
Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

author:Ah Feng loves fishing

In recent years, human beings have also done more and more to protect nature. Due to the environmental damage caused by the rapid development after the reform and opening up, more and more species have also been implicated.

Among them, the damage to aquatic organisms should be more serious, and there are data showing that there are currently 252 species of endangered fish species in the mainland, of which 211 species are endemic species, accounting for 83.73% of the total number of endangered species.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years


However, whether included or excluded, for many aquatic organisms today, rarity means precious.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

Like the fish we're going to talk about today, it's rare and unprotected, but it's really "really" expensive!


Natural selection, survival of the fittest, this may be nature's competitive model.

In fact, as early as the 1980s and 1990s, in many mountain streams in the southern region, the number of aquatic fish species was indeed quite abundant.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

For example, for today's more precious species, such as: horsefish, broadfin carp, sand pond fish, heavy lip fish, bitter flower fish, brook grouper and so on.

However, in recent years, due to environmental damage, the price of fish species in streams has gone up, resulting in vicious fishing. These major species, once in streams, are now extremely rare, while others are almost extinct in clear streams.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

Just like the fish we are going to talk about today, the heavy lip fish, and now, in the stream of my hometown, it can really be said that I have not seen it for more than 20 years.

In fact, think about it, due to environmental damage and climate changes in recent years, many mountain streams have gradually dried up. This phenomenon is the most deadly for many fish that need to rely on rapids to survive. This is the case with heavy-lipped fish.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

Heavy-lipped fish, commonly known as, heavy-lipped flowerfish, hemp fish, stone-lipped fish. 形态特征‬,体呈长筒形,稍侧扁,尾柄细圆。 The head is conical, the snout is prominent, and the snout skin stops in the middle of the upper lip; Lower mouth, horseshoe-shaped.

属杂食性低栖鱼类,多栖息于水流湍急的河流中,以水生昆虫的幼虫,浮游‬生物‬,藻类‬为食; It also eats freshwater shell vegetables in mollusks.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

It is distributed in the Minjiang, Jialing, Hanshui and other river systems in the Yangtze River Basin and in the various water systems of the Heilongjiang River Basin. 而‬一些‬南方‬地区‬的‬山区‬溪流‬也‬偶‬有‬分布‬。

In fact, when I was a child, when I lived in my hometown, my parents often caught or caught this fish in the stream when they were idle. Moreover, the number is still quite large, and the individual is generally around 0.5 to 1 kilogram.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

Arguably, it was one of the only fish I was happy to eat at that time.

The heavy lip fish in my memory has delicate flesh and delicious taste, but the only thing that makes me feel dissatisfied with it is that it has a lot of fine spines and is particularly troublesome to eat. Especially those individuals were smaller, so at that time, as long as there were no small heavy lip fish more than half a kilogram, almost all of them were used to feed chickens and ducks.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

In fact, the individual of the heavy lip fish is still very good, I have seen the largest one with more than 4 pounds, but such an individual was also extremely rare in the environment at that time.

But now, even the big rivers are a rare mess, even to the point where they can't be sought.

Why is the situation of the heavy lip fish so unbearable?

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

Difficult situation, things are scarce and expensive, heavy lips are like this!

In today's social environment, the rapid development of the economy has brought about the continuous improvement of living conditions.

And when life is better, the pursuit of material things will also be enhanced. Especially for our country, which is known for its "eating" culture, healthy food therapy has become the first element that many rich people pursue.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

So, relatively speaking, especially the rare fish in many mountain streams is one of the goals they pursue.

Like the heavy lip fish, the "spirit" of this clear stream, it is not only delicious meat, but also has another feature that many people care about, that is, dietary treasures.

The therapeutic characteristics of heavy lip fish have the effect of replenishing qi and water, dispelling rheumatism and strengthening bones and muscles. It is used for edema, unfavorable urination, sore waist and knees, and difficult movement.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

It is also for this reason that it is really expensive in many places, and the general price is around 50 yuan / catty, but in some places, it can even sell for hundreds of yuan, or even a high price of several hundred yuan a pound. And even such a price, sometimes it is difficult to find a fish, which shows how rare it is.

Because it is expensive, it is less. The scarcity of heavy lip fish depends on the dominance of environmental factors, but because of its high price, it has also created a frequent phenomenon of indiscriminate fishing and indiscriminate fishing. Therefore, it is difficult to think of not being rare.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years

After all, for stream fingerlings, slow growth is a common problem. Moreover, the reproductive ability of the heavy lip fish is also average, the female fish weighing about 1 pound, its normal spawning capacity is 20,000 to 60,000 grains, while its sexually mature individual is at 380 grams, and at the same time, their sexual maturity time is 6 years old.

Therefore, under such harsh conditions, a large number of overfishing, how to make them have a continuous survival time.

Nowadays, due to the development needs of many large rivers, a large number of dams are intercepted and dammed, blocking the flow rate of waters, which invisibly destroys their breeding environment.

Creek fresh! The mountain stream "elf" heavy lip fish, once everywhere, disappeared in only 20 years


Although the scarcity of each species has environmental factors, if it is really said that the excessive demand from humans is really inseparable, the end of the heavy lip fish is like this. This is also the reason why many people find them in the wild at the moment, which is very novel and unexpected. After all, it is indeed rare for today's wild waters.

So the question is, if you catch it in the wild, or catch a heavy lip fish, will you release it, or take it away?

I am yes feng, like the likes, attention, thank you for reading!!!

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