
How much damage does the frequent vicious incidents do to Cambodia's Westport?

author:Cambodian circles

In recent days, the level of madness in Westport is evident, with vicious incidents occurring frequently, starting with a shooting in a casino and the death of a Chinese man on the spot. Subsequently, the Westport police acted quickly, arresting a total of 6 suspects and arresting one main offender and sending him to the court.

This incident occurred on the eve of Cambodia's upcoming ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting, which has attracted great attention from all parties, and the governor of Westport has ordered that the provincial authorities will order the temporary closure of illegal places where shootings, illegal detentions, illegal use of drugs and other illegal acts occur; If the offence is serious, an application will be made to the Government for the revocation of the business licence, i.e. it will no longer be allowed to operate in Westport. As for the arrested suspects, they will be transferred to justice, without exception.

How much damage does the frequent vicious incidents do to Cambodia's Westport?

However, despite the government's repeated orders, vicious incidents continue to occur in Westport. The shooting that occurred around 1 a.m. on August 9 made people even more panicked, and a Chinese man was shot and killed in the street. Subsequently, the police found that the suspect had fled in the direction of Route 4 and pursued him. According to the news, 4 people in the car died 3 people and 1 person was seriously injured.

According to the pictures reported by the media, the scene was very tragic. This incident quickly aroused widespread concern in the Cambodian Chinese circles, and many people said that these frequent vicious incidents caused harm to Xigang.

Westport with internal and external troubles

Westport was once just a quiet seaside town, after several years of "barbaric" growth, it is no longer what it used to be, but in the process of development of Westport, there are many controversies and criticisms.

Before the Cambodian government officially issued the ban on online gambling on August 18, 2019, Westport developed in a huge bubble, the influx of foreign capital and hot money, the blessing of dream-making myths, and the brutal assistance of Online gambling, Westport suddenly became a huge construction site, full of construction scenes.

However, now, the boom in Westport has receded, and it has been hit by the epidemic one after another, and the more than 1,100 rotten buildings left by Westport from the boom that have cooled down at once are in urgent need of re-construction, which has broken the government's heart.

How much damage does the frequent vicious incidents do to Cambodia's Westport?

The Government has held meetings to listen to the advice of investors and some senior figures in an attempt to find a suitable solution to the problem of the westport building. At the same time, foreign investors are constantly encouraged to invest in Xigang.

During the epidemic, 34 roads in Westport have been fully renovated, and the hardware facilities are ready to wait for investors to return.

However, frequent vicious events have hindered investors' footsteps to a certain extent. A Westport intermediary said that after the shooting case, the customer who had already paid the deposit directly abandoned the contract, and even did not want the deposit.

Ordinary people who plan to work in Westport have directly given up the "opportunity", a man said that he had a regular job hoping that he could first go to Westport to work for a few months and then transfer back to Phnom Penh, but his family was worried about his safety, had no confidence in the overall environment, and strongly opposed him to work in Westport, so he had to give up that job and find another way.

People engaged in the catering industry in Xigang said: "After the headshot, everyone did not dare to go out, and there was not even a customer in the store, it was simply too difficult." ”

It is enough to imagine that these vicious events are a huge harm to the current Westport.

How much damage does the frequent vicious incidents do to Cambodia's Westport?

On the one hand, at present, Xigang is in urgent need of investment, urgently needs foreign tourists to drive the local economy, and restart the construction of rotten tail buildings, but on the other hand, prominent public security problems make investors and tourists prohibitive, and the frequent occurrence of kidnappings, shootings and other cases has gradually accumulated into a negative business card of Xigang, and even affected its international reputation.

In addition, Cambodia's Minister of the Interior expressed shock at cambodia's blacklisting of human trafficking by the United States and would launch a campaign to combat human trafficking. In Cambodia, WestPort is the most prominent place for all kinds of cases, and it can be said that the current West Port has internal and external troubles.

The game in the transformation of Westport

In fact, both investors and local governments and people have high hopes for WestPort, because Westport originally had excellent location advantages, and has rich marine resources, and the style of the island is even more beautiful.

How much damage does the frequent vicious incidents do to Cambodia's Westport?

However, due to the influx of gambling, which has spawned an unhealthy economic development, it is extremely difficult for the current Westport to transform.

Some of the forces involved in organized crime, gambling, and narcotics that remain in Xigang have also been constantly reducing their living space because of their continuous crackdowns. As a result, some criminals have begun to take risks and embark on the road of kidnapping, trafficking in human beings, and shooting and killing compatriots.

How much damage does the frequent vicious incidents do to Cambodia's Westport?

The transformation of Westport is actually a process of continuous game between all parties, obviously, the negative forces are more prominent and arrogant, and even some have no fear.

If the vicious incident cannot be effectively combated, then the damage to Westport will continue. #柬埔寨 #

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