
In the battlefield where there was no smoke of gunfire, some people in Taiwan repeated their old tricks, dressed Up Taiwan as victims, and claimed to have described the mainland as an evil person! Pretend to be wronged! The Taiwan authorities act as a family thief within the ghost, with beauty

author:Poetry fairy dreams

In the battlefield where there was no smoke of gunfire, some people in Taiwan repeated their old tricks, dressed Up Taiwan as victims, and claimed to have described the mainland as an evil person! Pretend to be wronged!

As a family thief and a ghost, the Taiwan authorities colluded with the United States, which caused Pelosi to visit, seriously challenged the one-China principle, and caused the situation in the Taiwan Strait to escalate! The Taiwan authorities are the perpetrators, not the victims! Yimei is the culprit!

When Taiwan independence activist Su Zhenchang participated in an event in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, on August 7, he claimed that Chinese mainland should not use his military strength to show off his muscles everywhere and use military actions arbitrarily, and the victims were not only Taiwan, but also the surrounding areas were also protesting loudly!

In Su Zhenchang's mouth, Taiwan has become a victim! Reversing black and white is the housekeeping skill of some politicians in Taiwan!

One moment pretending to be tough, the other pretending to be pitiful. Pretending to be tough is to continue to deceive on the island. Pretending to be pitiful is to ask for help from the American master and little brother, to pray for help!

G7, the EU issued a statement, in the mainland's view is "a piece of waste paper", Taiwan seems to be a treasure, like a chicken blood.

Taiwan, the "victim," will be full of vigor once he is cheered up by the United States! Shout to the mainland!

No thief can't attract ghosts. Taiwan independence is not a victim, not an innocent person, and it is necessary to be responsible for causing trouble and pay a price!

After deliberately seeking independence and deliberately provoking, pretend to be a victim! How shameless! Shame on you! Shameless! Shame on you!

See clearly the true face of Taiwan independence, take strong measures, and throw a heavy fist so that there is no market for Taiwan independence! Sweep those demons, ghosts, cows, ghosts, snakes and gods into the garbage heap of history! Those farces should be over! Get down there!

In the battlefield where there was no smoke of gunfire, some people in Taiwan repeated their old tricks, dressed Up Taiwan as victims, and claimed to have described the mainland as an evil person! Pretend to be wronged! The Taiwan authorities act as a family thief within the ghost, with beauty
In the battlefield where there was no smoke of gunfire, some people in Taiwan repeated their old tricks, dressed Up Taiwan as victims, and claimed to have described the mainland as an evil person! Pretend to be wronged! The Taiwan authorities act as a family thief within the ghost, with beauty
In the battlefield where there was no smoke of gunfire, some people in Taiwan repeated their old tricks, dressed Up Taiwan as victims, and claimed to have described the mainland as an evil person! Pretend to be wronged! The Taiwan authorities act as a family thief within the ghost, with beauty

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