
Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

author:AoHe agricultural technology small back basket

Spring and autumn are the two high incidence periods of various types of insect pests on field crops, especially in the upcoming autumn pest control management, if the pest control on field crops in the autumn of that year is not complete, these pests will become the source of breeding and spreading insect pests in the farmland next spring after overwintering and dormant.

In general, the types of pests on field crops are mainly lepidoptera, lepidoptera, diptera, drill borer, prickly suction, chewing, mites and other types of pests, such as aphids, armyworms, green insects, thrips, planthoppers, whitefly, red spiders, borer fruitworms, heart-eaters, nocturnal moths, vegetable moths, borers, leafhoppers, beetles, leaf mites, etc. The most commonly used and direct way to control these pests is to spray insecticides to kill and control.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

At present, in addition to commonly used insecticides such as acetamiprid, imidacloprid, thiamethoxazine, thiamethoxamine, praydarone and mevin salt, avermectin, etc., the more suitable insecticides are several insecticides such as insecticide nitrile, indate, and acetocarbacene. However, we should pay attention to the fact that when controlling field crop pests of different insect ages in different seasons, different crop types, different stages of insect pest occurrence, different types of insect pests, and different drug resistance, we must select the most suitable and effective insecticide according to the actual insect control needs, so as to play the best control effect of "medicine to insect death, insecticide does not rebound at all".

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

For several insecticides such as acetamiprid, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, thiamethoxine, pyrazone, etc., the agricultural technology basket has been briefly compared and introduced to you in May, as for the two similar insecticides of methylwitin and avermectin, which have been introduced to you in July, today, the agricultural technology small back basket will give you a comparison of insect mites, indateran, lice and urea, which are now using the better effect of insecticides - this article will not only tell you the advantages, disadvantages and use techniques of these four drugs. It will also tell everyone their drug characteristics, insecticidal characteristics, insecticidal speed, insecticidal spectrum range, insecticidal validity period, and it is good to tell everyone how to compound these four drugs and use insecticidal effect more thoroughly.

Well, nonsense is not much to say, the following agricultural technology small back basket will be introduced to you one by one, one by one!

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

The first insecticide: lice mite urea

Lice mite urea, belonging to the benzoylurea insecticide, is a high-efficiency and low-toxicity broad-spectrum insecticide developed by the Swiss Syngenta company, mainly used to control various common pests including whitefly, thrips, cabbage worms, vegetable moths, leaf curl moths, nocturnal moths, curly leaf borers and other lepidoptera, homoptera (the best control of Lepidoptera).

Lice mite urea, mainly through the drug gastric toxicity function to kill insects, but also through the liquid touch killing function to kill insects, but this drug is not systemic, pests in the accidental ingestion or contact with lice mite urea drugs, will be because can not grow new skin normally and can not normal molting, can not eat normally and die.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Lice nymph, not only can kill adult insects (weak killing ability), but also can strongly kill young larvae and eggs (killing ability is strong), because it is better in killing insecticidal eggs, killing larvae, so it is more suitable for the field crop pest egg spawning and incubation peak and early stage of insect infestation, that is, the control of insect eggs and young larvae can choose lice urea (the control of elderly larvae or adult insects is recommended to be used in combination with other insecticides such as insect mite nitrile).

Lice mite urea, has a strong resistance to wipers, after use in the field crops after the insecticidal control of the medicinal effect period is very long, the longest medicinal effect period can be up to 3 weeks or so, so in the early stage of insect pests or before the occurrence of insect pests to control the effect of field pests is better.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Lice mite urea, is a chronic insecticide, pests in the accidental ingestion or contact with lice mite urea drugs, generally need to wait 3-5 days to usher in the peak of large areas of dead insects, so it is not suitable for rapid killing of field pests during the peak of insect pests.

Lice mite urea, in the field crop use of drug resistance is relatively low, so if the use of pyrethroids and organophosphorus and other insecticide drug resistance in the field to control pests, the use of lice mite urea can generally achieve a more ideal insecticidal effect.

