
Walking in the countryside, they put the health of the people in mind

author:Bright Net

【People's livelihood matters that the general secretary cares about (13)】

Editor's Note

Promoting the construction of a healthy China is a solemn commitment of our party to the people. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has focused on solving the problems of difficult and expensive medical treatment for the grass-roots masses, deepening the reform of the medical and health system, balancing the layout of high-quality medical resources, improving the conditions of grass-roots infrastructure, and ensuring the health of the people in an all-round and full-cycle manner. From "taking treatment as the center" to "taking health as the center", from "seeing a doctor with money" to "saving money from disease prevention", we have invited several grassroots medical workers to tell real changes with vivid stories, and invite experts to contribute wisdom to how to better protect the health of the people during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

【First-line narration】

Health is managed and there is a sense of happiness

Narrator: Wan Xiaoying, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shaxian District General Hospital in Sanming City, Fujian Province

"Health is 1, everything else is a back 0. 1 No more, nothing more. "In March last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping left a sincere entrustment during his inspection of our Shaxian General Hospital, which made us always remember the importance of health and health. Our mission is to protect this "1" in the lives of millions of people.

Thinking back to 2017, the construction of the county medical community sounded the horn, our hospital and all township health centers and more than 100 village health centers in the district integrated, the formation of a shared responsibility, benefit sharing, highly unified management of people and property of the close medical community, to undertake the whole district 260,000 people basic medical care, basic public health services, preventive health care and other responsibilities.

In order to let the people see the good disease at the doorstep of their homes, we borrowed strength from the upwards and invited major medical experts at all levels to come in; Downward help, sink the district-level talents and resources, so that the people can seek medical treatment more conveniently and comfortably.

We also got a lot of help from all over the country. In November last year, Wu Lianhua, chief physician of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, took the initiative to come to our hospital to help carry out "migratory bird-style" sitting clinics. During the month-long period of help, Wu Lianhua taught the doctors the correct neurological examination methods, standardized medical record writing, and taught the basic principles and main indications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which greatly improved the level of neurology in the hospital. The doctors benefited a lot, saying, "Through Professor Wu's guidance, they learned more advanced treatment techniques and exercised a broader diagnostic thinking." There are many more such examples.

In order for the people to see the disease at the doorstep of their homes, it is necessary to open up the "last kilometer" of medical services. To this end, we have established a patrol medical team and regularly carried out specialized inspections in township branches to form a fixed-point pairing service. Every time it is time for the rounds, the experts of the General Hospital will get on the bus early in the morning and rush to the various branches; Nearby villagers will also wait early in the clinic of the township branch. Nowadays, regular visits to grass-roots health centers for consultation, rounds, and lectures have become the norm for medical workers in our general hospitals. We have also strengthened the informatization construction of "Internet + medical community", integrated the information systems of the general hospital with the township health centers and village health centers, improved the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, and basically formed a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment pattern of primary diagnosis, two-way referral, acute and slow treatment, and upper and lower linkage.

Now, the people's lives are better, and the requirements for health are getting higher and higher. Following the footsteps of the times, we have launched the health science popularization network "cloud live broadcast" to provide basic public health services such as health management for the elderly, follow-up of patients with chronic diseases, and maternal management. Many people said: "Health is managed, and there is a great sense of happiness." ”

Walking in the countryside, they put the health of the people in mind

In Tianba Village, Tianba Town, Wuxi County, Chongqing, Dr. Jiang Zaiqiang (left), the first secretary of the village, conducts health monitoring for villagers during a home visit. Xinhua News Agency

Minor illnesses do not leave the island, and major illnesses depend on

Narrator: Dai Min, vice president of Shiye Town Health Center, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province

"Hello, please register here first, and then help you do a physical fitness test later." According to the appointment time, Zhao Chenggen, a villager in Xinglong Village, Shiye Town, came to the exercise promotion and health center of our hospital, and under the guidance of the exercise prescriber, carried out spirometry, seated body forward flexion and other project tests. After a while, he got the physical fitness test report.

"Now it's really different, seeing a doctor is not only to cure headaches and brain fever, but also to exercise scientifically." No, the list has several sports advice written on it, and if you do it, you will definitely be able to live younger and younger. Zhao Chenggen smiled and said the heartfelt words of many villagers.

"Without the health of the whole people, there will be no comprehensive well-off." On December 13, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to our Shiye Town Health Center to learn about the development of rural medical and health undertakings and the situation of villagers to see a doctor. Over the years, we have kept the general secretary's entrustment in mind, and always kept the health of the people in mind and implemented it in practice. Nowadays, as people's lives get better and better, the requirements for health are getting higher and higher, and our services have also expanded to the whole cycle management of people's health.

