
More terrible than laziness is ineffective effort - Liu Yuanyuan's counterattack lesson (1)

author:Tuk Chi

It is often said that the harder you work, the luckier you get. This sentence has become a maxim and belief that many people who chase their dreams use to motivate themselves on the road to success, as if as long as they choose a direction, pay sweat and effort, they can seize the opportunity and realize the leap and value of life.

However, you will find that you work overtime endlessly, constantly beating yourself chicken blood, busy year after year, the goal is still very far away, and life is not improving.

At this time, are you full of doubts about yourself: am I not positive enough to seize the opportunity in time? Am I not good enough, not working hard enough, so that life always hovers in the trough? Why do I get busy every day and get nothing out of it?

Those who will work hard, what is the secret of their success?

Liu Yuanyuan, who came from the grassroots, in middle school, her grades were at the tail of the grade crane, and she was not admitted to the ideal university in the college entrance examination, in order to realize her dream, she studied and analyzed the successful experience of the scholars, explored the law of success, constantly tried and corrected mistakes, and finally cultivated herself from "scum" to Peking University "xueba", from a speech xiaobai to a national speech competition champion.

After the successful counterattack, she summed up in detail the methods and practice cases she had verified on the road of struggle, and collected them in the book "Accurate Efforts, Liu Yuanyuan's Counterattack Lessons", for people with low starting points but want to achieve life counterattack, the methods in the book are easy and practical, easy to operate, and are magic weapons that can help you achieve subversive changes.

Next, let's take a step-by-step look at how Xueba can achieve counterattack.

More terrible than laziness is ineffective effort - Liu Yuanyuan's counterattack lesson (1)

"Precise Effort, Liu Yuanyuan's Counterattack Lesson"

First, what kind of effort is accurate effort

First, you need to be clear about what your goals are.

For example, if you say, "I'm going to successfully land this year," is that a goal? I tell you, no, it's just your desire, because the goal is to have enforceability and metrics.

The admission score of the institution you want to test in previous years is about what, how many points you have to achieve in each subject of professional courses and public courses before you can pass, and what kind of efforts you will have to make to achieve it. It's all set and your desires can be your goals.

That is to say, no matter what you want to achieve, you must have "self-knowledge", simply put: know the rhythm and speed of your own work, and have a good idea of how to achieve your goals.

Second, you also need to know clearly what is the most important thing for you at the moment. Because many times, the reason why the goal is not achieved is that there are too many goals. Not everything is the most worthwhile thing to do at the moment.

When Liu Yuanyuan went to participate in the competition of "Super Speaker", she found that no matter whether it was hairstyle, dress, speech aura or speech content, none of them were right. What to do? Do you change it slowly, or do you choose a few to change quickly?

After calming down and analyzing, she thought that changing the content of the speech might be the most effective, so she focused on how to make the speech more exciting, did not grasp the confusion, and sure enough, she achieved good results.

Therefore, if you want to do a lot of things at a time, you must calm down and think about it, and then focus on where is the most effective, grasp the key links, in order to achieve greater returns with less investment.

Such an effort is a precise effort.

More terrible than laziness is ineffective effort - Liu Yuanyuan's counterattack lesson (1)

Liu Yuanyuan

Second, set accurate and feasible goals

First of all, we must first do a good job of self-positioning, determine what we can do, and know where the direction of our efforts is.

Many times, there are often three reasons why we can't accomplish our goals:

A. Don't know what you're going to do.

B. No concept of time.

C. Lack of understanding of one's own ability to execute and the direction of efforts.

There are many people who have no bottom in their hearts about what they are going to do. Therefore, when setting goals, there is no score.

For example, when a student participates in a reading camp, the reading plan for themselves is to read 30 books during the 35-day training camp. In other words, he has to read almost a book a day. If he knows about reading, he should know that it is almost impossible to read a book in a day if he really reads seriously, unless the books he reads are very thin books, or just browse and do not make any records.

The person who makes such a plan should not read much, he does not understand what he will do, so he has no concept of time, and he does not correctly predict his ability to execute.

There are also some people whose failure is that the direction of his efforts was wrong at the beginning. People's energy and time are limited, and it is important to allocate and invest their time and energy in what direction, not just insist on investing.

The author has an alumnus, the results are not the best in the class, but he was successfully admitted to Peking University during the college entrance examination. Because he is a poor student counterattack, time is not enough, and energy is not allowed. He resolutely gave up spending time drilling the last big problem in mathematics, and asked himself to do a good job in the previous basic problems and not make a little mistake. His math college entrance exam score of 140 is the lowest error rate in the class.