Acaricus, which is a highly efficient and low-toxic insecticide, on the one hand, it is less toxic to bees (note: lice mites are more toxic to crabs, lobsters, etc.), on the other hand, it is easy to degrade in soil and water, and on the other hand, it has a relatively high crop leaf retention rate after use (such as rice leaf retention rate can reach 90%), and it is not easy to cause medical damage to field crops when it is used.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Acaricus urea, insecticidal eggs and young larvae can be used alone, but the control of elderly larvae and adults can generally only be combined with other insecticides to be more comprehensive, more thorough and more extensive integrated pest control effect, the drug compound formula of acariae urea is - beridite salt + lice urea, insect mite nitrile + lice mite urea, beetle salt + aces mite urea, beetle salt + aces mite urea + insect mite urea and so on.

The second insecticide: insect mite nitrile

Insect mite nitrile, belonging to the pyrrole insecticide, is an efficient and low-toxicity broad-spectrum insecticide developed by the American cyanamide company, mainly used to control pests including leaf moths, curly leaf borers, spotted flyflies, red spiders, thrips, aphids, leaf mites, leafhoppers, dimas, three-way borers, cotton bolls, cabbage worms and other mites, stinging mouths, chewing, drill moths and mites.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Insect mite nitrile, mainly through gastric poisoning and touch killing function to play a rapid insecticidal effect, and insect mite nitrile also has a certain degree of internal conductivity and strong liquid permeability, pests in the accidental ingestion or contact with insect mite nitrile drugs, 2-3 hours will cause reduced pest activity or cause pest coma and paralysis, 24 hours after 2-3 days (the day of spraying can quickly kill 85%-90% of pests) can usher in a large area of dead insecticidal peak period, the rapid insecticidal effect of insect mites is very good, Ideal for rapid field pest eradication in large areas during peak pests.

Insect mite nitrile, can effectively kill larvae and adult insects, especially in the control of elderly larvae and mature larvae is very significant, but it can not kill the insect eggs, so it is not suitable for use alone at the peak of pest egg production, if it is necessary to kill eggs and insecticides, it is recommended to use with other insecticides such as lice, if you want to improve the insecticidal effect and expand the scope of insecticide, you can use avermectin, bever salt, indigovir, thiamethoxine and other insecticides for compound use.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Insect mite nitrile, temporarily in the field crops did not appear strong insect cross resistance, so in the control of organophosphorus, permethrin and other insecticides have obvious drug resistance to field crop pests, we may wish to try the insecticide of insecticide nitrile, generally can achieve a good pest control effect, if the compound use of insecticidal effect will be more thorough and significant.

Insect mite nitrile, although it has a strong pest quick killing and high thorough insecticidality, but its insecticidal validity is relatively short, a spray can only play a 7-10 days of insecticidal control effect, in order to prolong the drug insecticidal time, we can use avermectin, lice mite urea and other insecticides as needed for compound use.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Insect mite nitrile, because it can not kill insecticidal eggs, so in the high incidence of insect pests (especially during the peak period of pest egg laying), although the individual spraying can quickly and more completely kill the larvae and adults, but after a period of time after the drug is prone to the phenomenon of insect pest recurrence and rebound, this is because the insecticide did not kill the eggs, and the eggs hatched into insects will usher in a high incidence period of insect pests again.

Insect mite nitrile, can greatly improve the range of insecticidal and insecticidal effect, delay drug resistance, prolong the control period of insect pest drugs Commonly used formulas are - insect mite nitrile + methicum salt, insect mite nitrile + avermectin, insect mite nitrile + aceal urea, insect mite nitrile + indate Wei, ceramide + polybactericides, carbonitrile + methoxytofenamide, cyperpyrene + acariconecer + indicosine , cerenacles + indicotin, ceramide + bifenthrin, cypermonicnitrile + thiamethoxam, etc.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Insect mite nitrile, can not be used in the high temperature season, can not be used in melons and cruciferous, cucurbitaceae and other crops, can not be used in the crop seedling stage and flowering stage, otherwise it is easy to cause crops to quickly appear after the spraying of seedlings, burning leaves, burning flowers and other drug damage problems (after the occurrence of drug damage can be remedied by amino acids + brassicalin endosomes in time), in addition, the leaf retention rate of insect mite nitrile is relatively low, generally only about 60-70%.