For example, we took the initiative to carry out scientific popularization to patients with chronic diseases in the town, providing them with free physical examination tests and providing specific guidance on both medical treatment and sports and fitness. A follow-up examination will be performed after 3 months of medical examination. So far, the health center has issued "exercise prescriptions" for more than 80 patients with chronic diseases. The hospital also drew 30 medical staff and formed 5 "3 + X" family health responsibility teams to provide zero-distance health services for villagers by going to villages and households.

Shiye Town is located on a Jiangxin Island in the Yangtze River, and in the past, residents had a headache and brain fever, which often had to go from the island to the city, which was very inconvenient. Now, things are very different. A few days ago, villager Du Yanfen registered as usual, looking for a doctor to detect blood pressure and dispense antihypertensive drugs. Listen to her, in the past few years, she has suffered from high blood pressure and has hardly ever visited a hospital in the city. "Basically can be solved here, medical insurance reimbursement does not have to run out of the island, it is really convenient." She said.

"Small diseases do not leave the island, and major diseases have to rely on", and the good wishes that were once there are now becoming a reality. We will continue to take the family doctor team as the core and do a good job in the full-cycle health management of 15,000 people on the island, so that people can enjoy happiness in a healthier life.

Walking in the countryside, they put the health of the people in mind

In Zhongping Village, Maoya Town, Suiyang County, Guizhou Province, village doctor Zhang Tao walks on the way to the clinic. Xinhua News Agency

Saying that my medical skills are high, in fact, the conditions are good

Narrator: Bo Li, a doctor at the Gujiatai Village Clinic in Longquanguan Town, Fuping County, Hebei Province

I am a native of Gujiatai Village, and after graduating from medical school in 2000, I returned to the village and became a village doctor.

On December 30, 2012, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to our village clinic to carefully understand the implementation of the new rural cooperative medical system and the supply of drugs, and urged local cadres to care for the health of the villagers and ensure that everyone can see and cure the disease. The words of the general secretary were engraved in my heart, word by word.

There are more than 300 people in our village, and the permanent population is about 200 people, most of whom are elderly. In the past, the area of the village clinic was not large, and the equipment was only stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, and thermometer. Today, the village clinic has four rooms, equipped with advanced examination equipment, blood routine meter, oxygen concentrator, ventilator, electrocardiogram machine and so on. Everyone says that my medical skills are high, but in fact, the conditions are better, and I can diagnose and treat many common diseases in the health room.

Of course, with the equipment, my own level must also keep up, can not look at the equipment dry eyes. Now every year I have the opportunity to go out and open my eyes and participate in training and training. From how to treat the early stage of the serious illness to how to recover after the operation, to how to communicate with the patients, the training has benefited me a lot, and I feel a heavy responsibility on my shoulders.

Nowadays, we have basically achieved "small diseases do not leave the village", and the concept of "treating diseases before they occur" is becoming more and more popular in the hearts of the people. We like pickles locally, cooking heavy oil and salt, every time I go to the clinic, I have to say a few words to the villagers, so that the health concept of "reducing salt, reducing oil, reducing sugar" spreads.

In the past, the villagers were reluctant to spend money on medical treatment, but now the national policy is good, and the reimbursement ratio of the new agricultural cooperative is very high, which greatly reduces the burden on the villagers. I also became a "publicist" of medical insurance policy, an "investigator" of medical insurance service evaluation, and a "collector" of medical insurance opinions and suggestions. Every time I go to the clinic, I will explain the benefits of insurance to everyone; Every year, when I pay for medical insurance, I will explain to you the precautions for insurance and the various processes of reimbursement. I want to send the country's medical policy to benefit the people to every villager and be a good "health guardian" for the villagers.

Walking in the countryside, they put the health of the people in mind

In Nanjie Village, Neiqiu Town, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, village doctor Jiao Junying grabbed medicine for villagers in the Chinese medicine room of the clinic. Xinhua News Agency

He took his mother's medicine kit and continued to treat the villagers

Narrator: Zhu Lianmei, doctor of shazhou yao village clinic in Wenming Yao Nationality Township, Rucheng County, Hunan Province

Our Shazhou Village is the place where the story of "Half a Quilt" takes place during the Long March of the Central Red Army. In 2017, our village built a new village service center equipped with a clinic. The 80-square-meter clinic is spacious and bright, with more than 60 kinds of commonly used drugs, electronic display screens, computers, printers and other modern equipment, making it difficult to imagine what the clinic used to look like.

