
How many plants per square meter is there in barberry?

author:Shuyang County Guanghan Garden Nursery Farm

The purple-leaved barberry grows at a height of about 50 cm, and when the height of the bush is low, it is about 40 cm, and the tall plant can exceed one meter. The reasonable density of one square meter of purple leaf barberry planting is about 36 plants per square meter, and generally people will make up an integer of 40 plants.

How many plants per square meter is there in barberry?

Purple leaf barberry

People know that planting plants must be related to the size of small seedlings, and small plants can plant more trees, in fact, there is a particularly important factor that we have ignored, that is, the season when we plant plants. Just like in the summer, we will plant a lot less purple-leaved barberry per square meter, if it is too densely planted, then it will cause large-scale rotten roots of the plant, and the summer weather is sweltering, it is not easy to ventilate, if all crowded in a square meter of planting, the breathing between the plants is not very smooth.

How many plants per square meter is there in barberry?

Purple leaf barberry

Like the wind and the sun in the spring, plant about thirty-seven or eight purple-leaf barberry trees per square meter, so that the breathability between them will become very good, and the most important thing for plant growth is ventilation, so for the sake of a good harvest of plants, you must not skimp on the spacing between the plant lands.

How many plants per square meter is there in barberry?

Purple leaf barberry

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