
There is a kind of geranium called "royal family", high appearance and love to blossom, heat-resistant and easy to raise, you deserve it

author:Flower Sounds Gardening


Geranium is a potted flower that flower lovers love to raise, and is called the "Three Treasures of the Garden" along with clematis and hydrangeas. Autumn, is the geranium "home", today to take you to know a very good variety, it has a high appearance, long flowering period, good skin, like to raise flowers friends can see.

I. Understanding the "Royal Family"

There is a kind of geranium called "royal family", high appearance and love to blossom, heat-resistant and easy to raise, you deserve it

Geranium "Royal Family"

This geranium is called "Royalty White", also known as royal white color, belongs to the big flower day series, artificially cultivated horticultural varieties, from South Africa, is now widely cultivated around the world, is one of the most cultivated geranium varieties, the status and the moon and season of the "pink lonza gem" is similar, the love of many people.

There is a kind of geranium called "royal family", high appearance and love to blossom, heat-resistant and easy to raise, you deserve it

The plant type is compact and beautiful

The royal family is a typical large-flowered geranium variety, the plant growth is medium, the plant height is usually only more than 30 cm, even if it is planted on the ground, it is only 40-50 cm, the branching is excellent, it can grow a large number of side branches on its own without hitting the top, the plant type is very compact, the pot effect is good, it is easy to become a ball, the pot planting is very adaptable, the caliber of 15-20 cm pots can be raised, is an excellent garden, balcony, window sill decorative flowers.

There is a kind of geranium called "royal family", high appearance and love to blossom, heat-resistant and easy to raise, you deserve it

Beautiful and fairy

Can be called "royal family" geranium, its "appearance" will certainly not be bad, first of all, the tree shape is beautiful, it is a small sub-shrub plant, not herbaceous, leafy, followed by the leaves are also good-looking, leaf-shaped horseshoe-shaped, lush, green, more beautiful after flowering, flowers and rhododendrons are very similar, snow white petals have rose red spots, the color is fresh and elegant, delicate and not charming, beautiful and fairy.

There is a kind of geranium called "royal family", high appearance and love to blossom, heat-resistant and easy to raise, you deserve it

The flowering period is also long

The royal family is also a variety of flowers that love to flower in the big flower day, most of the big flower days are a season of flowers, it can bloom for three seasons, the first flowering is spring, until early summer, stretching for several months, after opening you give it a pruning, to the autumn can also open another wave, the amount of flowers is also more, there must be flowers, it is easy to bloom out of the state of the pop pot, can bring you a full sense of achievement.

2. Suggestions for the cultivation of royal families

There is a kind of geranium called "royal family", high appearance and love to blossom, heat-resistant and easy to raise, you deserve it

Maintenance is simple

The advantages of the royal family also include these: (1) the skin, especially in terms of heat resistance, does not have the pressure of "difficult summer", and is one of the best geranium varieties in summer, which is very suitable for novice florists to plant; (2) The demand for vernalization is not high, and it can bloom normally in the two Guangdong areas that are not too cold in winter, or northern flower friends move back to a heated house in winter, and can bloom without vernalization. Here are some conservation suggestions for you:

Flower pots: raise geraniums, it is recommended to use thin and tall plastic pots, plastic pots are better than ceramic pots, and the depth is enough for root growth;

Soil: Large flower day likes loose, fertile, well-drained soil, such as peat soil, humus soil and other nutrient soils, adding pine needles, perlite and other particulate matter will be better;

There is a kind of geranium called "royal family", high appearance and love to blossom, heat-resistant and easy to raise, you deserve it

Enclosed balconies can also be raised

Suitable environment: geranium likes light, to be placed in a sunny place, there is a terrace to put the terrace, the indoor balcony should also be placed south, east, etc., although the north balcony can also be raised, but the flowering ability is not as good as the south balcony;

Watering: Geranium watering method is similar to the monthly season, following the principle of "no dry watering, dry and thorough watering";

Fertilization: In order to make it more flowering, spring and autumn can often give a little flowering fertilizer, such as more flowers, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and the like, the ratio of water and fertilizer 1000:1 direct watering, every 10 days or so, if there is no time to fertilize, occasionally watering points are also OK;

Summer, overwintering: summer put in a cool and ventilated place, do not be exposed to the sun on the line, this variety is not afraid of heat; Cold resistance is also good, can resist low temperatures of about -5 degrees, but the north is recommended to enter the house;

Precautions: in the rainy season, we should pay attention to ventilation, try not to let the rain drench, and the long-term accumulation of water in the potting soil can easily lead to rotten roots or breed diseases and insect pests.

There is a kind of geranium called "royal family", high appearance and love to blossom, heat-resistant and easy to raise, you deserve it

"Light up" your balcony

Summary: "Royal Family" is the classic variety of geranium family, in addition to not blooming in all seasons like upright days, there are basically no impeccable shortcomings, the skin is strong and good to feed, can be used as a practice variety for novice flower friends, perennial small woody, planted once can be watched for many years, a flower can "light up" your balcony / window sill, friends who have flower raising plans in autumn can try.

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