My mother was the first doctor in the village. In the 1980s, my mother went to the county town for training, mastered some medical and health knowledge and disease diagnosis and treatment knowledge, and undertook the medical work of the whole village, and my family's simple and narrow adobe house also became the "health room" of the village. More often, the mother would pick up the medicine kit and go to the door to diagnose and treat the villagers.

In 2018, I became a doctor at the Shazhou Village Clinic. With the strong support of the village, I went to Xiangtan Medical and Health Vocational and Technical College to study for 3 years.

On September 16, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to our village to investigate. In the village service center and clinic, the general secretary learned about the grass-roots public service work and basic medical security, which gave us great encouragement. In the past two years, there have been many new changes in our village clinic: various equipment such as automatic defibrillators and intermediate frequency treatment instruments have been added, and more than 100 kinds of drugs have been added; A new medical billing system has been installed, and the patient's medical expenses can be reimbursed proportionally in the health room; Patients only need to "sweep" to see a doctor, which can display basic personal information, save the time of treatment, and effectively improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment.

Now, my mother's medical kit that went out for treatment is still on my desk. Whenever I see it, I remind myself that as a village doctor, the health of the villagers is my responsibility, and I must take the initiative to come forward and serve attentively.

Walking in the countryside, they put the health of the people in mind

In Zhexi Village, Luoqiao Town, Jing County, Anhui Province, village doctors Tang Genfa (right) and Zheng Lingling rode to villagers' homes to conduct medical visits. Xinhua News Agency

For the sake of the villagers, there is no end to the energy

Narrator: Qi Zhihong, a doctor in Fumin New Village, Gulang County, Wuwei City, Gansu Province

In August 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to our Fumin New Village during his inspection in Gansu, and after learning about the situation of old-age care, minimum security, and employment, the general secretary specifically asked: "How many clinics are there in the village?" "Are they all general practitioners?" As a doctor in Fumin New Village, the general secretary's concern and concern inspired me to learn more, improve my business, and strive to become a general practitioner who can be trusted by the masses.

My family was originally in Shangtiao Village, Hengliang Township, a mountainous area in the southern part of Gulang County. When I was a child, there were no clinics around, coupled with inconvenient transportation, headaches and fevers at night and nowhere to seek medical treatment, and the best time for treatment of some sudden diseases was often delayed. Today, in Fumin New Village, there are six standardized clinics of 60 square meters, each of which is attended by a general practitioner. Villagers can seek medical treatment at the doorstep of their homes, minor illnesses do not need to go out of the village, serious illness referral contact the township health center, 120 ambulances can rush to the village in 5 minutes.

I am responsible for the basic diagnosis and treatment of more than 600 villagers in the village, as well as public service work such as home visits and health publicity. Every month, I always take a few days to visit the house, tell the villagers the medical knowledge they are willing to listen to and understand, help them measure blood pressure and blood sugar, understand their eating habits, medication, and give health advice.

Villager Li Pinsan has suffered from high blood pressure for more than 10 years, and his blood pressure has been poorly controlled. When I visited, I found that Lao Li used to drink water with peppercorns and salt. Before the village was relocated, the villagers drank bitter water from the mountains and used to add peppercorns and salt to the water to suppress the bitter taste. This is the root of the disease. I told Old Li that now I drink tap water, the water is not bitter, and there is no need to add pepper and salt. After listening to It, Old Li changed his drinking habits for many years, coupled with regular medication, and his blood pressure gradually returned to normal.

Among the villagers I serve, more than 130 are elderly. Every year, we provide free medical examination services for seniors over the age of 65. For the left-behind elderly people whose children are not around, I will visit the doctor and nag with them, not only to help the elderly reduce physical pain, but also to help them relieve psychological pain.

A few days ago, I just attended an online training to learn about the treatment of common diseases and epidemic prevention and control. We attend training like this many times a year to improve our professionalism. As long as the villagers need it, I have no end to it.

【Expert Comments】

Provide a solid guarantee for people's health

Ding Weiguang (Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Jinzhou Medical University)

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the most important indicator of modernization is the health of the people, which is the foundation of the people's happy life." To firmly grasp this matter, the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life should be a concept that the whole party and society must firmly establish." Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has always placed the protection of people's health in a more prominent position, focused on improving the conditions of grass-roots infrastructure, and solved the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development in the field of health and health. At present, the construction of grass-roots talents focusing on general practitioners has been continuously strengthened, and the fairness and accessibility of basic medical and health services have been double-improved, providing safe, effective, convenient and inexpensive public health and basic medical services for urban and rural residents.

