
"8.27-9.2" Weekly Study Abroad Information in New Zealand

author:Study abroad in New Zealand

New Zealand intends to abolish the Masks Order

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said today that after nearly a year of using the traffic light system, it was time to see if the settings were still "fit for purpose".

"8.27-9.2" Weekly Study Abroad Information in New Zealand

The Otago Daily revealed that the government has proposed to cancel all mask orders, except for the most dangerous health environment. New Zealand, which launched its traffic light response system on December 2 last year, is currently in a yellow light setup that requires masks to be worn in areas such as supermarkets and shopping malls. If you go to the green light setting, the mask order will be completely canceled.

A majority in New Zealand is in favour of lifting all outbreak restrictions as soon as possible

The latest 1News Kantar public opinion poll shows that 35% of New Zealanders support lifting all outbreak restrictions now; 30% of New Zealanders want to lift all outbreak restrictions after the current peak of infection; 30% of New Zealanders do not want the restrictions to be lifted.

"8.27-9.2" Weekly Study Abroad Information in New Zealand

New Zealand epidemiologist Michael Baker said that despite the downward trend in the number of cases, now is not the time to reduce the limit.

Free monkeypox drugs are available in New Zealand in late September

Although monkeypox cases in New Zealand are still low, health authorities are already actively seeking medicines to treat monkeypox. Deputy Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall announced that the government had obtained the monkeypox drug tecovirimat, which is expected to be launched in New Zealand in late September. In addition, the New Zealand Ministry of Health has partnered with Pharmac to secure the supply of smallpox vaccines from Imvanex or Jynneos, which are effective against monkeypox.

This word makes up the "hot search vocabulary" of New Zealand recruitment websites

New Zealand job advertising agency Seek found that the phrases most searched by New Zealand job seekers on their websites are: working from home. In a recent survey of more than 4,000 New Zealanders, working from home became a "must-have" for those job seekers. Seek's research found that if working from home wasn't an option, 39 percent of job seekers would choose to leave. Job ads that include work from home have increased by 1,100% since 2019 and have continued to climb since then.

"8.27-9.2" Weekly Study Abroad Information in New Zealand
"8.27-9.2" Weekly Study Abroad Information in New Zealand

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