
The large green leaves on the safflower are called plantains. Plantain is a perennial herb of the family Plantainaceae, in the genus Plantain. The plant can reach a height of up to 4 meters. The leaves are oblong, blunt at the apex, and the leaf surface is bright green and shiny;

author:Just as the maple leaves are red

The large green leaves on the safflower are called plantains. Plantain is a perennial herb of the family Plantainaceae, in the genus Plantain. The plant can reach a height of up to 4 meters. The leaves are oblong, blunt at the apex, and the leaf surface is bright green and shiny; The petioles are stout, the inflorescences are apical, drooping, and the bracts are reddish-brown or purple; Male peanuts are in the upper part of the inflorescence and female peanuts are in the lower part of the inflorescence; The discrete is several times the same length as the aphrophytic disc, and the apex has a small pointed tip. The berries are triangular, oblong, ribbed, nearly sessile, fleshy, and contain most of the seeds. The seeds are black with warts and irregular angles. Native to the Ryukyu Islands, it can be cultivated in the open field south of the Huai River in the Qinling Mountains, and is mostly cultivated near gardens and farmhouses. The leaf fiber of the plantain is the raw material of the plantain cloth, which is also the raw material for papermaking.

Figure 2 is called a string of red, also known as burst red, ivory red, is a genus of sages in the family Labialaceae. The inflorescence is slender, bright red, long flowering, and adaptable, making it the most commonly cultivated herbaceous flower in Chinese cities and gardens. Native to Brazil, South America. Love the warmth and sunshine environment. Not hardy, semi-shade tolerant, avoid frost, snow and high temperatures, afraid of standing water and alkaline soil. A bunch of red fruits are small nuts, oval in shape, containing black seeds, easy to fall off, and can be self-propagated.

The large green leaves above Figure 3 are cannabis. Cannabis is a perennial herb up to 1.5 meters tall, green and glabrous, with a lumpy rhizome. The ground is overgrown with branches. Monophyllal intergenesis; Sheathed petioles; The leaves are ovate and oblong. Inflorescences, solitary or conjoined flowers; Greenish-white with a red tinge at the apex; The corolla is mostly red, with 2-3 vestigial vestigial stamens, bright red; The lip flap is lanceolate, curved; Capsules, long ovate, green flowers, fruit period 3-12 months. It is a commonly used flowering plant in subtropics and tropics. Prefers warmth and plenty of sunshine, not hardy. The soil requirements are not strict, and it grows best in loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soils, and is also suitable for the growth of fertile and cohesive soils. Perennial root herb. It is native to tropical America, India, the Malay Peninsula and other tropical regions. #夏日大作战 #

The large green leaves on the safflower are called plantains. Plantain is a perennial herb of the family Plantainaceae, in the genus Plantain. The plant can reach a height of up to 4 meters. The leaves are oblong, blunt at the apex, and the leaf surface is bright green and shiny;
The large green leaves on the safflower are called plantains. Plantain is a perennial herb of the family Plantainaceae, in the genus Plantain. The plant can reach a height of up to 4 meters. The leaves are oblong, blunt at the apex, and the leaf surface is bright green and shiny;
The large green leaves on the safflower are called plantains. Plantain is a perennial herb of the family Plantainaceae, in the genus Plantain. The plant can reach a height of up to 4 meters. The leaves are oblong, blunt at the apex, and the leaf surface is bright green and shiny;

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