
76-year-old Kaohsiung foraged for food with his wife in a restaurant! The elderly who become addicted to the Internet play with their mobile phones happily, and they also turn on the external discharge and receive electricity

author:The minibus said entertainment

In the vast starry sky of film and television, the name of Kaohsiung is like a bright star, shining brightly. This veteran actor, whose real name is He Yaoshen, has had a love and yearning for martial arts since he was a child. In 1968, he embarked on the journey of the Shaw Brothers stunt training class, thus opening his brilliant chapter in the entertainment industry. Today, the 76-year-old artist has gone through 56 years of acting career, creating one classic role after another, leaving countless unforgettable moments.

Kaohsiung's acting career was not all smooth sailing, but with his persistent pursuit of art and unremitting efforts, he finally won the love and respect of the audience. His performance style is unique, perfectly integrating martial arts and acting skills, creating characters that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In particular, the image of the costume hero he played has become a classic in the hearts of a generation.

76-year-old Kaohsiung foraged for food with his wife in a restaurant! The elderly who become addicted to the Internet play with their mobile phones happily, and they also turn on the external discharge and receive electricity

In addition to career success, Kaohsiung has also gained a beautiful love. He and his wife Chen Yongxia met at a martial arts school, and the two pursued their dreams of acting and martial arts together. Chen Yongxia is also a well-known martial arts instructor in the industry, and her talent and beauty are fascinating. The two have gone through decades of ups and downs hand in hand, and have witnessed each other's growth and glory together.

In order to give the next generation a better education, Kaohsiung decided to move his family to Vancouver in 1996. There, he lived a quiet retirement and faded out of public view. However, despite being away from the hustle and bustle of showbiz, he still maintains his love and attention to art. Occasionally, he will be invited to participate in some film and television works, so that the audience can feel his unique charm again.

76-year-old Kaohsiung foraged for food with his wife in a restaurant! The elderly who become addicted to the Internet play with their mobile phones happily, and they also turn on the external discharge and receive electricity

Recently, by chance, the reporter met the Kaohsiung couple in a warm small restaurant. They sat around with a few friends, chatting and laughing, enjoying this rare leisure time. Although the two old men are over 70 years old, their mental state is still very good, and their gestures reveal a kind of calmness and elegance.

During the conversation, Kaohsiung shared his life anecdotes and insights from time to time. His voice is loud and powerful, full of love and passion for life. The reporter noticed that the phone case he used was a retro clamshell style, which was both practical and full of personality. This detail gives the reporter a sense of his unique taste and aesthetic.

76-year-old Kaohsiung foraged for food with his wife in a restaurant! The elderly who become addicted to the Internet play with their mobile phones happily, and they also turn on the external discharge and receive electricity

As it got late, the Kaohsiung couple prepared to leave the restaurant. They said goodbye and shook hands with their friends, then slowly walked out of the restaurant. In the afterglow of the setting sun, their figures gradually faded away, leaving a good memory. Although this veteran actor has gone through the road of acting for most of his life, his charm and style are still the same. He used his talent and passion to interpret the true meaning of art, and became an indispensable part of the Chinese film and television industry.

As the afterglow of the setting sun fades, night falls quietly in Vancouver. The figures of the Kaohsiung couple faded into the darkness of the night, but their laughter and conversation still seemed to echo in the air. Back at home, Kaohsiung sat in front of the window, looking at the starry sky outside the window, and fell into deep thought.

76-year-old Kaohsiung foraged for food with his wife in a restaurant! The elderly who become addicted to the Internet play with their mobile phones happily, and they also turn on the external discharge and receive electricity

His mind drifted back to his youthful years, when he moved forward with a love for martial arts and acting. In Shaw Brothers' stunt training class, he has honed his skills and gradually developed into a skilled actor. Every performance, every role is created, he has worked hard and sweat in exchange. He knows that as an actor, you must constantly challenge yourself in order to constantly push your limits.

Looking back on the past, Kaohsiung's heart is full of emotion. He has witnessed the prosperity and changes of Chinese film and television, and has also experienced the ups and downs of his career. But he always firmly believes that as long as he maintains his love and pursuit of art, he can go further on the road of acting.

76-year-old Kaohsiung foraged for food with his wife in a restaurant! The elderly who become addicted to the Internet play with their mobile phones happily, and they also turn on the external discharge and receive electricity

Now, although it has faded out of public view, Kaohsiung has not given up his love for acting. He still pays attention to the dynamics of the film and television industry, and often gets together with some old friends to share each other's recent situation and experience. In his heart, acting is not only a profession, but also a belief and pursuit.

In addition to his love for acting, Kaohsiung also pays great attention to family life. He and his wife Chen Yongxia have always had a good relationship, the two support each other and have experienced the ups and downs of life together. They have a son and a daughter, both of whom have grown up and have their own careers and lives. In the eyes of the Kaohsiung couple, family is their most solid backing and their warmest harbor.

76-year-old Kaohsiung foraged for food with his wife in a restaurant! The elderly who become addicted to the Internet play with their mobile phones happily, and they also turn on the external discharge and receive electricity

In Vancouver's life, the Kaohsiung couple had a very comfortable life. They love to wander the streets and alleys of the city and feel the peace and beauty of the city. They also often participate in some community activities and cultural exchanges, and have established deep friendships with local residents. Here, they found their own world and felt the true meaning of life.

However, for Kaohsiung, he has never been able to give up his love for acting. Whenever there is a suitable opportunity, he will not hesitate to accept the invitation to participate in some film and television works. Although he is over seventy years old, his acting skills and charm are still the same. His performances always surprise and move the audience, making people feel the charm and style of this veteran actor again.

Recently, Kaohsiung received an invitation to a mainland film. This movie tells the legendary story of an old martial artist, which is similar to Kaohsiung's acting experience. He accepted the invitation without hesitation and began intense filming work. On set, he got along well with the rest of the cast and crew, putting in their hearts and sweat for the film. Although the filming process was hard and difficult, Kaohsiung felt extremely fulfilled and satisfied.

As the filming of the film gradually came to an end, Kaohsiung's acting career once again ushered in a new chapter. He believes that as long as he maintains his love and pursuit of art, he can go further on the road of acting. And he will continue to interpret the true meaning of art with his talent and enthusiasm, and contribute to the development of the Chinese film and television industry. We look forward to seeing more wonderful works and performances from Kaohsiung in the coming days.

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