
"Tomorrow's War" was a hit, and "Slag Slag Hui" actually played a big villain this time. Zhang Jiahui's characters seem to be this kind of paranoid, whether it is "Tianya Doctor" or "Macau Storm"

author:Maomao likes to watch movies

"Tomorrow's War" was a hit, and "Slag Slag Hui" actually played a big villain this time.

Zhang Jiahui's role seems to be this kind of paranoid, whether it is "Tianya Doctor" or "Macau Storm", good people or bad people, good is also good and thorough, bad is also a road to black.

Just like Li Sheng this time. He devoted his life to the cause of "Tianmu" in order to isolate harmful gases from the human world. However, it did not agree with the other side led by Tan Bing, and the two sides secretly competed, and finally Tan Bing's genetic modification plan won.

He failed, did not wait for others to taunt him and interrogate him, nor did he insist on reforming the canopy to do better, but a gunshot suddenly sounded in the office, and he used suicide to tell the world: I am the canopy, and the canopy is me!

It's really paranoid to the bone.

However, the special effects of ten years of grinding a sword are really speechless, which is the cost that Gu Tianle is proud of. There is a clip of Liu Qingyun wrestling with these monsters that are a bit like frogs and a bit like Pippi shrimp on the ruins of the hospital, the monsters are desperately pulling the car on the verge of falling off the ruins, and the two frog legs are pedaling hard on the edge of the ruins, and I laughed out loud in my seat at the time: This anthropomorphic special effect condenses the damned desire of the ancient principal to win and lose, and to do it at any cost is the best [China Praise] #电影明日战记 #

"Tomorrow's War" was a hit, and "Slag Slag Hui" actually played a big villain this time. Zhang Jiahui's characters seem to be this kind of paranoid, whether it is "Tianya Doctor" or "Macau Storm"
"Tomorrow's War" was a hit, and "Slag Slag Hui" actually played a big villain this time. Zhang Jiahui's characters seem to be this kind of paranoid, whether it is "Tianya Doctor" or "Macau Storm"
"Tomorrow's War" was a hit, and "Slag Slag Hui" actually played a big villain this time. Zhang Jiahui's characters seem to be this kind of paranoid, whether it is "Tianya Doctor" or "Macau Storm"

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