
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

author:Lao Li Xing
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

Textu | The old way to do it

I have a habit: whether at home or abroad, every time I go to a strange city, or early in the morning, or at night, as long as time and conditions permit, I like to be alone with a camera, walking the streets and alleys, wadding around, "looking east and west", patting and looking, enjoying a period of "loner" free time, recording the vivid and interesting "city wells" and street wonders.

I remember once, when I was out shopping alone in the morning in Tirana, the capital of Albania, I accidentally got lost. Thanks to the photos of my stay at the hotel in my camera, I was able to return safely with the help of the police.

This kind of aimless, casual walking around will not only enrich the intuitive perception of a city, but also often have unexpected gains and surprises.

On this trip to four south American countries, for various reasons, only Lima, the capital of Peru, gave me a chance to turn the street alone. Here's the scene of Lima that I crept along that morning:

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

Compared with the Old Town, which has been listed as a World Heritage Site, Lima's New Town is full of high-rise buildings, wide roads, and tidal traffic, and the style of a cosmopolitan metropolis is still a bit. Anyway, this is the capital of a country!

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

These street food stalls abound, giving people the feeling of coming to a small county in China. I wonder if these stall owners are also like the small traders and vendors on the streets of domestic cities, and they are often picked up by the "urban management"?

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

Beautiful street squares, sculptures, gardens can be found everywhere. The influence of Spanish colonists on the city is still alive today.

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

Reading the newspaper and shining shoes are not wrong. Print media is still favored by the public here. At the same time, it can also be seen that although the city is not very developed and rich, people's lives are very leisurely and relaxed.

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

A city, those who live at the bottom of society, is the cornerstone of the city's edifice. They deserve the respect of the whole society.

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

There are ten monsters in Lima, one of which is "the roof of the house is exposed", which actually means that the house is still a "half-pull project" and has not been finally completed.

According to the local guide, the buildings in Lima are all designed once and constructed many times. From the start of construction to the full completion of a building, it can be as short as four or five years, as long as seventy or eighty years, or even longer. I really admire their patience and resilience.

In the final analysis, the "silver" at hand is not abundant. This is just like the highway we built twenty years ago, first "two-way 4 lanes", and then changed to "two-way 6 lanes" when we have money, or even "two-way eight 8 lanes".

This is called how much money there is, how much to do. Live within your means and do what you can.

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima
Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

The legacy of European architecture is everywhere.

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

Guess what this is? Who would have thought it was a trash can, quite creative.

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

This kind of barrel-type traffic police command desk, I still saw it for the first time. Can't understand why it was designed this way?

It's only right to "see for the first time" and "not understand" because you are traveling in a strange and new world. And this is the charm of tourism.

Four Kingdoms Tour of South America (24) – "Cityscape" and "Peru" on the streets of Lima

(Finished in April 2018, revised in August 2022)

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