
How to raise the hanging admiralty? More light, more fertilization, summer shade, avoid strong light exposure

author:Sunny gardening

If you want to raise a pot of small flowers on the balcony of your home, what kind of plants can be placed on the indoor balcony for maintenance? There are many choices of indoor flowers, such as the most popular longevity flowers at the moment, most people will choose longevity flowers, which is very easy to maintain, the survival rate is very high, the flowering cycle is also very long, in addition, geraniums, crab claw orchids can be maintained on the indoor balcony.

How to raise the hanging admiralty? More light, more fertilization, summer shade, avoid strong light exposure

For some plants that can often be seen, it is too common, I suggest that you can choose to hang the golden bell, which is also one of the flowering plants, from summer to autumn is its flowering period, the flowering time is also very long, after opening a stubble, it will open again, and the maintenance period is nothing more than basking in the sun, watering and fertilizing.

How to raise the hanging admiralty? More light, more fertilization, summer shade, avoid strong light exposure

Hanging Admiralty north and south areas can be maintained in the indoor balcony, not limited by the region, the northern region must be indoor winter, as long as the indoor temperature is not less than minus 5 degrees, hanging Admiralty can safely spend the winter, the remaining three seasons, can be placed on the indoor sun, can also be placed on the outdoor terrace.

How to raise the hanging admiralty? More light, more fertilization, summer shade, avoid strong light exposure

Online sale of hanging admiralty a seedling is only about a few dollars, three or five dollars can be bought, the price is very low, and is still the price of free shipping, buy home to prepare a smaller pot, spare good nutrient soil for raising flowers or humus soil, both kinds of soil can be planted, remember not to use loess planting.

How to raise the hanging admiralty? More light, more fertilization, summer shade, avoid strong light exposure

Summer can also be purchased, buy home directly on the pot planting, watering, do not bask in the sun, put at home to ease the time of two weeks, followed by, placed on the south-facing balcony, give sufficient sunshine, will soon take root and grow, the early stage with small pots to plant, the later root system long to buy a pot can use large pots.

How to raise the hanging admiralty? More light, more fertilization, summer shade, avoid strong light exposure

Hanging the golden bell during the seedling period, do not require too many petals to bloom, grow naturally, maintain at home for 2 to 3 months, after three months can add a small amount of slow-release fertilizer particles, while increasing watering, keep the flower soil moist, seedlings can grow soon, before entering the winter, you can still bloom again.

How to raise the hanging admiralty? More light, more fertilization, summer shade, avoid strong light exposure

The growing season of hanging admiralty is mainly concentrated in the spring, more fertilization in the spring, more watering, more sun, can accelerate its side branch growth, the more side branches grow, the later flowering more, do not worry about raising flowers, put on the balcony slowly grow, the flowers during the seedling period, in the first year of flowering are very few, at least until the spring of the second year, in order to achieve a bursting effect.

How to raise the hanging admiralty? More light, more fertilization, summer shade, avoid strong light exposure

In addition, the indoor balcony maintenance hanging admiralty, no need for shade, outdoor open-air maintenance, summer is to shade, the temperature is too high, will sunburn the leaves, the petals that bloom will persist for two days at most, the high temperature accelerates the evaporation of water, the flowering period will be shortened, placed in a cool place for maintenance, flowering time will be longer.

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