
The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

author:Tony said something

When it comes to Moldova, in addition to its small size, it is the smallest republic in the former Soviet Union, and it is also particularly poor, often competing with Ukraine for the first place in Europe's income.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

Anyway, if you look at the poorest countries in Europe, Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus, the three former Soviet union countries, have been dominating the list for many years, and Moldova has repeatedly won the first place.

Moldova is sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania, ukraine on the left, as poor as itself, and Romania on the right, which is not rich.

In the past, the former Yugoslav countries are not much better, and they are among the top ten regulars of the poorest countries in Europe. Moldova is so caught in a bunch of poor countries that it can't be poor.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

Moldova has 33,000 square kilometers of land and a population of 3.5 million, which is equivalent to a prefecture-level city, and its income may be no better than that of our county.

The per capita income is more than 3,000 US dollars a year, equivalent to more than 20,000 yuan, and the salary of 2,000 yuan a month is less than 1,700 yuan, and even the lowest-paid jobs in the mainland have exceeded a lot.

And Moldova's poverty is not because the Soviet Union is poor, it has always been relatively poor.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

When the Germans captured Moldova, they were almost stunned by the poor moldova. Most of the places here are not yet connected to electricity, there are not even decent roads, and it is muddy everywhere when it rains.

After the German occupation, they originally wanted to grab some supplies here, but they found that they were poor here and they wanted to help. Writing his report, the officer said, "The poverty of Moldova reminds us of the Middle Ages. ”

On the contrary, in the era of the Soviet Union's planned economy, the Soviet Union would still receive some assistance, but it was not so poor. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moldova was like a child left unattended, poorer and more completely.

Poor enough to have no way to do, can only go out to work, young people let go men and women are running out, men come into the factory to make screws, do porters, supermarket staff or something.

What about women? Hey, Ukraine next door is making a good start.

Ukraine is also poor, but the sister paper is beautiful, the beauty is rich and poor, it is inevitable to go to the sea, Ukraine is known as the womb of Europe.

Moldova also did not give in, and the sister paper was also beautiful, so it also learned to go to the sea in Ukraine.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest
The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest
The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

Even the president is a beauty

According to statistics, another tenth of the women in moldova have become women who have lost their footing.

In the Netherlands, Germany, a legal place in this red light district, many women from the sea are from Moldova.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

If Ukraine is the big womb of Europe, then Moldova is the small womb of Europe.

Men and women have gone out to work, and the rest of the country are basically left-behind children and the elderly.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

Even in such a small country, earthquakes are also loved, and every time the earthquake occurs, some infrastructure is damaged again, and transportation deteriorates, which in turn exacerbates poverty.

Such a small country is still divided, 33,000 square kilometers is not large, and 4,000 square kilometers of Transnistrian republics have been divided.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

Although the left bank of the De River is not recognized internationally, it is in fact independent, has its own government and flag, and does not have to pay taxes to Moldova.

Most damningly, the Transnistrian Republic is home to moldova's heaviest industry and the richest.

So the remaining territory in Moldova was even poorer, and only grapes could be planted.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

Moldova's wine is really good, but European wine is everywhere, moldova's wine is not good enough to be like Maotai, so it does not contribute much to the national economy.

Why did Moldova join the Soviet Union?

In fact, Moldova is not East Slavs, and the ethnic culture is the same as that of Romania, which was previously part of Romania.

Or, in other words, the Principality of Moldova, the Principality of Wallachia and the Principality of Transylvania, together they formed Romania.

However, the Romanian problem is too close to Tsarist Russia, and it is a more dangerous thing to be a neighbor with Tsarist Russia, not to mention the southeast, southwest, and northwest, as long as it is a neighbor, it has been cut off by Tsarist Russia.

Later, the Soviet Union also more or less inherited the great power chauvinism of Tsarist Russia, and its border with Romania was a bit unclear, simply holding its own big size, and extortion threats and other ways to dig up Moldova from Romania as the smallest republic, and came to the Soviet Union.

Renamed the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

This accession also assigned its own outlet to Ukraine, which was not returned after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and without accession, economic development was even more restricted.

In fact, during the period of joining the Soviet Union, the Soviet government wanted to help Moldova alleviate poverty, especially during the Lenin period, and the idea of common prosperity was still very strong.

Lenin felt that no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education, and Moldova's poverty may be related to poor education. Because Moldovans have long been accustomed to poverty, they do not have high demands on the education of their children.

The former Soviet union member "Moldova", in addition to the smallest, is also the poorest

So the Soviet government invested a lot of money in the development of Moldovan education, but, of course, Moldova was cursed by God, and it was still poor.

So moldova's poverty is before joining the Soviet Union, joining the Soviet Union, and after leaving the Soviet Union, it is as poor as ever.

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