, and it is pure green food;

An African country with three capitals: South Africa

Fifth, root carving. For friends who love the art of root carving, it is also appropriate to bring some root carving!

Also, South African juice is also very special! Because the fruits here are abundant! South Africa's tourism industry is also famous! Its southernmost point, the Cape of Good Hope, is famous all over the world! Of course, the relationship between South Africa and China is also very close and friendly!

Friends, after seeing here, do you want to travel to South Africa?

An African country with three capitals: South Africa

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