He can realize his Peking University dream, that is, the direction and strategy of his efforts are correct. Sometimes, learning to make trade-offs is what really happens.

A person who does not know what he can do, does not know where he takes the road, then every step he takes is confused and painful. In fact, the effort full of hope is not hard, the real hard work is hopeless persistence. Therefore, it is important to do a good job of self-positioning.

Second, it is necessary to set feasible goals in advance.

There are many growing pains, one of which is that you will find that whether it is study, work or life, there are often many things lined up for you to solve. Confused, what should you do?

The author teaches us four ways to develop feasible goals:

1. Select the target and find out the most important and critical to complete in advance.

Many people are full of confidence when they start to set goals, want to do everything, want to lose weight, want to work out, want to read, want to go to graduate school, want to learn English, and so on, and so on. In fact, you don't have as much time as you think, and your energy is limited. If you push forward with everything you want to do, the result is that you can't do anything well. Therefore, when customizing the plan, it is necessary to make the plan as specific as possible.

For example, when making an annual plan, assign the tasks you want to complete to each month and week of the year, at this time, you will find problems, you can not complete so many things in a time period, then you have to cut some relatively less important goals.

After screening, we leave the important things behind, for a period of time, and we just need to concentrate on completing a goal.

Therefore, when there are many tasks to be completed, it is necessary to select goals, the goals should be small, and they should be unified with each other and not conflict.

2, by decomposing the goal, see if the goal can be achieved

In our daily lives, in order to motivate ourselves to achieve our goals, we often cheer ourselves up by reading some inspirational books and posting some inspirational slogans, yes, these books and slogans will make you full of enthusiasm and motivation. But, over time, you look at the slogan, think about the contents of the book, and feel inspired, in fact, you have done nothing, you have not done anything at all.

So, the best thing to do is to list the key results to be achieved at each stage of achieving the goal. For example, I want to achieve the goal of losing 10 pounds in three months. So, I'm going to list the things I'm going to do to achieve this goal in several steps: month 1, lose 5 pounds; Month 2, lose 3 pounds; In the 3rd month, lose another 2 pounds.

If I want to complete the goal of each month, I must pay attention to the daily diet and daily exercise, and do a good job of monitoring. In this way, I can clearly see whether the goal I set is reasonable, whether it can be achieved, and if not, find out the gap with the goal and make adjustments. And as long as I do the results every month, my goal will be achieved.

In this way, by decomposing the goal, we can clearly see the process of achieving the goal, and we can also make adjustments in time according to the situation. The goal that comes out of this is the really feasible goal.

3, do not set too long-term goals

Why don't you aim too far ahead? Because, the longer the goal, the greater the probability of deviation, and the more difficult it is to complete. Psychologists have done experiments to verify it.

For example, the leader assigns two tasks, one requires the results to be delivered within one month, and the other tasks are handed in after one year. The results we see are often as follows: the results of the tasks completed within one month are highly consistent with the requirements of the leadership, while the results handed over after one year have deviated from the original requirements of the leaders.

This is because the goal is too far away, people need to complete the task of their own conditions, the leader's requirements for the task will become blurred, and the psychology will easily become lax, so the realization of the plan may deviate from the original assumption of the result.

Therefore, if you want to achieve the desired effect of goal execution, do not set the goal too long-term.

4. Set goals with a sense of ceremony

In daily life, people encounter specific anniversaries to celebrate warmly, join the regiment to solemnly take an oath, and the school regularly holds flag-raising ceremonies every Monday, which will enhance everyone's attachment and loyalty to the organization. Similarly, when we set goals and tasks, we also pay attention to the sense of ceremony, so it is also possible to enhance the loyalty of ourselves and our team members to the goal, and everyone will also regard the goal of the ritual as more important.

There is an indescribable and delicate relationship between ritual and loyalty. Setting goals with a sense of ceremony can also make them more emotionally feasible.

Write at the end:

The learning of the bully is a clear goal, the efforts they make, are accurate and effective, understand this, you still feel that ordinary and hard work, want to accelerate their own growth, as long as toward the goal, buried in hard work, a strong rush forward is enough? What mines have you stepped on and what pits have you stepped on on the road to your dreams? Feel free to leave a comment below the comments section.

More terrible than laziness is ineffective effort - Liu Yuanyuan's counterattack lesson (1)

Liu Yuanyuan

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