
The photos show that Australia is a unique country

author:Someone cries, someone laughs

Lizards are everywhere

Australia has some big lizards, unlike the little geckos we see in the United States. These lizards have little fear of humans, so you'll find them everywhere. One in this photo is a lace monitor lizard that can grow up to 6.5 feet and weigh more than 30 pounds.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Uluru, a boulder

Uluru Rock, also known as Ayer's Rock, is a single rock formation in central Australia and is the largest megalith in the world. It is also sacred to the local indigenous tribe pitjantjatjara (called anangu).

Uluru is a historic site in Australia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination as it is such a well-known landmark.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Magpie breeding season

We will move from a natural landmark to the bizarre characteristics of the native Australian pigeon magpie. These birds become ferocious during the breeding season, which locals call the subduction season. If you're outside, there's a good chance you'll be attacked by magpies.

As a result, cyclists have taken some creative countermeasures, such as putting shock nails on bike helmets like this guy did. They are just cable ties and do not harm birds.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Kangaroos are everywhere

Perhaps the most popular Australian animal is the kangaroo, a jumping marsupial with kangaroos on its currency and coat of arms, and is one of Australia's national symbols. It is famous all over the world, with millions of people living only in the Australian wilderness.

Kangaroos usually have humorous interactions with humans, but their powerful hind legs can be dangerous, as can be seen from how this kangaroo somehow found itself standing on its house. Another day in Australia.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

29 years of beach

Let's take a quick break from australia's many dangerous things and see its beautiful side. Australia has more than 10,000 beautiful beaches, and if you go to one every day, it will take you about 29 years to visit all of them.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

A thorny tree

It seems that only in Australia do they need a warning sign about the stinging tree. We don't even need to say it at this point. The tree's scientific name was Dendrocnide Excelsa, but they simply called it the Giant Thorn Tree.

The peptides in the fine hairs of trees are very similar to spider venom. It's not known why the tree injects venom into careless passers-by, but it can be incredibly painful and last for months.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

They are obsessed with vegetarianism

There's a song called "Under the Land" and they mention a vegetarian sandwich. You might be wondering what that is? Vegetarian is basically Australia's national food, and it's a delicious brown batter made primarily from yeast extract.

Australians put it on toast, use it to make sandwiches, put it in soup, or some even eat it straight out of a jar. It is almost completely fat-free and is vegetarian, sugar-free but gluten-free.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Guinness Book of Records for Christmas Lights

People like to go to extremes in Australia, one example of which is that in 2013, an Australian family set a Guinness World Record for most Christmas lights on a house. The Richards family, who live in Canberra, used more than 500,000 lamps.

While it was later recaptured by a family in New York, Mr Richards also helped set the record for the largest LED light display in 2014. This guy loves him for Christmas!

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Widow pine cone

It is possible to guess the meaning of this name.

This one is interesting. Of all the things in Australia that want to kill you, there's a giant pine cone. It comes from a 120-year-old Buniasson tree, and these things weigh about 22 pounds. Since pine cones are also high, they can cause serious damage.

It's unclear if this is normal, but the town where the pine tree is located has issued an official warning to distance itself from the tree.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Mischievous local wildlife

Kangaroos, wombats and koalas are just some of the cute and adorable wild animals that have helped Australia win over the rest of the world, but they are also known to be troublemakers. Ask the wallabies in this photo who decided it was time to clean the living room.

Australians often rescue injured kangaroos from the wild, and some even keep them as pets. In fact, they were a great family pet, and they were even introduced to the UK, New Zealand and France, where some live in the wild today.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Steven Owen, Crocodile Hunter

In many ways, Steve Owen is the embodiment of Australia. A reckless guy with a deadly accent who isn't afraid to roll in the mud with a giant crocodile, a crocodile hunter who is everything else in the world imagines to live under the sea.

Unfortunately, Steve is no longer there, but his memory remains with his daughter, Bindi, one of Australia's foremost animal protectionists.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Don't forget Tasmania

Tasmania is a small island at the southeastern tip of Australia that is relatively less well known, and most people know it only because of the Tasmanian devil on Rooney's tune. However, it is actually a state of Australia and was admitted in 1901.

Tasmania has a similar history to the rest of mainland Australia. Australians have a nickname for Tasmania: Tacitus.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

More animals are going to kill you

If snakes, venomous single-hole animals and giant lizards aren't enough, Australia is home to a variety of other deadly creatures. Two such creatures, the funnel web spider and the blue-ringed octopus, are highly venomous and dangerous creatures, and they are just one of them.

You'll notice that Australians don't seem to worry too much about these dangerous animals. If instead we stay there, we may never leave our house.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

Huge sheep farming

In Australia, one of the most widely and popular livestock is sheep, and wool and lamb are one of their largest industries. There are 63.7 million sheep in Australia, and there is plenty of open space for sheep.

Of course, farmers have to worry about the various dangerous wildlife that live in Australia, where pythons and wild dogs make a living eating sheep.

The photos show that Australia is a unique country

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