
Clamoring that Putin has offended Macron, Johnson's hot successor is "emotional intelligence is worrying"! Relations between NATO's two major powers may be more tense

author:Red Star News

According to reports, the results of the election for the leader of the ruling Conservative Party in the United Kingdom will be announced on September 5, and the survey shows that the current foreign minister, Truss, is "far ahead" of former finance minister Sunak and is expected to succeed Johnson as prime minister. The popular candidate for the British prime minister has frequently "spoken amazingly" in recent days, first claiming to "press the nuclear button" when necessary, and recently when asked by the French president "Is Macron a friend or an enemy", she replied: "It is not yet conclusive, if I become prime minister, I will judge him by his actions rather than words." As soon as this remark came out, it quickly caused a sensation.

Previous analysis believed that after Johnson left office, the Anglo-French relationship may be "reset". However, it has been reported that once Terrass becomes the next British prime minister, the relationship between Britain and France may become more tense. The report pointed out that this shows that during the special period of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, two important NATO countries experienced "infighting."

Clamoring that Putin has offended Macron, Johnson's hot successor is "emotional intelligence is worrying"! Relations between NATO's two major powers may be more tense

↑ British Prime Minister favourite Truss

"Unpopular" female foreign minister

Recently "offended" Macron

For Tras's remarks, British Prime Minister Johnson said in French that he and Macron have always had a good relationship, "Macron is a good friend of our country." French President Emmanuel Macron said that "no matter who the British leader is" and that "although its leaders may sometimes make small mistakes in grandstanding", the United Kingdom is an ally of France. Macron's remarks underscore the need to maintain a "clear line of thought" in today's complex international environment and suggest that it is absurd to make "hostile remarks" between France and Britain, two supposedly close allies. Peter Ricketts, britain's former ambassador to France, also said Mr. Tras's remarks were "irresponsible."

In fact, this is not the first time ThatTras has made "amazing remarks." According to the 23rd report, Truss claimed that pressing the nuclear button "is an important duty of the prime minister" and that he is "ready" to do so when necessary. It is understood that Tras has also indicated in the campaign that she intends to renew Britain's nuclear deterrent. Earlier, during talks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, Tras also made a "low-level mistake" by mistakenly treating the Russian oblasts as Ukrainian territory, and Lavrov later said that this was a "dialogue between dumb and deaf people." Asked if she would sit down with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the G20 period, Tras said she would "call Putin out" to talk, claiming to be "ready to frustrate Lavrov's vigor."

Senior diplomats and insiders around the world have reportedly said That Mrs. Terrass is not popular on the global stage: she is questioned in most of Western Europe and the United States, her relationship with the new Australian government is problematic, and she is "unpopular" in Russia.

Clamoring that Putin has offended Macron, Johnson's hot successor is "emotional intelligence is worrying"! Relations between NATO's two major powers may be more tense

↑ British Prime Minister favourites Terrasse and French President Emmanuel Macron

Relations between Britain and France are increasingly strained

European countries are beginning to worry

It has been reported that relations between Britain and France have become increasingly strained as a result of a series of disputes, and there seems to be less patience on the part of Paris.

It is reported that since Brexit, the dispute over fishing rights between Britain and France has continued to escalate. It is understood that under the EU Common Fisheries Policy, most of the fishing quotas in the sea area before Brexit were allocated to EU countries. But after Brexit, British vessels have a larger share of catch (or quotas). Fishermen from EU countries who want to enter British waters to fish can obtain fishing permits if they can prove that they have previously fished in this area. France argues that the UK has been delaying the issuance of licences to eligible French fishing vessels since Brexit, while the UK has denied it, claiming to have issued licences to French fishing vessels that had been in UK waters prior to Brexit.

There are also differences between the two sides regarding the Northern Ireland Protocol. According to reports, on June 27, local time, the lower house of the British parliament passed a bill proposed by the British government to unilaterally amend parts of the "Northern Ireland Protocol", and critics are worried that this may trigger a trade war with the EU. Terrass said the EU must accept changes to the protocol itself. Ricketts predicted that if Terrass were elected and insisted on pushing for the Northern Ireland Protocol (amended or implemented) in the current way, Macron might not agree to a high-level summit with him.

In addition, the United Kingdom, together with the United States, signed the "AUKUS" military agreement with Australia last year and reached a new agreement to purchase nuclear submarine technology. That has resulted in France losing its €56 billion contract, which france believes should not treat its allies this way. In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Britain and France also have certain differences on the refugee issue and their attitude towards Russia.

According to reports, the most recent disagreement between Britain and France was due to "water pollution". It is reported that several French lawmakers in the European Parliament recently sent a letter to the European Commission, asking the latter to seek "political and legal" ways to prevent the United Kingdom from discharging untreated sewage into the English Channel and the North Sea. One of the MPs, Stephanie Jon-Kurtan, called out that "the English Channel and the North Sea are not junkyards". However, The British water minister, Steve Double, said the French side's claims were "unwise and meaningless".

There are reports that before Brexit, there was a "delicate balance" between britain and France. The analysis believes that if Terrass is elected, for the sake of britain, for the sake of the Western alliance, she should strive to return the anglo-French relationship to the state before Brexit. Miguel Berger, a German diplomat, also said relations between Britain and France should be "as close as possible". "I think [the two countries] need to have good understanding and cooperation," Berger said. But French officials expressed concern about Mr. Teras's diplomatic tactics. A senior French official revealed that the British leader France would like to see was "anyone but Terrasse." The official said many French officials considered Terrass to be "lacking in talent."

Red Star News reporter Li Jinrui

Editor-in-charge Deng Xuguang Editor Wang He

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Clamoring that Putin has offended Macron, Johnson's hot successor is "emotional intelligence is worrying"! Relations between NATO's two major powers may be more tense

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