
Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

author:Chinese Studies Reading Club

For the beautiful spy in Taiwan, Song Zhe is the prey, she is a female hunter, using color crochet to weave traps, let him sink into it step by step.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Her name is Xu Liting, as a high-ranking beauty spy in Taiwan, she often targets some mainland students involved in national defense secrets, who are often new to society and have no sense of prevention.

This beautiful spy is very good at controlling people's hearts, once entangled by her, it is difficult to get out, and eventually fell under her threat, under her control, these students also gradually went to the abyss of crime.

So how does this beautiful snake spy in Taiwan hunt "prey"?

Genius teenager Song Zhe

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Song Zhe was born in the cold door, the family conditions are very poor, there is an old saying in our countryside, called the children of the poor early to take charge, at a very young age Song Zhe understood a truth: reading is the only way to change the fate.

Song Zheren, as his name suggests, understands a lot of truths, so he works hard in school, and has a particularly good relationship with teachers and classmates, which is the child of "other people's family" in our eyes. In 2011, When Song Zhe was only 18 years old, he was admitted to our key 211 university.

For many students, going to college should be "relaxed", after all, high school hard study for three years, but Song Zhe is not, he does not dare to relax, when his roommates are still resting, he actively participates in some subject research, if you use a word to describe him, that is self-improvement.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Albert Einstein said that the so-called genius is 1% genius, plus 99% sweat.

For Song Zhe, he was originally talented, not to mention so hardworking, so in his freshman year he won a number of mechanical professional competition awards.

The teacher was so fond of this talented student that he applied for an exchange place at Yishou University in Taiwan.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Although the number of mainland students who go to Taiwan to study through exchange student quotas every year is not large, there are not many places allocated to Song Zhe School, so each place is very precious.

Song Zhe was very grateful to the teacher for winning this place for himself, and when he learned the news that he had become an exchange student, he was excited and began to look forward to this trip to Taiwan, and he was eager to make some friends from all over the world.

It should be noted that Taiwan's Yishou University is ranked 73rd in Asia and is the only school in the world to be accredited by the International Association for the Promotion of Business Education (AACSB), so it is a rare opportunity to study here.

Fly to Taiwan

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

As we know, the study period of short-term training for exchange students is 6 months to 12 months, and the main purpose is to strengthen exchanges between the two places, enhance cultural communication and academic exchanges, so Song Zhe has about 6 months in the world of Taiwan.

It is worth mentioning that Taiwan's Yishou University seems to be particularly interested in exchange students in the mainland, and in 2008, it enrolled 140 exchange students at one time, setting a record for exchange students from both places to study at the same time.

Time flies, since the list is set, in the sophomore year, Song Zhe finally came to the long-awaited Taiwan, where the four seasons are evergreen, the scenery is charming, it is worthy of being a treasure island, Song Zhe fell in love with it at once.

There is no so-called estrangement here, song Zhe also quickly integrated into here, meet new friends, talk about studies, talk about dreams, comfortable and comfortable.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Song Zhe has an optimistic and easy-going personality, is very popular, and has no guard against people, and soon met many friends here, often gathering and chatting together.

This evening, Song Zhe came to the academic banquet that had been agreed with his friends in advance, and as usual, he talked endlessly about what he had seen and heard at school, as well as the research topics in the school on weekdays.

The friends around Song Zhe were infected by his vitality, toasted him one after another, and deliberately lowered the wine glass by half a minute.

In fact, every move here has long been seen by Xu Liting, who is sitting in the corner, and she already has her own calculations in her heart, and the next action is that she has taken this high-achieving student from the mainland into her pocket.

She deliberately showed her own face, when Song Zhe looked up to drink, she happened to see a beautiful woman staring at him in the corner, which made Song Zhe very shy, because of drinking too much wine, Song Zhe looked at the woman a few times, her heart was full of emotion, and when she arrived at the banquet, she did not expect this woman to come to him, and Song Zhe's heart was pounding.

Fall into a trap

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

In this way, they left their contact information, in Song Zhe's view, this is love at first sight, the more they talked, the more speculative, the woman introduced herself: "My name is Xu Jiaying, a native of Taiwan, you are a college student, right?" I should be a few years older than you and already at work. ”

Song Zhe felt that it was so pleasant to just meet and talk, and there was a feeling of seeing each other and hating the night.

They became more and more familiar, familiar to the two people to participate in the exchange banquet between classmates, once, Song Zhe drank too much, vomited a lot, Xu Liting intimately took out a tissue, helped him wipe off the vomit on his clothes, just like this, Song Zhe's heart was completely captured by her.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

In the only day, Song Zhe and Xu Liting often met, a weekend, the two made an appointment to sing at night, Song Zhe sang several songs in a row, Xu Jiaying constantly applauded and looked at him obsessively, which made Song Zhe feel that she was his confidant.

A month later, it was a holiday, the school had a few days of small holidays, Song Zhe asked Xu Liting to travel around the island, for which he could not sleep all day and night, anxiously waiting for the arrival of this day.

During the trip, Xu Liting still showed the appearance of an intellectual big sister, and along the way she was considerate to him, patiently guiding him, telling scenic stories, and at night, they finally broke through the layer of window paper and had a relationship.

After a night, Xu Liting had a scheming smile on her face, she knew that the little boy had fallen into his trap, and Song Zhe naively thought that he had gained sweet love during his trip to Taiwan.


Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

After the successful confession, the relationship between the two people went further, along the way, Xu Jiaying asked about the situation in Song Zhe's family, whether his parents were personnel of the government unit, and whether anyone he knew could get government documents.

Song Zhe's mind is simple, he did not think much, just simply think that the girlfriend is to understand his family background more clearly, but Xu Liting is particularly interested in this kind of problem, the two of them qingqing me and me during the journey, and lived together at night, Song Zhe thought that this was his girlfriend's trust in himself, he thought of returning to the mainland must repay his girlfriend.

Later, Song Zhe's exchange student time arrived, and after saying goodbye to his girlfriend reluctantly, he returned to the mainland school and continued to study.

When separating, Xu Liting told wanwan that every time you learn with the tutor, you must show yourself the content and results of the learning, so that the two can understand each other better.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Song Zhe was full of girlfriends, and naturally believed in her words. After returning to school, the teacher valued Song Zhe more, believing that he was a good piece of material in the field of mechanical manufacturing, and hoped that he could continue his further studies.

Therefore, the teacher took Song Zhe to do research together, and he also listened to his girlfriend's words, and took a photo of the research results and sent them to his girlfriend in Taiwan, who thought that his girlfriend could not understand these things at all, even if it was sent, it did not matter.

With this in mind, he sent a lot of documents to this so-called "girlfriend", but strangely, this girlfriend who was far away in Taiwan not only asked him to shoot research results, but also asked him to photograph every instrument and equipment.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Song Zhe felt that Xu Liting's requirements were a bit excessive, obviously an ordinary employee working in the company, always asked me to take photos of these precision instruments, with this question, Song Zhe asked: "Why do you always want me to take these things for you?" ”

Xu Liting's answer can be said to be watertight: I want to know the progress of your research, so I can finish the project as soon as possible, I will pick it up, and then we will be together.

Song Zhe suddenly broke his defenses, faced his girlfriend's grievances, and after this, he took pictures of his research results more diligently, and then sent them to her frequently.

Put long lines and catch big fish

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Xu Liting knows that just playing the emotional card, it is difficult to completely control the boyfriend in her hands, and it needs money and feelings to fight together in order to hold the "boyfriend" with more confidence.

She knew that Song Zhe's family was not rich, the cost of college was also quite large, there must be a need for money, and whenever she noticed Song Zhe's financial difficulties, she would make money without saying a word.

Before and after, Xu Jiaying transferred a lot of money to Song Zhe, soon Song Zhe graduated from college, he wanted to find a job, and then took Xu Liting over, but his girlfriend objected categorically, she persuaded Song Zhe, you are so good talent is not too bad to study for graduate school, I help you pay money, you study for graduate school, sure enough, to the later Song Zhe successfully admitted to graduate school, contacted more research confidential documents.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

For those confidential research materials, even the tutor warned Song Zhe not to pass it on and not to leak it, but Song Zhe could not stand his girlfriend's PUA.

Once, xu Liting finally showed her horse's feet, and when she actually let Song Zhe sneak to the tutor's office at night to steal documents, Song Zhe suddenly realized that his so-called girlfriend was actually a Taiwanese spy.

He was shocked, it turned out to be a bureau at the beginning, let himself be a peach trap, she was not an "intellectual big sister" at all, nor did she really love herself, just to get scientific research data.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Song Zhe questioned Xu Liting, she knew that she could not hide it and simply showdown, but Xu Liting also threatened that you have made a big mistake, and even face the punishment of the law, if Xu Liting reports, he will ruin his future.

If you want her to keep it secret, once a week to provide her with scientific research results and national defense science and technology engineering project information, in desperation, he according to the requirements of Zhou Zhou to provide confidential documents, although the heart has long wanted to break off contact, but he is afraid that Xu Liting will report himself.

The secret is out

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

Xu Liting threatened Song Zhe to send her scientific research documents to herself, while sending money to Song Zhe, in pain and happiness, Song Zhe lost herself.

It was only in the middle of the night that Song Zhe regretted that he was not as good as he had been, hating himself for indulging in this scheming "Taiwan spy" beauty snake, and now there was no way to break off contact.

When he was at a loss, he simply broke the jar and broke it, no matter how difficult the document was, he would find a way to get it and exchange "intelligence" for money. You know, Xu Liting gave herself more money than she got, although Song Zhe walked out of beauty, but fell into the trap of money.

Due to sending important messages too often, Song Zhe was eventually discovered by the Ministry of State Security for Song Zhe's behavior.

Taiwan beauty snake spy: using beautiful color crochet traps, "hunting" the mainland's high-quality students to get intelligence

After being arrested, Song Zhe truthfully told his experience, telling the police that he had been sending important documents to "Taiwan spies" for more than 3 years.

In fact, very early on, the police locked down Xu Jiaying, her real name is Xu Liting, she is 37 years old, 16 years older than Song Zhe, and is a spy of Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau.

Her mission is to ambush the exchange students from the mainland, infiltrate each other with money and beauty, and make them her pawns.

At this time, he knew that Xu Liting was not the first time to ambush mainland students, and the other students almost all went to the same path as himself, and when they found the problem, they found that they could not get rid of it, and could only be at the mercy of others.

Since ancient times, Taiwan has been an inseparable part of us, and the two sides of the strait are close to each other, and I would like to say that the people on both sides of the strait should move forward hand in hand to jointly meet the ever-changing changes in the world.

Why is it too urgent to be fried with the same root?

--August 16, 2022, write here first, remember to like the collection.

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