As the mainland builds a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the masses of the people attach greater importance to the quality of life and health and safety, and promote the all-round development of the people and the common prosperity of all the people to achieve more obvious substantive progress, and it is urgent to pay attention to the diversified, personalized and differentiated characteristics of the people's health needs in the new development stage. As General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "The people not only demand that they can see the disease and see the disease well, but also hope that they will not get sick, get sick less, see a doctor more comfortably, provide more considerate services, and have higher expectations for the government to protect the health of the people and provide basic health and health services." To this end, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, health should be placed in a strategic position of priority development, the concept of promoting health should be integrated into the whole process of public policy formulation and implementation, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, ecological environment and economic and social development model should be accelerated, so as to better meet the people's expectations for a better life with integrated, full-cycle and high-quality medical and health services.

Continue to carry out the construction of medical consortiums and improve the overall efficiency of the medical service system. Promoting the construction of the county medical community is an important starting point and specific measure to implement the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, with the purpose of enabling the people to obtain higher quality, more convenient and more economical medical and health services. In the process of continuing to carry out the construction of the medical consortium, it is necessary to focus on promoting the reorganization of county medical and health resources, system reconstruction, mechanism reconstruction and service remodeling, forming a situation in which the county plays a game of chess, manages an account, and serves a family, so as to integrate the originally scattered resources and improve the overall efficiency of the medical service system. Specifically, it is necessary to continue to give play to the role of county-level hospitals as an urban-rural link and the leading role of the county, form a working mechanism with a clear division of labor and a thorough upper and lower level of medical and health institutions at the county and rural levels, and effectively realize that "major diseases are solved in the province, general diseases are solved in cities and counties, and daily headaches and brain fever are solved in the countryside." All localities should also promote the sinking and flow of high-quality medical resources to remote areas and ethnic minority areas, and realize the transformation from "taking treatment as the center" to "taking health as the center", from "having money to see a doctor" to "saving money from disease prevention".

Strengthen the construction of rural health and health personnel. As the main force in cultivating medical talents and serving the development of the party and the country's health and health undertakings, higher medical colleges and universities should actively adapt to the reality of economic and social development, anchor the national strategic needs, adjust and optimize talent training programs and training goals in a timely manner, and continue to strengthen and improve the construction of public health disciplines and majors in schools. At present, the vast countryside is in urgent need of a group of talents who can provide basic public health services. The majority of higher medical colleges and universities should continue to implement the special post plan for general practitioners, the free training of rural order-oriented medical students and the training of assistant general practitioners, so as to send more and better talents to the rural health cause. For the grass-roots government, it is necessary to gradually improve the income and treatment of rural doctors, train and train rural health work teams in multiple ways, and train a group of college students and rural doctors from their own hometowns to effectively improve rural health services and governance levels. In addition, it is also necessary to optimize the training program for improving the ability of rural grass-roots health and health personnel, strengthen on-the-job training and continuing education, and effectively improve the ability level of township residents to "health gatekeepers".

Give full play to the role of information systems and explore the "integrated smart medical services for medical care" model. At present, there are still certain regional differences in the distribution of high-quality medical resources in the mainland, for remote areas, ethnic minority areas and underdeveloped areas, we should continue to play the role of information systems, improve the telemedicine collaboration network, encourage more public hospitals to provide remote medical, distance teaching, remote training and other services to grass-roots medical and health institutions, and improve the accessibility of high-quality medical resources and the overall efficiency of medical services. At the same time, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of information platforms, realize the continuous recording and information sharing of electronic health records and electronic medical records, and let the diagnosis and treatment information in the medical federation "run more errands" and the people "run less errands".

Carry out rural health science popularization actions to guide residents to develop a healthy and civilized lifestyle. At present, the awareness rate of health knowledge of mainland residents still needs to be improved, and unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, alcoholism, lack of exercise, and unreasonable diet are still common, and the resulting disease problems are becoming increasingly prominent. In the process of implementing the Healthy China Strategy, it is necessary to firmly establish the concept of great health and great health, advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, improve the health literacy of the whole people, and promote the deep integration of national fitness and national health. Give full play to the role of rural doctors as health popularizers and propagandists, popularize health science knowledge, and carry out actions such as healthy weight, healthy mouth, and healthy bones. At the same time, we will accelerate the promotion of family doctor contract services, starting from the health of each family, and further consolidate the cornerstone of healthy China.

(Project team: Guangming Daily reporter Zhang Sheng, Gao Jianjin, Su Yan, Chen Yuanqiu, Geng Jiankuo, Yu Aihua, Long Jun, Song Xiqun, Wang Bingya, Wang Simin Guangming Daily correspondent Huang Ruihua)

Guangming Daily ( 2022-08-16 07 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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