The third insecticide: indigovirus

Indigovirus, which belongs to the oxidium insecticide, is an efficient and low-toxicity broad-spectrum insecticide developed by DuPont in the United States, which is mainly used to control insects such as vegetable green insects, noctus, leaf moths, leaf curl moths, leafhoppers, beetles, cotton bollworms and other pests, and has a more prominent effect in the prevention and control of lepidoptera pests (large insects, small insects, larvae, adult insects can be killed, but can not kill eggs).

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Indigovirus, mainly through gastric poisoning and touch killing function to kill pests, it can kill larvae and adult insects but can not kill the eggs, although it has a certain liquid penetration function but it does not have the function of liquid suction, pests in the accidental ingestion or contact with indigovirus drugs, first because of the insect body poisoning nerve paralysis (pest nerve paralysis poisoning symptoms can not be recovered) and lose the ability to eat and move, and then will continue to a large number of dead insects.

Indigovirus, belongs to the use of very high safety of insecticides, neither easy to cause crop damage, nor easy to harm the human body, generally after 2-3 days after the crop can be safely and securely eaten.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Indigovirus, belongs to the insecticide speed is relatively slow insecticide, in general, pests in contact with or accidental ingestion of drugs after 4-5 hours will lose the ability to eat, but need to wait 3-4 days before ushering in the peak of the peak of the dead insects, so indigovir is not suitable for rapid insecticidal use during the peak of insect pests, more suitable for insect control to prevent insect pests continue to spread the use of harm.

Indigovirus, which is a pesticide with a long duration of efficacy, also has strong wiper resistance and strong light resistance (can be used in the rainy season and high temperature season), and the maximum efficacy period after a single dose can be as long as 10-15 days.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Indigovir, although the current resistance is still relatively good, but many places have appeared pest resistance, so, in order to improve the insecticidal effect of indigovir, expand the scope of insecticidal, reduce drug resistance, it is recommended that you use indinavirus as much as possible not to use alone, try to use compound use, indigovir commonly used drug formula is - indigovir + avermectin, indigovir + methyl vitamin salt, indigodine Wormway + Ceratophyllacene, Indicovirus + Mite Urea, Indatevir + Butyl Ether Urea, Indicovir + Thiamethoxine, Indicovir + Thiamethoxine, Indicovir + Pyridoxine, Indionovir + Pyridoxine, Indateramine + Urea, indate + bifenthrin, etc.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

A simple comparison of the three insecticides of lice urea, insect mite nitrile and indate:

(1) Insecticidal spectrum range: insect mite nitrile is the most extensive, indigod wei is the narrowest, and lice mite urea is centered.

(2) Insecticidal speed: insect mite nitrile is the fastest, lice mite urea is the slowest, indigod wei is in the center.

(3) Insecticide efficacy period: lice mite urea is the longest, insect mite nitrile is the shortest, indate is in the middle.

(4) Drug cost performance: indaters are the most expensive, lice mites are the cheapest, and insect mites are centered.

(5) Drug safety: indica is the safest, insect mite nitrile is the most unsafe, and lice mite urea is centered.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

Recommendations for the use of three insecticides: urea, carbonitrile and indatecer:

(1) The three insecticides of lice mite urea, insect mite nitrile and indate are all highly efficient, low-toxicity and broad-spectrum insecticides, all of which have gastric toxicity and touch killing functions.

(2) The three insecticides of lice ace urea, insect mite nitrile and indate have not yet produced strong insect resistance, but in order to prevent and slow down the resistance of the drug, it is recommended that the use of the three insecticides be controlled within 3 times per season and the use of drugs is alternate, in order to improve the comprehensive insecticidal effect, it is recommended to use as much as possible with other insecticides, or directly purchase compound insecticides containing the above drug components.

Poor effect of field spraying to control pests? Try these 3 insecticides, the compound insecticide effect is better

(3) For both the need to kill eggs, larvals, adults, but also the need for rapid insecticide and long-term pest control and pest control, but also need to kill stubborn pests, and the early stage has been on other insecticides (such as permethrin, organophosphorus) has a strong resistance to farmland crops, we may wish to combine the three insecticides of this lice mite urea, insect mite nitrile, indate, this formula can bring you unexpected comprehensive and complete insecticidal effect.

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