
Speech at the wedding appreciation banquet for Yao Yuhong and Liu Zujiang, daughter of Yao Gang'an Chunju

author:Mianzhou Chronicle
Speech at the wedding appreciation banquet for Yao Yuhong and Liu Zujiang, daughter of Yao Gang'an Chunju

Guests and distinguished guests, gathered today. The Grand Hotel of the Pastoral, holding a thank-you banquet. The Golden Boy and the Jade Girl hold hands and form a good relationship. The Yao family has a lady, and the rainbow is beautiful. The groom, Liu Zujiang, is a good boy in the army. Lang cai with female appearance, flowers are good for the full moon. Guests came to celebrate, young and old. On this occasion of joy, I sincerely wish you all the best.

Speech at the wedding appreciation banquet for Yao Yuhong and Liu Zujiang, daughter of Yao Gang'an Chunju

The bride and groom, remembering the words of their parents: marry trust, marry responsibility. Husband and wife will always love each other, and the white head heart will not change; Having children and having children will surely achieve your wishes. Filial piety comes first, respecting the elderly as a model; Both parents are gracious, and the reward should be honored. Youth should be hard work, entrepreneurship is not afraid of difficulties; Career should be successful, happiness and long-term companionship.

Speech at the wedding appreciation banquet for Yao Yuhong and Liu Zujiang, daughter of Yao Gang'an Chunju

I wish all guests good luck and good luck! Everyone is happy, everyone is safe!

Author: Shiyin Shanren

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