
Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

author:Look at history with a little dust

The four words of martial arts novels are likely to be representatives of leisure relief for others, but in Gu Long, it runs through all his work and life, and when it comes to Gu Long, he has to start from martial arts novels.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

The origin of Chinese novels has a long history, first the myths and legends passed on by word of mouth, and gradually enriched and developed with circulation, becoming an escape history with great artistic value.

Similarly, fables and biographies, such as Kong Mengzhuang and The Chronicle of History, provide a broad world, rich materials, and space for imagination for novels.

The emergence of martial arts novels in the Chapter Hui body

Especially in the Ming Dynasty, as the most important or even the only literary genre of ancient novels, the emergence of Zhanghui novels represents that vernacular novels have occupied the mainstream in the field of literature.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

Narrative characteristics such as chapter-by-chapter narrative, story independence, neat paragraphs, and echoes from beginning to end are still widely used even today.

In particular, in martial arts novels, Zhang Hui body will form a unified whole book, providing great help for interpreting a colorful, sword-and-blood world of rivers and lakes.

In the form of artistic expression from mythological stories and historical interpretation to pay attention to life, pay attention to reality, go deep into personal life, write daily life, from extraordinary to ordinary mortals, the personalization and diversity of characters are also a great reference for martial arts novels.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

The martial arts novels that truly conform to the modern definition must start from the Republic of China, represented by the owner of the Zhu Lou, integrating the philosophical theories of Confucianism and Taoism, breaking through the surface with points, throwing bricks and jade, and satirizing the darkness of real society and the tragedy and helplessness of the rivers and lakes.

Martial arts chivalry, life experience, rich knowledge, Jin Yong has become a representative of a new generation of martial arts novels, long-term must be united, Jin Yong integrated all the characteristics of the four major schools, the romance of martial arts gods and monsters society, has become a peak in the martial arts industry.

The emergence of new martial arts

The emergence of Gu Long has become another brand new legend in martial arts novels, through fragmentary, silhouette-style techniques, and combined with the trend of the times of film and television, a new way of writing martial arts novels has emerged.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

No matter in which field, inheriting a genre and standing on the shoulders of giants to develop, this way can be gradual or traceable.

Gu Long, on the other hand, took a different path, abandoning the various fighting techniques in the martial arts world, putting the vision and focus on the spiritual level, and paying more attention to the changes in the spirit and attitude of the people in the martial arts world after gaining strength.

His novels are logically clear and well laid out, and do not lead to criticized mistakes such as time and space confusion for some wild imaginations like Jin Yong.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

In order to match the effect of film and television, his narrative language is full of action, drawing on the artistic language of drama and script, absorbing the structural language of the script, and vividly expressing the characters.

Its narrative language also absorbs the characteristics of Lefu poetry, with unrestrained rhythm and variability, and even sees some characteristics of Li Bailefu poetry.

The highly romantic narrative language, coupled with the continuous staggering of long and short sentences, uses bold exaggerations and wonderful metaphors to show the majestic momentum with the arbitrary writing.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

Opening and closing, leaping vertically and horizontally, or going down the river or soaring, this kind of Li Bai-style lyricism is like a wild wind and rain, heroic and unrestrained, and the clouds and rivers flow like rivers into the sea.

Gu Long's novel also runs through his own life experience and life philosophy, under the interlocking plot of the chapter back novel, the love goes to the depths, the ink is sprinkled, and the peaks and loops feel the sorrow and joy of the world.

For the understanding of love, the insight of human nature, Gu Long will be his own unique perspective, a little bit of understanding into the characters, in the truth and goodness, between love and hate, in the separation of life and death to find the brilliance of humanity.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

People in the jianghu, involuntarily, are not only the endless grievances of the jianghu in the martial arts world, but also the realization of Gu Long's lifelong struggles.

There seems to be nothing wrong with describing Gu Long's life other than writing in terms of charm, jianghu spirit, wantonness, and red wine.

In the world of martial arts, chivalry is the way, and in reality, Gu Long is also implemented, blurring the boundaries between the two and making people dizzy.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

In Gu Long, he not only saw his reference to Li Bai's poetic style, but also saw his admiration for the Li Bai-style life of Li Bai, who was born with thousands of gold and talents, and also wantonly admired the Wei Jinshi people.

Wei Jin wind and currents

Many people call Wei Jin Fengliu a true model of celebrities, otherworldly, informal, quite Dao bone fairy style, Ji Kang Ruan and other famous people do not seek merit, send their own landscapes, so they are also learned and praised by future generations.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

As a behavior style that expresses personality, personality, and embodies their own ideals in life, they advocate nature, transcend things, do not ask about world affairs, and take youju as their philosophy of life.

It can be seen that the Wei and Jin dynasties have integrated the philosophy of Confucianism, and they have become a model for countless literati and eunuchs for thousands of years.

But it can also be seen that the Wei and Jin dynasties are still mixed to this day, and the judgment lies in excessive indulgence, arbitrariness and absurdity, and perverse reason.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

Gu Long was uninhibited all his life, and in a sense, he seemed to be realizing the freedom in his literature and ideals, and achieved his own kind of "Wei and Jin style".

The real Wei and Jin dynasties may not be indulgent, the Wei and Jin people pursue the beauty of personality, in other words, try to pursue their artistic life, and use their own poetry to realize their own ideals of life.

Perhaps it can be seen from Tao Yuanming, who also came from the chaotic Wei and Jin dynasties, and this kind of life is too dry in the eyes of ordinary people, but from a certain point of view, he is otherworldly, and his life is artistic.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

In the place of cultivation, the place of practice, the heart to understand, and write their own philosophy, to create a leisurely and distant landscape pastoral poetry, it seems to walk into the mountain village, in fact, into their own ideal garden.


Perhaps in his later years, Gu Long, even if he was seriously ill in bed, was still drunk, and wine had become a part of his reality and spirit, even on the road of writing.

Gu Long: Talented but alcoholic, died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 48, and was buried with 48 bottles of brandy after his death

Drinking all day, advanced cirrhosis, and wanton freedom are always so expensive that hospital sheets stained red with blood become the last evidence to stay in the world.

At the funeral, various friends gathered, forty-eight bottles of foreign wine appeared particularly eye-catching above the funeral, and perhaps drunk at the funeral to send the last journey of the ancient dragon.

Maybe only drunk and drunk, one step closer to the martial arts world of Gu Long, at this time, wine has become a bridge to understand Gu Long's life!

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