
What do Chinese people need to pay attention to when traveling to South Africa by car during the summer vacation?

author:YCRY Studios

Is it safe to go to South Africa for a road trip during the summer holidays? The latest South Africa travel precautions summary, when traveling in South Africa, safety is the most important, South Africa is relatively not very good security, so we must pay special attention to it. On top of that, there are a lot of things to be aware of when traveling to South Africa by car. Next, the editor will share with you the precautions for traveling to South Africa, I hope it will be helpful to you.

1. Seasonal issues: China's summer vacation is winter in South Africa

South Africa is located in the southern hemisphere, and the seasons are exactly opposite to China; In summer, from October to March, the average temperature is 28 degrees; In winter, from April to September, the temperature difference is large, 20 degrees Celsius at noon and about 0 degrees Celsius at night, so please choose appropriate clothing for travel. Even though it's winter, UV rays are still strong, so wear sunscreen when you go out at noon. Due to the large temperature difference between morning and evening, visitors with cardiovascular disease should pay attention to their health.

What do Chinese people need to pay attention to when traveling to South Africa by car during the summer vacation?

Second, the star standard of hotels in South Africa is lower than that in China, and most of them do not provide toiletries and slippers

The standard of a four- or five-star hotel in South Africa is lower than that of its Chinese counterpart, but most hotels are environmentally friendly, and most hotels do not provide toiletries and slippers. The tap water in the hotel room can be drunk directly, and the local high-end hotel is not absolutely safe, so please take your passport, cash and other valuables with you when you leave the room, and the stored luggage must be locked.

What do Chinese people need to pay attention to when traveling to South Africa by car during the summer vacation?

3. In winter, the interior of South Africa is dry and should be fireproof, and the seashore should be rainy and waterlogged

In winter, the interior of South Africa is relatively dry, and it is necessary to prevent fire everywhere you go, and sometimes South Africans will burn the famine, and passengers need to detour, and passengers should drink water and moisturize in time. Waterfront areas, especially the Cape region, are rainy and need to be protected from severe weather or natural disasters such as floods. When passing through mountainous areas, heavy fog is likely to occur in the early hours of the morning or late afternoon, so be careful when driving.

4. Winter is a good time to watch animals in South Africa, pay attention to safety

Winter is a great time to see animals in South Africa's nature parks, but due to the short grass in winter, the range of animals expands, so visitors should strictly follow the park rules. In winter, you can see fish and whales up close on the South African coast, but the water is cooler and you need to take care to keep warm.

What do Chinese people need to pay attention to when traveling to South Africa by car during the summer vacation?

5. Shopping accepts US dollars and international credit cards, and shopping at night is not allowed for safety reasons

South Africa's currency is called the rand, but it also accepts US dollars and international credit cards, and UnionPay cards can be used in some major shopping malls. Tourists should not exchange US dollars for rand at airports, hotels and restaurants to avoid attracting the attention of criminals. When buying valuables, it's also important to remember not to show them out. Most shops in South Africa close at 6 p.m. and no shopping is allowed at night, so it's best to stay in a hotel at night for safety reasons.

What do Chinese people need to pay attention to when traveling to South Africa by car during the summer vacation?

6. You cannot buy animal products and return to China, and you will be checked at the customs

The trade of animal products is allowed in South Africa, but China prohibits it, and guests cannot bring any ivory products, ostrich eggs, animal fur, animal specimens and other animal products back to China in South Africa, otherwise they will bear the consequences, and once they are seized by the customs, they will all be confiscated, and financial fines or sentences will be imposed.

What do Chinese people need to pay attention to when traveling to South Africa by car during the summer vacation?

7. South African cars drive on the left, cross the road and look at the vehicle on the left

South Africa is a Commonwealth country, and all cars drive on the left, so pay attention to vehicles on the left side when crossing the road. South Africans generally follow the rules of the road, so the speed on the road is fast, and tourists must follow the signal lights when crossing the road and do not cross the road. Some black drivers have the habit of petty theft, and valuables such as passports and cash cannot be stored in the car, so please close the windows when getting out of the car.

What do Chinese people need to pay attention to when traveling to South Africa by car during the summer vacation?

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